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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I'll raise you. When Covid struck, the uni emptied and switched off all the vending machines here. Last year they turned back on about a quarter of them. If I want vending machine crisps, I have to walk for about 10 minutes past a whole row of empty machines to find a machine that is stocked. And it's the one nearest the shop.
  2. This gets reheated every few years as it always gets a favourable press. But in the end, bringing back National Service is like bringing back Crossroads. If it was really that good, they would never have done away with it in the first place.
  3. They're called tomahawk steaks because, having been oven-cooked, they are so tough you need an axe to cut them.
  4. He has one sleeve tattoo. Can anyone remind me if this is cause for celebration, or The Fear?
  5. Mercedes doubling down on the Dream Team https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/aug/31/lewis-hamilton-commits-future-to-mercedes-until-2025-with-new-deal-f1 Any forecasts on how this will go?
  6. It's been a couple of weeks now, so it has settled in. But I still like the old thread title better.
  7. A session musician on one album and tour, but the article reads like he and Mark Knopfler were both main guitarists for the band.
  8. This consensus of a Falkirk win has got me jittery.
  9. I recently read an Edward Gross book about how they made the Bond films. It essentially starts with Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli sitting down and asking each other where they'd like to go on holiday. Take Skyfall as an example. the conversation was basically "We've not been to Asia for a bit. Let's do something there". So we have part of the film set in Shanghai.
  10. Revelation of the Daleks. What was that all about? Complete jibberish storyline. Something about a funeral director and his assistant? Davros is back with Emperor Palpatine powers but then goes off meekly with some Daleks. The story was not well explained, the direction was shoddy. Just poor from start to finish. Alexei Sayle pretending to be an American DJ is just about the worst thing I have ever seen in Doctor Who, and I watched Love and Monsters. And Colin Baker is getting worse. I thought that as the series went on he'd get a bit less abrasive, but no. He's getting worse.
  11. My dad was one, and my brother is one. One of my mates is a funeral director and he is one as well. He tells me that he has loads and loads of cases given to him by the family members of masons. Membership is falling so when old guys die, the families are left with all kinds of stuff they don't know what to do with. They give it to him and it ends up stacked with all the rest. It really is dying out. One thing my brother found interesting - when my dad died he got all his masonic stuff. Looking through it, there was stuff from the lodges in Egypt during WWII that my grandfather was a member of.
  12. Should be allegiance to the Lodge first, King second.
  13. Don't worry about it. If you've seen the last half hour of Inglorious Basterds, it's virtually the same.
  14. No - during semester I can't take holidays. So, for 12 weeks I'll have to go through the drudge of work.
  15. Having enjoyed Monday and Tuesday off work, I have decided to take Friday off as well. Then that's me locked in until Christmas.
  16. More recently, Leisure Suit Larry...
  17. For me, the data is the thing that has been politicised from day one here. We were in the situation last year where alcohol related deaths rose, but the report title was listing numbers of lives saved by MUP. It's a very odd place to be and, as a scientist in my day job, I find this really bizarre. The data is very, very noisy, especially since the pandemic. But because the rate rose ever so slightly faster in northern England (where there is no MUP) compared to Scotland, it's being sold as a success. The Scottish government had MUP written onto one of the steps at Holyrood as one of the Government's successful policies less than a year after it was introduced. The fact it, it was deemed a success before it even launched. The government isn't willing to turn round now and say it was wrong. And, on the true hardcore alcoholics, the data shows that MUP has been really harmful to them. If they just cannot live without drink, they'll do without food and without heating. Make booze more expensive? Something else gets cut out, but not the drink.
  18. Timelash Having sat through Colin Baker's first few stories and found them not too bad, we're in car crash territory here. Baker's Doctor is just awful in this. Snapping, shouting, grating on people. Totally unrelatable. The story was a mess, sets crap, acting dreadful. Add to that, constant referencing to when Jon Pertwee's Doctor was on the planet with Jo Grant. Having puzzled myself all the way through thinking what story this might have been, an internet search tells me that there was no such episode. For no reason at all they just shoehorned in a picture of Jo and a (terrible) painting of Pertwee.
  19. Way back at the start of this thread, I called it "Prohibition for the Poor". That's just how it feels to me.
  20. Cocker spaniel owner slams Southend Council for grass injuries
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