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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Meh, I was just having ideations of buying a gaming pc. It seems quite complicated and expensive though, the builds usually exclude monitors and keyboards/mouse etc and it's looking at near enough a grand for a good gaming pc. Might just stick to the PS4
  2. I'd like to say that what I posted was an intended reference, but it wasn't.
  3. Fucking hell Lex. Odds and the like aren't my strongest point but by f**k even I can see you're making a mess of this; give it up.
  4. You get near enough every type of clique in every school; I'll concede that the cliques in private schools are probably a bit more pronounced, but I'd say that's more down to the parenting rather than the schools. I pretty much owe my school everything for what they did for me; I wasn't a confident child, and due to home circumstances I didn't really feel like I fitted in at a private school. Couple the home circumstances and the fact I got there on a bursary, I didn't mix in at first. The teaching style and the way they encouraged me to participate was brilliant though; it definitely helped me as a person. I know I can't say this for certain, but if I went to another school I wouldn't be half the person I am today.
  5. I'll throw a bench at your face, dickweed.
  6. Yup, got quite a few. It's not nice to look at.
  7. Square go at BrewDog? or the Trades? I'm up for it.
  8. That's me officially progressed into 3rd year after passing 2nd year with distinction. Two distinctions in a row!
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