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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. After debris found near to the Titanic was confirmed to be that of the missing submersible, OceanGate say they are now offering tours of the wreckage at a reduced rate of just $150,000 per person.
  2. Here's a question for a quiet Friday. Who is the worst manager we've ever had and why?
  3. I was supposed to go to Dunfermline today with work. So, my calendar is blanked out and my out of office put on. Trip cancelled late yesterday, and I've just left everything as it is. Today I'll be on P&B, will bottle some homebrew and nip to the shop. Skiving...
  4. Good morning Miguel, I am writing to you in reference to the dissertation which you submitted on 18th June 2023. I have referred this submission to the School Discipline Committee for investigation, and you will be contacted by the clerk of the School Discipline Committee in due course as part of the investigation. In short, upon reading the submission it was believed that there was the possibility that you had breached the rules set out in the university Policy on Academic Integrity in Assessment in relation to plagiarism, collusion or contract cheating. You will be given the opportunity to state your side of the case to the committee at the appropriate time. I understand that this may be a cause for worry for you. My hope is that this matter can be resolved quickly. If you have any worries, however, you may talk to your academic tutor. Kind regards
  5. "operating under such pressure" Well, yeah. That's the problem.
  6. Welcome to the forum. I'd avoid the dead pool if I were you.
  7. I've found it really tough to follow this harrowing story. This morning, to take my mind off it, I have been doing loads of recycling. Crushing tin cans, squeezing air out of bottles.
  8. The Atlantic Ocean is well known as the most indecisive. Just last week it said it wasn't sure if it fancied a five guys, a sub, or both.
  9. I once worked with a Dutch guy. I had no idea that there was some sort of rivalry with the Belgians, but apparently there is. His big joke was: "How do you know who the Belgian is at a wife swapping party? He's the guy that picks his own car keys out of the bowl." Weird folk.
  10. I still have the same dentist I had when I was a wee boy.
  11. I always found getting a tooth removed to be the least traumatic of the dental treatments. I'd have that over root canal any day.
  12. Rotten scheme, proposed at the wrong time (it's a cost of living crisis, ffs). Glad it is binned, at least for now.
  13. Weโ€™re homeless after turning down a council flat close to a soap factory โ€“ itโ€™s not our fault, we have sensitive noses
  14. That's all we need - everyone being filtered into the Politics forum
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