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Everything posted by ewan14

  1. Just heard on Sportsound , whatever. Willie Miller confirming why Scotland did not go further in World Cups etc The '' dirty cheat '' refusing to cover for our central defenders. WTF ? No wonder teams could walk through us
  2. Sorry I did not record it BigFatTabbyDave seems to have seen it as well
  3. As has been said John McGovern could not get a cap !
  4. Give him his due he did seem to have a good work ethic , and IIRC Sampdoria won the cup while he was there , but he was still committing shocking fouls Jock Stein was a fan of his In his old newspaper column Davie Provan said that during training if the majority of players did someting wrong they got a bollocking , certain players were exempt
  5. If he had played against Uruguay it would have been a win - win situation
  6. He did not always turn up for friendlies , just saying
  7. Much as I hate to say it the dirty one scored our equaliser against the Soviet Union ( On the other hand he only scored three times for us ; a penalty against the Dutch and another in a " friendly " ) It was Willie Miller who said " the dirty one " refused to track back the opposition's runners and the Soviets walked through us for their first In addition a couple of years later Roy Aitken was alongside him in central midfield to do the defensive duties !! Someone rightfully said he did not go in for 50 - 50 challenges , he just went in when he could go over the top as can be seen on YT clips ( and he liked elbowing Ray Wilkins all over )
  8. Good old Craig ! and I felt sorry for him having to suffer Cosgrove and Cowan after we drew with the Faroes
  9. An opponent of Airdrie was sent off as opposed to carried off ?
  10. Apparently the difference was we managed to score early so Livi could not sit back
  11. A continual seethe from when they came back from their break at the beginning of the year ?
  12. I remember him scoring for Scotland with the sole of his boot , iirc against Romania
  13. Yes and referring to england as " we '' , as above Horrible ###### AND refusing to play right back v. Brazil although that did not work out too bad
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