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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I didn't know this. You have just made my day.
  2. No - Rosehall in Polmont. Seemed pretty good and no spurious additions either.
  3. The centre part of my exhaust started sounding rough. Took it to a garage: They quoted me £191 supplied and fitted, but added that it was likely that the catalytic converter would split whilst they were doing the work. If this happened, it would cost me about £500. Took it to another garage in Polmont. £95 supplied and fitted,. No issues at all. Car works a dream now. Never using that other garage again.
  4. Breaking out from the Gotham thread - anyone else been watching this? An interesting look at alternative history '60s London. Jack Bannon does a Michael Caine impression as Alfie Pennyworth. To be truthful, the show would be a little touch better if there was no Batman connection at all. It stands up very well on its own. Plus, plenty of swearing (not seen in Gotham) and gore. A few laughs in it as well. So far, enjoying it a lot.
  5. Watched The Day Mountbatten Died on iPlayer. Fascinating look at the day and all the others killed along with the Earl.
  6. I'm going to disagree with you here. I saw this film a few months ago and it still gets to me. Remember - this was made not long after the government was pushing "AIDS is death" adverts. Hell, a decade before this, AIDS was called GRID! Anyway, I thought it was a tremendous movie. At the time it was utterly groundbreaking, and I think it stands up to the test of time. Hanks was outstanding throughout.
  7. The wife and I got through this in a day and a half. Fantastic show. Steve, Robin and Dustin for a spin-off? Aye.
  8. An update from me guys. I am one of the 15% of men who experience pain post-vasectomy (see earlier posts). I went to the pain clinic in March, and was prescribed Gabapentin. This has been a wonder drug for me. I take 1800 mg per day, and the constant ache is gone, along with most of the sharp pains. No side effects (pregabalin turned me in to an angry zombie). Now, the trouble I had was, at that time I was on 8 tramadol a day. Coming off the tramadol was a barrel of fun (insomnia, sweats, muscle tension) but i have not taken any tramadol at all in 2 months. Not needed it - whenever I do get a flare up paracetamol does the trick. Don't get me wrong - I still get pain. After ejaculation, I get a bad half hour of building ache. All thanks to the snip.
  9. At home for the past month or so, I have watched the late Matt Smith and all the Peter Capaldi episodes that are in Netflix. My thoughts, second time round: Capaldi played the part brilliantly. Very alien. I get why some of the new fans didn't like him (old Scottish guy versus younger, more handsome types). Capaldi's run was really hamstrung by some god-awful episodes early on (Robot of Sherwood, Kill the Moon) Jenna Coleman (wid) was in the show too long, and was starting to grate. Big up-swing in quality after the first series. Bill Potts was a fantastic companion as she was the first since Rose Tyler to be just ordinary. Nardole, also - very good. But the main thing for me was that I fell utterly in love with...
  10. The one show I am looking forward to more than any other, is this. Hopefully it can undo all the damage done to my eyes by Nemesis.
  11. Not watched When They See Us. I saw the Central park Five documentary a couple of years ago and the seeth is still within me. Best not stir it up. And Trump was in it. When they were exonerated by DNA evidence it was put to him that they were innocent. He basically said that they were guilty of something, so it was OK.
  12. Agree - when The Apprentice became The Business Partner it lost its edge completely.
  13. Lying in bed last night I decided to give Wild Bill a go. It was actually quite good. However, having not recorded it I had to watch it off STV player. Not sure if any of you have used STV player through a Virgin box. My retinas have yet to recover from the Gestapo interrogation levels of bright white light that started it up.
  14. I have read many a dissertation like this. Getting two thirds through and still in the literature review. My advice: forget about your word count for now. You seem too focused on this. Get to work on the bits you need to. You can always cut down/trim/shape the dissertation towards the end. Ultimately the dissertation has to have a flow to it, like a story: Here's the general area of interest; Here's a specific gap in knowledge identified from the literature; Here are the aims and objectives - filling in this gap in knowledge Methodology - how we will fill this gap in knowledge Here's what was found out from data gathering (raw) Here's how it fits in to the overall picture from parts 2 and 3 (the discussion) The conclusion - a gap in knowledge was identified and here's how it was filled A week before submitting my PhD thesis I removed a chapter from it entirely as it didn't fit.
  15. A tricky one to keep yourself motivated. There is little that academics can do - we don't want to badger students as it puts pressure on them, yet not want to leave them alone in case this happens. Do you have a dissertation supervisor you can talk to? I can guarantee that whatever you are going through that might allow a Mitigating Circumstances, they will have seen it. They may have advice/tools/suggestions that have worked on others in the past.
  16. I watched Travelers and thought it was alright. I went about 10 episodes in to The Orville, but just kind of went off it. Maybe the movies again.
  17. I am at an utter loss. Just been through DS9 again - always satisfying. I have dipped in to a few favourite TNG episodes (Starship Mine yesterday). I cannot watch Voyager. watched Enterprise just a year ago. Back to the original gang I guess until Picard.
  18. Just a question - are you given your topics or do you select them yourselves? We give our students free range to choose, and I always tell them to pick something they are interested in,
  19. Postgraduate courses like Masters ones are what the universities like - they bring in fees. Lovely fees. Fees all students have to pay, including Home (Scottish) ones. Who We Want (in order): Overseas students (call if 15k per year for 4 years) RUK students (£9,250 per year for three of their 4 years) Masters students (between £5k and £10 for 1 or 2 years) SIMD students (come from the poorest 20% of the country or grew up in care - the govt. pays us extra for these) Home (Scottish) students from the other 80% - if we take too many of these the government fine us.
  20. Caught the tail end of a show called Hot Property late night on BBC1. I think it must have been a BBC3 show that is getting airtime. It was funny* - basic premise (woman sees the flats that 3 men live in, and picks one for a date). This week: Norn Iron, where the lassie (wid) chooses a guy who lives in his own filth. This place was an utter hovel. He didn't even clean the place for their date. The host of the show came in half way through the date wearing a hazmat suit. Strangely watchable * I was pished
  21. This is now with Band of Brothers and World at War as a TV show to be re-watched at least every 2 years.
  22. With Enterprise, the only way to watch it is like this - watch the pilot, and then skip directly to the last episode of season 2. Everything in between was pure guff. Season 3 of Enterprise was top drawer stuff. Generally agree with the others, though Voyager was boring right from the off. DS9 had some of the finest characters and episodes of them all.
  23. Anyone else watched Room In Rome?
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