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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. You've just beat Falkirk 3-1 and you're more concerned about us? Obsessed much? This makes no sense whatsoever
  2. Sorry, but what other people do you know that shit standing up?
  3. Any adverts with talking animals. I mean, why? The worst one is the credit score one, with the dog following his owner everywhere "ok, I come too" while wearing crocs on his front paws. Cringe.
  4. Pensioners who rip the piss out of their free bus pass. On the way to work this morning and a woman who looked perfectly able bodied to walk far enough, took the bus one stop. The journey lasted 15 seconds and she probably stood at the stop longer than that waiting for the bus. Doubt she would've done that if she had to pay. Lazy cow.
  5. Actually looking at that shot of Rick above lying there with the grey beard, he looks like a white version of Naveed from Still Game...
  6. On Chris Cornell's birthday. They were good friends apparently, sang at his funeral.
  7. Going to this on Sunday to see Biffy. Not that fussed about anyone else.
  8. Been looking forward to this gig for months. Raging if they are using the weather as an excuse for someone making a balls up of it.
  9. The last two/three episodes (especially the end scene when Walt and Jesse leave each other for the last time then Walt dying) is the best TV I have ever seen. Nothing will come close IMO.
  10. Was watching Breaking Bad clips on YouTube there, and noticed that the place Walt goes to withdraw his savings to buy the RV in the opening episode is called 'Mesa Credit Union', I wonder if this is linked to the bank 'Mesa Verde' in BCS?
  11. Didn't really like the Chuck story line, but his final words to Jimmy and the scene at the end were horrible
  12. Honestly who thinks it's acceptable to leave the house looking like that? EDIT apart from him, obviously!!
  13. A girl I used to work with always dressed in sports gear and looked like your typical ned, until one day she showed up in a Ramones t-shirt. I said to her I didn't realise she was into that type of music and her response was "I don't even know who they are, I just like the t-shirt". Another favourite of mines is another girl who said she was a massive Queen fan, so I asked her what her favourite album was as I am big fan myself. "oh no, I just like a couple of the big hits" was the response. Even Lisa knows there is something wrong with that shirt
  14. Folk who wear band t-shirts cos they think they "look cool" or are the latest trend, and don't actually listen to any music or know any songs by said band.
  15. As Duffy says, we didn't have much experience last season. Can't see him being a regular starter unless we have injuries or suspensions.
  16. Back on form this week. The swapping of the pills was tense as hell.
  17. Got a free packet of crisps from the vending machine at work this morning. Scenes.
  18. That's a bit of a pisser, was looking forward to it aswell
  19. I have one, but it's only used in work and is kept in the office. Even worse are the people who eat their breakfast on the way to work in the morning. Either have it at home, or wait till you get to work.
  20. Got half way to work this morning when I realised I had left my earphones at home. Raging.
  21. Another good episode but not as good as the others in this season. The commercial at the end though was class.
  22. They were amazing again last night. Did you buy a programme? It actually says that the sound desk had to turn down his mic one setting as he is now louder than he was before his operation!
  23. Anyone going to see Iron Maiden in Glasgow or Aberdeen? Just seen them in Newcastle and they were immense. Glad I'm going to see them in Glasgow, too.
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