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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. She was in an impossible situation, defending the indispensable. Rotten policy
  2. Been watching the original. Explaining to Scott that this was how tv was done in the 70s. One character is a prostitute one week, and a nurse the next. No problemo. A "centon" is a year one episode and a year the next. No worries. The robot dog is actually a monkey covered in carpet off cuts and duct tape. Easy easy. You think you can see the wires but you're wrong.
  3. Whilst I understand the thrust of what you're saying, the key issues are outlined here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/64210632
  4. The original wave was deadly as f**k. If it could bring a strong, vital guy like Boris Johnson to the brink of death, well, it doesn't bear thinking about.
  5. Cheer up l guys! Falkirk are winning, God is in his heaven and all is right with the world
  6. The old board was right. Our ex-players are supermen.
  7. @cb_diamond on here and other threads celebrating the departure of BPM and trying to take credit for it has to be the most desperate thing I have seen in ages on P & B. The guy is obsessed with all things Falkirk.
  8. On the uni work, there is some advice I can offer. First, you are by no means the first student in this situation. So don't feel for a second that you are entering new waters. Having been absent at the first attempt, I'm assuming you have mitigating circumstances or similar? For most unis, this means that the resit is actually the first attempt. But, crucially, if you are still suffering from the circumstances (and it sounds like you do) you should be able to apply again. Should you do this you would be able to take these assessments in the next academic year. If you didn't get an MC first time around, you still can for the resit. The pros of this are that it gives you time and space to work on your own issues, then tackle these assessments at a time when you are better able to. If this is ongoing, you could also apply for a temporary suspension of studies which effectively pauses your studies until you are better. The cons: your graduation is pushed back a year, and some folk find that hard to take, and worry about what to say to people. It's good you are in touch with the counseling service. Also talk to your personal tutor/academic mentor (whatever the term is at your uni). On the dissertation, it's just like eating an elephant. One bite at a time. Don't concern yourself with the size of the finished product. Drop me a PM if you want to discuss any of this further. I know this is more practical advice than emotional support, but I hope it helps.
  9. I was in Glasgow today. A guy with a cart was selling Rangers/Newcastle half and half scarves, and people were buying them.
  10. I was diagnosed with "Golfer's elbow" a couple of months ago. Using exercises and the occasional ibuprofen, managed to get it to calm down. I the midst of a mad flare up just now. Had to get Scott to push the shopping trolley the other day, even that was too much.
  11. Wonder if this is to do with the MAB.
  12. For all clubs, the train coming down the track is the state of the economy, specifically inflation. Fans will spend a bit less on luxuries like going to matches as they need to cut back. And the money going out will jump. Money for everything from bovril to floodlights. And of course players will want wages to rise with inflation too. This, I think, is where the 7% comes from. An extra 7% next year keeps is where we were last year, just about. Clubs in precarious financial positions will be the first to suffer. Reading the statement, we might well be in that boat. The fact is we have for years overspent relative to our position. Each time gambling that this will be the year we go up, and over and over again we have failed. That is unsustainable. Looks like the board realise this. The problem is identified. Not sure a solution is.
  13. As I understand it, and please correct me if I am wrong: A man has two kids with woman A, two with woman B and two with woman C. He doesn't stay with any of these women or their kids. Assuming these women have no other, older kids, all of his six would receive the benefits. A woman has two kids with man A, two with man B and two with man C. She stays with none of the men. Only her two eldest kids would receive benefits. Is that correct?
  14. Or you can pick a name at random, or because they have a funny name. Both carry the same weight.
  15. Dad fined £360 for term-time holiday sends bill to school's striking teachers
  16. The Heil has clocked that this is back on, including the first two series https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12303837/BBC-puts-episodes-starring-convicted-sex-offender-Chris-Langham-iPlayer.html Including the line "The decision to put the disgraced actor's face back on screen comes at a time when the Beeb is under scrutiny over its handling of the Huw Edwards affair after the presenter was revealed as being at the centre of an alleged sex scandal by his wife." About 2 paragraphs above a picture of him.
  17. My dad was due one in April, probably due to his various medical ailments. I think it was just the over 75s.
  18. Don't normally watch daytime TV. But today I have Homes Under the Hammer on. This is made for people with traumatic brain injuries. Show a bit of footage, and 10 minutes later show it again with a voice over explaining what was literally just said.
  19. It's shameful what they are planning in England, capping courses that don't meet the Tory agenda.
  20. Watching Championship League Snooker in Viaplay Xtra. Shambles. The system for keeping score has failed, so they are using snooker club wooden boards to keep score. The camera keeps cutting to the board, but nobody can read it. Two players but three scored listed. The commentators are clueless about what is going on.
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