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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Blackadder 2, 3 and, especially 4 remain fantastic. Red Dwarf also good.
  2. Old Batman episodes had this. Then put Batman and Robin in some kind of contraption before leaving them alone.
  3. Honestly, switch off dotting notifications. Your P&B experience will improve. I had folk, led by a Hearts fan, making new accounts and red dotting me like mad because I dared to suggest that Princess Di swallowed the semen of various and assorted rich men. The probably still are. Dotting, I mean.
  4. Never got a nickname, but did get some unfortunate looks, especially as i was in important meetings over the few days afterwards
  5. She is wearing a blue straight jacket?
  6. I did it a few months back, got awful gyp from the wife and kids. That said....
  7. I have had a few drinks. I know i have a full head of hair, shaving foam and a razor. Tempted...again...
  8. You're paying a premium based on your extensive hardcore bongo site usage, melting the wires.
  9. Wonderful season. A real achievement, and looking forward to GTF day for the first time since I joined P&B
  10. RAAC concrete house was meant to be our forever home A few compo faces here.
  11. I'm about to stop working* and have a long weekend ahead. *I have just been posting here all morning, ignoring other tasks
  12. I was watching Masterchef, and they were bringing back failed contestants to give them another go. It got me thinking. Which banned poster would you (if you had the power) bring back, and why?
  13. I have remembered a good one for me. The very first time I saw The Godfather was at the McRobert in Stirling. It had an intermission and a bar, so I managed to grab a drink half way through. Seeing that movie, for the very first time, on the big screen was tremendous. I also saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show there, with students performing the film as it was playing behind them. That wasn't quite as good.
  14. If Newey does go to Ferrari, it would seem like a very odd recruitment policy. Having taken a driver past his peak at the fag end of his career, doing the same with a designer? Not exactly planning for 10 years of dominance.
  15. They came 3rd in the byelection, 117 votes behind the Tories. Had they squeaked past them, I reckon the media froth about these swivel-eyed loons would have gone into overdrive.
  16. OK, I found an AI painting tool online and asked it to produce this. I don't think it understood.
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