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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Well that's a bit silly. You can make decent profits on buying old release trainers, potentially fixing them up and re-dying them and selling them on again. Pretty sure Monster will agree with me.
  2. Will be worth a bit in a few years time though. Trainers are investments.
  3. Meh, he's had an alright career; got 10 Scotland caps as well. Played for Celtic for a couple of seasons and had a decent spell with Derby. No idea how he ended up in the Indian Football League though.
  4. Abandon ship; it usually never works out well. If you're in it for the ride then it's just not worth it.
  5. Currently a large black coffee from Costa to reward myself for getting a clean sweep of good results in my first semester of 3rd year at Uni. It's alright, although the mug they give you for a large is rather cumbersome and difficult to hold. Had a Mojito with my Christmas dinner as well yesterday which was damage, although it was a tad too sweet.
  6. Any murmurs of bringing it back? I'm pining for it like!
  7. There was an annual P+B fives tournament. 2013 was the last of them though.
  8. I've got a pair of Stan Smiths that have roughly the same colour of suede, they do indeed also pick up dirt quite easily, so I just stick to using them in summer. My pair of Tobacco's have an even lighter, more delicate colour of blue suede which pick up dirt the moment you put them on; I don't wear them that often.
  9. I had a pair of them a few years ago, absolutely ruined them going to a park to watch a bonfire display; here's me thinking a park wouldn't be muddy with loads of people kicking about there! Safe to say they were binned a while back.
  10. Got these for Xmas. Love the dark blue colourway:)
  11. I know I have a pair of Adidas for a present, not been out my bed to open the presents though!
  12. Hope everyone has a sound Christmas, and a great New Year. Watch your booze when getting behind the wheel in the next few days also! All the best.
  13. Ach, is a bit pricey for what it is but I can see how some people may not be amazed by it. Makes a change from the usual shitey burgers you get in McDonald's, Burger King etc.
  14. The one in Edinburgh? The time I went it was great. They do pretty damn awesome milkshakes as well, and the extra skinny fries they do are also good.
  15. Possibly introduce a retrospective heads gone award?
  16. Got the exact same pair a wee while ago for £50, fair enough they're cheaper now. I like them so much I don't wear them; hopefully I can sell them on sometime in the future!
  17. Definitely not. I had to wrap my girlfriends present twice, because the first layer was just too much, and the box kept on moving about when wrapped and it ripped the paper. Second layer definitely used less paper though, so it doesn't look all that bad. Not an easy skill to master though; my gran can wrap presents like a pro, and at the ripe age of 80 as well.
  18. I heard it was the Bulgarian centre back; never heard a name though.
  19. I think I'll be able to live with your devastating critique of my online posting style. In others new, I've heard that McGowan is for sure on his way out; there's apparently a clause in his contract which in simple terms meant that if there was any trouble at all with the coppers that he would have his employment terminated. Not sure how accurate the source is, mind. Like I've said before, the guys' passion for football is clear to see; would probably make a good captain for the Dee if he didn't constantly scream in the face of his team-mates, and of course if he stopped his apparent off-field antics. It's just a shame that it seems to be going a bit pear shaped for him. IF he does go, who would we sign to fill the McGowan shaped void?
  20. Would be gutted if true; however we can't have law-breakers in the squad. That's for the mob across the road.
  21. Got around 14 pairs, mostly consisting of various Adidas ones and one pair of Nike Roshe Runs.
  22. That last goal has become one of my favorite goals of all time after watching that; utterly incredible technique.
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