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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Under investigation. Can see some penalties being dished out.
  2. People who slag you off behind your back. If you’ve got something to say, be man enough to say it to my face.
  3. I always thought they must earn a fortune as they only ever seem to eat at a restaurant or have takeaway food at home.
  4. I would normally wait for a cyclist to pass but there was a huge queue of traffic coming up behind him and couldn’t be arsed waiting any longer than I had to.
  5. Just had a cyclist shout abuse at me for walking out in front of him, despite him being about ten yards away and travelling at about 5mph. There’s a better chance of me getting my Nat King tonight than there was of there being any sort of accident between us.
  6. Delighted that Leclerc got his first win but I was wishing he’d had got it under different circumstances and he could have celebrated it properly. I watched the race purely out of habit but I didn’t really enjoy it.
  7. I watched Burnley v Liverpool last night, do I need a reason for watching that?
  8. Just saw the crash there on Twitter. Something I never want to see happen again, and I wouldn’t complain if they cancelled all races at Spa tomorrow. RIP
  9. For a second I thought you said “swapping” and was really confused
  10. What’s the difference between a pick pocket and a peeping Tom? One snatches your watch, the other watches your snatch.
  11. A regular customer of ours always called me Dean when he phoned up and I answered. It got to the stage where it was happened for so long that it was too late for me to correct him. One time I even sent him an email with my name in the signature, and he replied “thanks, Dean”.
  12. I agree. It’s good that they will be able to get loads of fire extinguishers delivered next day if they are a Prime subscriber.
  13. Just finished my first season with Williams and have to say the driver transfers have been quite boring so far with Stroll moving to Alfa and Danny Ric/K Mag swapping seats at Renault/Haas. Was hoping for some movement at the top teams. Hoping for better performance in my second season at Williams as spent most of my resource points on improving reliability and make sure that any updates don't fail, so haven't had any major upgrades at all.
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