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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. At the bottom - Crabbies Ginger Beer for £7.75. Phone the Hague, that's criminal on an international scale.
  2. As big ideas go...that's small. You have no clue what certain kids are going through. What they have faced. What they have overcome. My mum gave a talk at a special school last week and one girl, aged nine, was not allowed to go as she was feral. Raised with dogs, not potty trained (by NINE) barely able to speak. But yeah...f**k them and exclude them. That will work out well in the long term. Just reject folk from society as children. That will work a treat in the long term.
  3. Jeez, that's a (scientific term) shit ton. The most I have for one paper is about 650, and it was published in 2011.
  4. Managed to watch some of the egg chasing today. Is it mandatory for rugby players to have awful haircuts? Exhibit A
  5. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Fucking, fucking hell. Monday morning I am sharing this with everybody.
  6. Just open the window and stream into the night. So liberating.
  7. Someone just rang my phone and sneezed then hung up! I'm getting fed up of these cold calls.
  8. I have tried, I really have. But I just cannot get into them. A few decent (and no more than that) songs.
  9. How is P&B mascot Deepti doing these days?
  10. When they find these fly tippers, they will rain down fire and bridgestone
  11. scottsdad

    Mad Men

    Scottsmum asked to watch Mad Men last night, so I stuck on the pilot. She watched Good Girls, and I think she likes Christina Hendricks, so this may have prompted it. As soon as Joan was on screen, the wife turned to me and asked if I thought her boobs were bigger in Good Girls or Mad Men. This prompted a 10 minute discussion with my wife about Christina Hendricks's boobs. Surreal.
  12. Flytippers dump 80 tyres on pensioner couple's driveway and council won't help move them
  13. The Corrine Bailey Rae set - what's that? Just one song? And the most boring song in music history at that.
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