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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I have Dsycalculia but I’m very good at advanced statistics…also Bipolar, which amazingly makes me better at my job, I feel.
  2. Surely the vast majority of working folk are vaccinated against polio anyhow?
  3. Do you dismiss the evolutionary basis/impacts/ramifications of certain mental illnesses completely then? And saddle it all down to environment?
  4. I’ve not heard a peep from either my series S or X. Brilliant hardware.
  5. Depression that occurs earlier in life is definitely more genetic based, instead of being caused by external stressors. Trans individuals report experiences of gender/body dysmorphia and associated negative emotions as young as 5-7 years old (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8766261/)
  6. Never in a million years. The amount of pushback for this amongst the psychiatric community in Scotland is huge, but they keep getting referred children as young as 8 (sometimes younger) presenting with dysmorphic/identity disorders. There’s nobility in the idea that everyone should be whoever they want to be, but is it coming at the cost of messing up someones brain chemistry to the point they end up with serious issues later on in life? Research will provide the answer to this in less than a decade.
  7. Mental illnesses are very rarely brought on purely due to environmental stressors; genetics play a significant role also.
  8. A lot of trans individuals have co-morbidities (various compulsive disorders, bipolar disorder, and other personality disorders) with body dysmorphia being an ever present condition amongst the trans population. Being trans itself is not a mental illness but the trans population have disproportionately high levels of specific disorders related to body image/gender image.
  9. Can only agree with it tbh, the sporting advantages of male puberty/testosterone are just too numerous. The open category should gain traction, allowing anyone to compete.
  10. Definitely looking to get a steam deck when it’s more readily available. Game changer of a platform, pardon the pun.
  11. Literally a perfect example of not seeing the forest for the trees situation there; should have seen that a mile off but was too busy focussing on your rooks and my work at the same time, such a daft thing to miss but you saw it and went for it and that’s all that matters, well played!
  12. Div B (missed match from round 4) XCTR94 beats gkneil by resignation. Solid game, think I just pulled ahead relatively early and was able to control the middle of the board with both bishops and had a rook on the end file as well.
  13. Passed the snow section; I didn’t mind it at all, slow burn but when it’s such a well crafted game I really don’t grudge it at all. I’m just doing some debt collecting missions so far, haven’t even broken Micah out of jail yet. Just sauntering around doing lots of bits and bobs. Took out the first legendary bear as well. Can tell it’s a game for the long haul.
  14. I’m unsure if I’ve even played Gkneil this season as I don’t have any fixtures against him in the archive. I’ll go invite him!
  15. Couldn’t be arsed waiting for a ready supply of PS5’s. I’ve got a Series X, Series S and a good PC now. Being able to play my game pass games across all of them is tremendous.
  16. Just started this. Got a Series X and decided it would be a good game to test it out; not disappointed. Looks gorgeous. Still very early in the story but loving it so far.
  17. In what way are they “dodgy”? Every therapist on there is a licensed professional; you can request proof of this if you need the extra reassurance in your sessions with them. It’s a really valuable service, not too overpriced and considering the waiting times for NHS psychiatric consultations/therapy sessions, to call it dodgy just demonstrates how ignorant you are.
  18. Cup Game XCTR94 beats Dandies1983 by checkmate. Blundered my Queen early on (becoming a frequent occurrence seemingly…) but managed to claw some ground back and managed a neat pawn/knight/rook checkmate on Dandies king near the middle of the board. He played brilliantly but I managed to shitfest the middle of the board with some good pawn structure. WP Dandies.
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