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monthe blues

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Everything posted by monthe blues

  1. Any overseas live stream for this game
  2. These are the kind of Imbeciles that give decent Clyde supporters a bad name ,most clubs have a few,They are as thick as Pig Shit, And should be rooted out and told to F off
  3. Any overseas live stream for this game ,all i can find is a monthly pass for 26 pounds
  4. No car,just a golf buggy with lots of Chibs =Sorry meant golf clubs
  5. Golf clubs/tasers ,a load of bollocks,No golfer is going to ruin their good clubs on a Clyde wallopers head,i know a good bit of ground for Clyde to play at FANTASY ISLAND
  6. get to Specsavers,Take your Pal the Referee with you
  7. Im a Stranraer supporter That lives Abroad, I was going to purchase just this game tomorrow,But £20 WOW thats ok for Dumbarton support,As they can view for a month,But not for others
  8. I will take that as a good sign you are writing Stranraer off
  9. Who rattled your cage ,You seem to have a (cowden) Beef about something
  10. Defense honking, midfield terrible .forward line powder puffs bad,bad,bad
  11. Yes that is not clever, Here is a guy that gives up a lot of his time for free to help his club ,i say a big thanks to him
  12. Surprised you let Millar go,He is the first name on our team sheet every week
  13. I think this is spot on the problem, Plus they cannot play out of defence , they just hoof it up field
  14. why should some gain from covid19 and some dont ,is that fair
  15. No team should be disavantaged by covid19 , the season should have been null and void, but you lot voted in favour of relegating teams, So do not expect any sympathy now
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