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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. My gorgeousness is why I have no points on my license, too.
  2. The point I'm trying to make is that the rest of the show has the same tone and feel as Doctor Who, so it doesn't really work as an adults only show either.
  3. I'm really not getting Torchwood. Has the look and feel of Tennant-era DW, but then the characters turn to each other and start talking about hard-ons, cum and so on. Not exactly something to sit and watch with the kids.
  4. That, and the fact that when the left had control of the party the made a complete and utter cock up of it. Corbyn and his mob were utterly unelectable.
  5. Loved the crossover. As a fan of both shows this was as well made as it could be. Liked the bit at the end where the Enterprise crew was animated and blaming it on the drink
  6. Rhodes fires: Scots tourists sleep on street as blazes spread Mattress on the street? The size of a bouncy castle!
  7. I agree. We've had various roasters on here trotting out all the same old tropes defending the rapist. Minimising the rape, saying "oh they were all drunk so who really knows" and the like. Mods, if you are monitoring this, you really dont want this site associated with views like this, or known as a safe haven for the rape supporters. Not rape apologists. Rape supporters.
  8. Isn't there a mod somewhere that can shut this fucking awful thread down??
  9. Yes, we have things in place for students like this.
  10. If the lecturer is good, it can be managed well. I use lots of breaks, tasks for them to do in groups and so on. I also have tutors who help go round the room and help anyone when I have given them something to work on. In part, this is driving the Prof's plans. The day with him has a bit of lecture, break out rooms, working on a brief, developing something in teams and presenting work. Is that better than showing up for a bog standard lecture every week? Maybe. But it is designed for big classes. Biggest class I ever had was 454 students. But that was during covid, and only 50 were with me in person. The rest were watching online. We don't even have a room big enough for all of them.
  11. I used to take a register. One year I plotted a graph of grades vs attendance. Clear straight line relationship. I still show it to students today. When you have a class of anything over, say, 80 students it becomes a hassle. Getting that many folk to find and sign their names on a sheet of paper takes ages.
  12. 4 hours now. Time to declare it. Death by bawbag.
  13. I've given up after 3 episodes.
  14. I get that. At the same time, if this really is a better learning experience overall, should we ignore it for the odd student who misses a class?
  15. You cannot be serious. The reason this rapist gets so much press is because of what he did. The reason we have threads and threads on this site and elsewhere is because of the seriousness of what he did. Your comment suggests that "many" players have committed acts as serious as, or worse than, the rapist's. I doubt you can back this up. Who are these "many guys"?
  16. Dreamt last night that a TV company tried some innovative broadcasting by having the pundits and commentators sit at their desks which were placed in the centre circle of the match they were watching. The players were going daft because they couldn't use the centre circle. One of the pundits was David Moyes and he was raging. He was arguing that you get a better view from the stands and he couldn't see who was scoring goals.
  17. You could say the same for a student who misses a lecture/tutorial now. The fact is, our attendance is 60-70% only. These folk pay thousands to come and many don't. It is a fair comment; hence why we have so much online also.
  18. Jesus. That started out all nice and easy and turned horrific.
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