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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. On crossing the road, I remember being in Copenhagen and approaching a very empty road. There was an old woman waiting at the crossing. I got there, looked both ways, saw no cars at all, and started crossing over. This old wife started screaming abuse at me in Danish. It was like I had kicked a puppy into an electric fan, the way she was going on. I just shrugged and kept going, whilst she waited for permission from the green man.
  2. I'd agree with a lot of this, though a DRS-assisted overtake doesn't have the same status (at least to me) as a non-DRS one. I don't think they'll bring back refuelling on safety grounds. Thinking Massa in Singapore 2008 as an example - they'll never let it back. It would, though, add another element to the strategy. Heavy fuel and a 1-stop versus light fuelling and a 2-stop used to a very interesting aspect of the race, seeing all the strategies play out. Two tyre suppliers can go both ways. I remember the Bridgestone/Michelin battles of the 2000s. There were times when the Michelin tyres were costing the cars half a second a lap. But it could help the sport - imagine a fast tyre with poor durability versus a slow tyre that lasts ages. Adds more elements to the competition.
  3. I was just stating the duration. Over the course of several years the SNP have been the only viable government for Scotland. The other parties are pretty poor in terms of their personnel, offerings and positions. Even now, Sarwar/Ross/Whoever the Lib Dem guy is/Greens don't inspire any confidence.
  4. HP for me. I do have a bottle of "chippy" brown sauce as well but am not as keen on that - it doesn't taste like the one you get in the chippy.
  5. Roll on Lorne? Sure. Square sausage/Lorne is interchangable. Just realised I have no rolls, so lunch will be a square sausage sandwich. With brown sauce.
  6. Bap I understand. We're not in Essex. Roll on square sausage for lunch today, dedicated to you.
  7. The Celestial Toymaker. A good, if somewhat surreal Hartnell offering. He clearly was on holiday for the middle episodes, leaving the companions to do the heavy lifting. Enjoyable. On Torchwood, the second half of the first series seems to have picked up. Dialled back the sex and swearing to make better episodes. The one where they went back in time and met the original Jack Harkness was very good.
  8. You're right. It was brought in because we had years of cars following but unable to pass because the dirty air from the car in front destabilised the aerodynamics. The new rules should eliminate this.
  9. Not really. It's on a par with 2002 and 2004. We occasionally see seasons like this one that are just murder.
  10. In Turin years ago at a conference, and I was sat in a group. There was this older professor there who was a great guy. The meal came and served with various drinks, and he told us all the order in which to drink them. "Always go up in alcohol level, never down". He was a local so we were happy to follow his lead in the food and drink stakes. So, as the meal went by I was getting utterly, utterly pished. Barely able to talk by the end of the meal. So much booze. The next morning, I realised two things. This old professor was matching us drink for drink; and he drove us all back to our hotel in his car. Quite how he managed, I'll never know.
  11. The issue here is folk like me being raised in town where "roll on sausage", "roll on bacon" and so on were common enough phrases, and folk from other towns foaming at the mouth about it.
  12. I just wanted to say I ate well yesterday. Brown sauce on my roll, and i came away with a mix of scotch pies, steak slices, sausage rolls and a big pie for tonight's dinner.
  13. Battle of the boundary hedge: Moment homeowner shoves neighbour using a CHAINSAW to cut huge bush between their properties in long-running feud over who owns the 'ugly' vegetation
  14. My dad used to have one just like that. He must have binned it, though. He had loads and loads of ties when he died but this wasn't among them.
  15. In Tesco today, and the plastic screens separating us from the checkout staff have been removed. I asked why. The checkout girl said "so @ICTChris knows it's over and shuts the thread" Fair enough
  16. That's what I said to folk about my burger with cream cheese. Nobody ever did.
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