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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Get the fucking trailer posted. This place used to have standards.
  2. Think of the viewing figures if F1 cars and Moto GP bikes were on track at the same time. cars swerving to avoid bikes, mangled limbs...lovely.
  3. A grand collection here
  4. I was pulled over by the police yesterday. On examining my license, the officer said, "You're supposed to be wearing glasses." I said, "I have contacts." He replied, "I don't care who you know, you're still getting booked."
  5. It's a posh pegger. Prince William pulls out of memorial service due to 'it getting stuck all the way in'
  6. I get that, but next month marks a year since my dad died. I don't know yet if or how it will affect me. I managed his birthday and Christmas fine, but New Year nearly broke me.
  7. The latest episode is the best one of the season.
  8. My sister won £61m on the lottery but a bitter feud means we haven't spoken for 20 years: Brother learned of his sister's huge EuroMillions win in a newspaper... and claims she won't share her wealth with him More lotto compo
  9. Couldn't @johnnydun spray paint a cock and balls on the sign, take a photo of it and submit this as evidence that the sign was unreadable?
  10. Watched the most sexist 25 minutes of TV ever. An episode of the 1960s Batman show. The baddie: Nora Clavicle. Her powers: women's rights. Got the mayor's wife to sack commissioner Gordon by threatening to stop cooking and cleaning, so the mayor folded. Sacked male policemen and replaced with women in short skirts who are terrified of mice and obsessed with cooking and sales. Honestly, it was hilariously outdated.
  11. This shit show binfire abomination is back on April 4th.
  12. I lived in Wales in 2005 when they won the grand slam. I cannot emphasise enough how much of a big deal it was. Huge, huge celebrations. They got pumped again today. There'll be some unhappy Dais tonight.
  13. I guess the question for me is - can Alloa catch up and finish second?
  14. Sorry, no. But a version of the game did appear in the show Lower Decks
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