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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Or people (on their own) that move as soon as two seats together becomes available. What’s wrong with the seat you had?
  2. People that post something on social media then put FACT after it. No, it’s your opinion, not a fact. FACT (before anyone else says it!)
  3. Filthy Agree. That wall definitely needs a lick of paint.
  4. Always feel like an idiot when standing at a junction waiting for a car to pass before you can cross, but it turns before reaching you meaning you stood there like a spare p***k at a wedding for no reason.
  5. BBC reporting shite like Fortnite or Snapchat being down. This isn’t important, who cares if some wee lassie can’t message her pals for a few hours?
  6. I try to aim for 6-7 hours sleep at night, but I sometimes struggle to sleep during the week as I know I’m up early for work the next morning which of course means the harder I try to sleep, the more I stay awake and I’m even more knackered the next day. I also went through a bad cycle of sleeping for 3/4 hours when I got in from work in the early evening so when I went to bed at midnight I was wide awake. Try to avoid that now.
  7. 15 minute walk from Cessnock to the city centre? How fast do you walk?
  8. IainMorton

    Breaking Bad

    Not quite sure how they can cram a 30 minute plot line into 2 hours, tbh...
  9. IainMorton

    Breaking Bad

    Just finished watching the movie. Enjoyed it although it did tail off a bit towards the end, a nice ending though. Actually gave a mini fist pump when Walt appeared
  10. My girlfriend recently suggested we play doctors and nurses. I was hoping for something a bit more exciting than being left in a corridor for two days.
  11. It was probably just so we could have ten minutes of everyone putting out the fire in slow motion, cos that’s definitely what we want to see.
  12. Pretty meh first episode, did they really need to have an exploded satellite too fill some time already? Get on with the battle with the Whisperers ffs.
  13. Renewed for season 11, and Maggie coming back.
  14. What’s going on? LiveScore said 1-0 Morton now it’s 1-0 Pars?!
  15. Same reason Hamilton won at Silverstone this year too, stayed out longer than Bottas and got lucky when someone beached it in the gravel and brought out the SC.
  16. IainMorton

    Breaking Bad

    Even if he was alive, there’s no way he could have fled considering how many cops there were in the final scene, and nobody around to back him up.
  17. Saw the show tonight and while I enjoyed it, I couldn’t help but feel a little underwhelmed. I think it would be much better if they got rid of the theatre side of things with the singing and dancing, and stuck to the comedy.
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