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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Nobody gets tips more than a prostitute working in a leper colony.
  2. The Meg 2 Utter nonsense from start to finish. Complete suspension of disbelief needed. 2 dimensional characters you don't care about. Not even sure how many were in the first one. I really enjoyed it.
  3. Tickets booked for cinema showings of Batman (1989), The Dark Knight and Jurassic Park. Think I'll skip the extended version of Return of the King. 4 and a half hours.
  4. The Two Doctors The last outing for Patrick Troughton. Enjoyable story written by Robert Holmes, but a few drawbacks. Troughton himself isn't in the first two episodes very much, and he looks very old and Ill here. But in episode 3 he comes good, with more lines and some stuff to do. By the end I was rooting for Shockeye to find, cook and eat a human. Peri is a good companion but I wish Colin Baker would stop snapping at her and effectively calling her stupid. And, for no reason, we'll have her walking about in a bra for a few minutes.
  5. Band of Brothers is also based on a book. I read it many years ago, and is really interesting to compare to the show. Sobel (David Schwimmer) killed himself in the 50s,not mentioned in the show.
  6. Now I have the Smokie song of the same name stuck in my head.
  7. Mark of the Rani. A bit dull, this one. The real drag was the Master showing up yet again. He wasn't the main baddie and generally just got in the way. I am getting a bit tired of Anthony Ainley's version. Just lacks the menace and the charm of other actors who played the role. The Rani herself wasn't too bad.
  8. My step daughter is doing this. Her eldest is "waiting on his diagnosis". The symptoms? Meltdowns at school, getting obsessed with some of his toys, and having trouble getting to sleep. Nowt to do with her utterly pish parenting, and the dad of her kids being a complete waste of space.
  9. Bernie was right. Sprinklers at all tracks now please.
  10. f**k it, I'm finishing early. Spent the last 3 hours building up a plagiarism case in a dissertation. Crafty bugger thought his low Turnitin score would get past me. But one word in one sentence struck me as odd, and got me hunting. Copied and paraphrased screeds of stuff from 3 papers. Paperwork in.
  11. I'm still not all that keen on left handed people being given equal status. They are, literally, sinister.
  12. I've just got one of those Humpty Dumpty toys from Aldi for my grandson. It's brilliant. It comes with Aldi King's horse's and Aldi King's men
  13. Vengeance on Varos. I really enjoyed this one. Good cast, good characters. The story was engaging. Going in to the Colin Baker era I was prepared for the worst...but so far this has been alright.
  14. I was in the car with my brother. I stopped, he got out to nip into the shop. My phone went and Jim Farry was offering me the job of President of the SFA. Good money, but I had to marry an African princess. I told him I couldn't, but my brother would be perfect for the job. I hang up. He then gets in the car with the great news he has been offered a job with the SFA. Pays £330,000 a year. I was driving, all pleased with myself that I helped get him this job.
  15. Been there (literally). There's a huge overflow carpark but means a 5 minute walk. Loads of lazy fuckers never go there. I took my dad to Forth Valley in February. My mum's car had the blue badge but no spaces in the disabled bay. She parked a bit further down the car park, and I got a wheelchair to wheel him to the front door. I was wheeling him past the disabled spaces and he had to stop as he was feeling sick. Two young nurses were standing having a coffee. One of them kindly said "I have something in my car" to help. It was an empty cup he could spit in to. The car? Parked in a disabled space, no blue badge. Presumably the car would be there for her whole shift.
  16. Attack of the Cybermen Quite enjoyable story with Colin Baker. I was expecting all his to be awful but this was not bad at all. It's all relative. This was the mid-80s and is still a long way off the mid-60s or mid-70s DW. Peri is a massive improvement on poor Peter Davison's carnival of dross companions.
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