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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. This is 100% true here. We have gone back to exams but for some reason we're not calling them exams but "Invigilated, in-person assessments".
  2. I have a cohort of pisspoor students. I mean, awful. I'm sending them into an exam hall with pen and paper. It'll be carnage. But I am sick to death of assessing how good someone is at googling an answer.
  3. The Turnitin tool designed to catch this gets too many false positives. We don't use it. Thankfully things like Chat GPT are so full of bugs that they can be spotted. References in particular are a weakness there.
  4. I was in a hearing this morning, and the student's defence was "I didn't paraphrase enough". Er, no. That wasn't the issue at all.
  5. Confront him, then report back if it resulted in a doing.
  6. Mine Rescue with Freddy and Juan. Same every week, and joyous.
  7. @When Reallity Kicks In red dotted this post. For the life of me I cannot see why. Any explanation, chief?
  8. Been persisting with Torchwood. Second half of series 1 and first half of series 2 were actually good. Second half of series 2 and they are out of ideas. Kill the show please. Now, starting children of earth. Weird. Cush Jumbo is always welcome...Peter Capaldi??
  9. Where I come from, we call that a Full House
  10. Head to Paramount Plus. Watch Subspace Rhapsody. You'll smile for days.
  11. It's that time again...disciplinaries! One guy made so many mistakes when having an essay mill write his dissertation for him, it was unreal. For instance, writing a draft results chapter and sending it to his supervisor...a week before gathering any data. Leaving the name of the essay mill in the file, and on the file metadata. Producing three whole chapters in a single afternoon. In hearings all week, on and off.
  12. If ever there was a time to fake Tourette's syndrome, it is now.
  13. No idea why, but my first thought was that this is a water cannon being aimed at the players.
  14. She has backed out. I said to Scott, why don't you just take her? I can go another time. But no, she's apparently gone off the idea of the film altogether. Thank God. That would have been cringeworthy.
  15. We work at the same place. And we have a routine - I drive, and she has her music on in the mornings, and on the way home I get some decent tunes on. This morning, dropping her off outside her building, loads of people milling about including a few folk I know. She is exiting the car and all the bystanders hear is Steps blaring out of the speakers of my car, with me in the driving seat. Absolute beamer.
  16. I was recently on an interview panel. People applying for jobs as Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors. The number of people who used comic sans as the font for their CVs is really surprising.
  17. Oh no, leave me out of this! The only knowledge I have here is a couple of posters on here who claim to know students with OnlyFans accounts.
  18. Head over to the Daily Heil. The same story but with added Compo Face https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12407929/Ryanair-charges-elderly-couple-110-boarding-pass-mix-up.html
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