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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Being fair, he was rough as f**k when he called me on Teams today
  2. I just loved the escalation. Complained in the branch. No joy. Phoned the customer helpline. No joy. Phoned 999. No joy. Phoned the papers. Compo face.
  3. 'I could have been dead': Man's anger after suspicious rucksack left in Lloyds branch
  4. Is this the quality of your essay writing service?
  5. I was on a Teams call this morning with a few people. I'd said beforehand that when it was finished I'd stay on the call with one guy to discuss something else. The meeting ended quite early, everyone said goodbye and left the call leaving me and one colleague looking at each other over our laptops. I said to the colleague about the previous meeting "well, that was quick and painless" And in what seemed like a booming voice, my wife (who assumed the call had ended completely) said "Yeah, just like our sex life" and started laughing. When she realised that I was still in a call, was she contrite? Nope - laughed even more.
  6. The Prof has Covid. Cancelled a class he was having today.
  7. Front page compo face. Surely there should be an award for this? Even if it is the Scum.
  8. I think you need a bespoke power supply. My neighbour bought a new electric car earlier this year and it took a day for the power supply to be sorted so he can park in his driveway and charge it overnight. You can also charge it up at various power points dotted around in car parks and the like.
  9. One of my old lecturers, in the 90s, told us he had been banned from using a laser pointer in class in case he turned and pointed it at students, causing damage. Instead they gave him an 8 foot long stick to point at the overhead. As he explained, with this he could probably do more damage to the front few rows than he could with a laser pointer.
  10. Sounds a wee bit like OCD. A relative of mine suffers from it and has the same anxiety about remote control batteries on furniture.
  11. The Red Wall went Boris in 2019. There's nothing left wing about them, they were all massively Brexit-y
  12. ...and that's how it ended up there
  13. This is kind of what I'm saying. The money and security is terrible in the grand scheme of things. The players must love playing and love the game, and if they find a home/manager they like it must make a huge difference.
  14. I still find it amazing that professional footballers in lower leagues can survive on the money they get. Their contracts are insecure to say the least, they might end up having to move house/town every year or every other year. And fans always want the clubs to pay them the absolute bare minimum. Take the £50 a week here. What's that over a whole year, £2000? (assuming players are contracted until May and not the full year). Minus tax, NI, pension contributions and so on, this really isn't making much of a dent in the player's take home wage. Plus, said player probably had to pay moving costs, rent costs and so on to come to Falkirk. And then, in their mid-30s they are done. Having spent 20 years or so jobbing about from club to club, they now cannot get a job anywhere and have to start over. Only a very small fraction of them go in to coaching/management. Like I said, it isn't a life I'd want for myself - I need the security. For a person to put themselves through this (and having fans analyse every move and criticise every mistake online every week), they must really love to play football.
  15. Never been called up. My mum was a few years ago. Whilst my old man was a serving copper she wasn't allowed to, but within a couple of months of him retiring she was cited.
  16. Yesterday, during my white knuckle ride into work as a passenger, we overtook a van. The driver was sitting with a vape in one hand, and two screens in front of him. One was a sat nav, the other was his mobile phone. He was on a Zoom call. All whilst driving at 70ish on the motorway.
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