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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Similar: my mate's mum heard - from my mate - that my bedsheets were crispy and needed to be broken with a toffee hammer.
  2. Got to bear in mind that these guys made Chewin' The Fat - at least half of that show was just catchphrase after catchphrase, repeated and worn so thin it was painful.
  3. I rarely say this about any show, but Line of Duty is must-watch TV.
  4. This was one of those episodes that my 13 year old loved and thought was hilarious, and I was quite bored. 1hr 20mins of it, just pointless.
  5. About 20 years ago, my mate's mum worked as the council's arts officer in Alloa. She organised a few gigs - beer festivals and the like. It was good, as my mate and I got to listen to the bands who sent in their tapes and give our opinions. Anyway, she was organising some sort of charity event. People paid money for tickets, silent auction, dinner and all that. She got us in for free, so long as we wore suits. There was talk of a free bar. So we went, and the MC was Fred Macauley. We sat through his awful stand-up routine (some Rangers/Celtic jokes that landed like a lead balloon in Alloa - might have worked better in Glasgow). And afterwards, we hit the free bar with the VIPs - and ended up talking to Fred himself. Nice guy actually. Kind of spoiled by the fact my mate's mum told him my nickname was Crispy, and he kept asking me why.
  6. True - they went nuts in Colombia about the scenery and all that far more than they did to Scotland.
  7. I was enjoying Dirty John, then for some reason just stopped watching it. Started getting the feeling they were stretching it out to reach an episode quota.
  8. Saw one this morning. "He's Beagle, I'm street" about a mockney gangster and a psycho dog threatening a family in a bus shelter.
  9. Mythbusters Jr - my boy picked this up. It is a fun watch. We then put on old Mythbusters from Netflix and it was poor - very po-faced.
  10. I agree with ICTChris. These seven will face the electorate the next time a general election comes along. There is no need to step down now and force by-elections that cost a lot of money. These people have taken a stand against a party leadership they see as failing. But they still represent their constituents. They still deal with local matters. And, if people feel strongly enough that they should step down, there are the new recall powers.
  11. The issue for me is that she has been very clear on what she wants - she wants to return to the UK and live in peace with her child. Now, this is normal human instinct, but I cannot abide by that. If they come back, the kid should not be allowed to grow up in a household that has already seen one member radicalised. Let's be clear - she only wants to come back because IS are losing, and she has no other options. If they come back, i imagine social services should have the child raised elsewhere. This is the very least that should happen. And then, of course, the woman will need to be watched like a hawk. She is still a believer. On the issue of how they get here, the government minister is 100% right in saying that we should not put British consular lives at risk to bring them back. It is one thing if they show up at an embassy, another asking a diplomat to fly in to an unstable region and give them a lift back.
  12. Quite enjoyed the Chinese episode - especially the badly translated road signs.
  13. I am actually enjoying it. I didn't think it was possible after the right old mess season 1 was, but this is good. And if you watch a bad episode and think "No, I'm never watching this pish again!", then I invite you to enjoy the following: Spock's Brain (TOS) Haven (TNG) Move Along Home or If Wishes Were Horses (DS9) All series have their stinkers.
  14. The Predator - watched this with the boy yesterday. the first two thirds were good, then they blew all their budget on a CGI spaceship that added nothing to the story.
  15. I watched You with the wife - it was excellent. Now watched two episodes of Dirty John, which is much more subtle. You reminds me of Dexter - the sick guy doing the voiceover and all that.
  16. Recorded Gold Rush on Discovery. Last night's "Brand New" episode (including the words"brand new" in the top corner) was a special from about 3 years ago. Not the first time they've done this.
  17. I am currently reading A Small Town in Germany by John le Carre, set against the backdrop of European protests against Britain joining the Common market. Interesting. Even half a century on, the feeling in this country (well, parts of it) is that they need us more than we need them. Not at all. I think there are many in Europe happy to see Britain go.
  18. My 13 year old boy likes the silly stuff in it, like the shooting bits. I liked the Jag bit. I guess you could argue it has something for both of us.
  19. Watching Coroner on Universal. Always liked Serinda Swan, especially in Graceland...but WTF is happening here? She's had a Lionel Blair cut (one for the older members here).
  20. I hated season 1 with a passion. Enjoying season 2 though. Pike's observation that he can travel halfway across the galaxy on a highway made of mushrooms made me laugh - exactly how I felt about season 1.
  21. How on earth is it homophobic? They made a joke - Hammond pretending that Clarkson has come out. My kids knew it was a joke - not offensive, not derogatory. Just a joke. I hate millennials.
  22. My only real issue with RTD was that he would always ramp up to a massive finale episode that always underwhelmed in the end. The second last episode of his series were always the best.
  23. Enjoyable stuff from Westminster. Really enjoy listening to the radio. This morning was Radio 5 Live talking about immigration. There was a (surprise, surprise) cockney lorry driver on who voted leave because of immigration. He says he once saw people jumping off the back of a lorry. Forget any arguments about customs unions, money, law, democracy - this guy saw people jump off a lorry. That was it, enough. Voted leave, wants as hard a brexit as possible, wants out now, etc. Lovely.
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