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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. By now you'll have forgotten everything about this book. They're like chewing gum - instantly gone as soon as you finish the last bit.
  2. The Abominable Snowmen Giant hairy scrotums running up and down the hillside, terrifying the monastery. Each contains silver balls that give them their power. Some vague reference at the end to the Great Intelligence also. A bit nonsense but enjoyable nonetheless.
  3. It's threads like this where Wokesoft is missed the most. He'd have been all over this thread, telling us what he would do if he was the head of the BBC, or the Director of Channel 4. Most likely involving publicly shouting at Brand in front of all the other employees so they knew it wouldn't be tolerated. Then, a few pages later, telling us that he's innocent until proven guilty and deserves a fair hearing.
  4. Hold on, a wee clarification needed. Has the wife been serviced yearly by the dealership, or the car?
  5. The Faceless Ones [animated] Not a bad story, all set in the horrific setting of Gatwick Airport. I guessed that Ben and Polly would be leaving as they vanished in episode 2. The Doctor and Jamie carried the rest easily. At the end they decided to leave - hey ho. I'll miss Polly but Ben isn't much of a loss. He became a bit of a whinger. Evil of the Daleks (animated) Oh dear. A mess of a story. The animation was markedly different (and poorer) than The Faceless Ones. The Daleks are back to being unscary and having some nonsense evil plan about "the human factor" and "the Dalek factor". Did not enjoy this one.
  6. No. If you've been @RH33ied, you've not been drunk.
  7. A helicopter overhead will capture the moment in Paisley when the polis raid the house with the big hot tub, live on national TV.
  8. I remember watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at a cinema in Sweden. Half an hour in and only 5 folk were left. Everyone else walked out. Loved that book, too
  9. Not the SPFL, so breaking the rules of the thread - but I wasn't sure where else to put this. Student, 22, who has never played football is signed to Czech club and made captain - after his father paid £17,500
  10. GSTK doubling as the English and British anthem means, for me, it deserves to get booed. If you're Scottish, how can it be right that at one event this is the national anthem of the opposing team, and at another event it is yours? It isn't disrespectful to boo GSTK - it's disrespectful for it to be used as the de facto British anthem for things like the Olympics. It really does say that England are first among equals in this union.
  11. Great British Swimming Pools with Michael Barrymore
  12. This would be more effective with a photo of you standing next to a petrol station looking glum.
  13. A Clockwork Orange. It's also where I first saw The Godfather.
  14. I first saw the film at the MacBob in Stirling. Great to see it in the cinema. Excellent film.
  15. We've been in a permanent revolution for about 5 years with every single IT system we use being changed. And every new system is worse than the one that came before. Take annual reviews. Used to be a paper form and a meeting. Now it's managed through ERP (shudder). The guidance on how to do this in ERP is 22 pages long.
  16. Flock of Ships by Brian Callison Brilliant World War 2 naval adventure. One of the best I've ever read. Just relentless tension and action.
  17. I was thinking more of the brutal, brutal final ending. They'd never get away with that now - a companion (even a short lived one) being aged to death and turning to dust. It was creepy, even in still shots with the sound effects.
  18. I found a packet of quavers in my loft that were 4 years out of date. Scott manned up and tried them. They were chewy, very tough. Almost indestructible. But he managed to finish the bag. Don't think I've ever had a prouder moment as a parent.
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