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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Which was kind of the half assed point I was trying to make earlier. They won't though. Besides even if it is looking a glimmer of hope McGlynn will sabotage it
  2. That would give you the dry boak without flinging Watson a new deal given he's been out for the majority of his. I feel a bit sorry for Watson, he was much maligned in a far better Falkirk side previously to this shambles and still would have been a better defender than any of the current incumbents first time around. Sadly time catches up.
  3. No flair players are guaranteed to start under McGlynn. Lawal is one of the most skilful players we have and he hardly gets a look in and I'm convinced Burrell is grudgingly played despite him being our best striker and both I think will be away at the end of the season. The only two or three with a modicum of skill he favours are Kennedy who will be back at Rangers, Kucheryavi who will be at St Johnstone and Morrison. Oh and Nesbitt who is really just shite but has been handed another free pass for two years.
  4. He's no faith in his defense either then. Someone put a gag on the clown FFS it's getting embarrassing.
  5. That's what I'm hoping for it's someone other than McGlynn. Have to say though has the hallmarks of a McGlynn type signing. Hopefully the lad sees sense gets out of the PCA and gets regular game time elsewhere if it is McGlynn. I half expected him to end up at Raith with the takeover so bit surprised to see him with a Falkirk scarf above his head. I think it's a deflectionary tactic to take the heat of McGlynn and the inevitable season end tomorrow.
  6. There was a part in his post match interview that really scared me, he mentioned when the full backs stop the wingers.. n then just stood and said nothing. Given he likes to play with wingers.
  7. My boss at work is an Accies fan and he said they haven't scored a league goal from open play in 14 games. I haven't checked the stats but if that's true you've a decent chance of making the final. Good luck.
  8. Well if it was to finish fourth or fifth then it's hardly a go on the big dipper is it. Can you imagine the state of this thread if that was the case. I'll admit he did well to get rid of most of the dross but he's also had a decent budget. A budget that never got us near Dunfermline and also one that got us absolutely bodied off Airdrie.
  9. We have also spunked a lot of cash on duds. What was Airdrie's budget? They looked miles in front of us last night, an actual fast cohesive team with players who were all very good in their positions, goalie apart for getting sent off, this is what is wrong aswell the equation from being mid table in a dugshite league previously to being in the playoffs in league 1 that we will be out of come 4.50 on Saturday. That is not success it's failure. Folk are happy to accept mediocrity and it's absolutely rife at our club.
  10. And that is very much why we are where we are. Although I do feel McGlynn will have got told get us up this season by any means possible, and I think the two year deal he got was banking on us being in the championship next season. If it was to have two stabs at getting out of league 1 with the buffer of the second year then that's just utter gash and not good enough tbh.
  11. I wouldn't but I don't think he'll walk he's very stubborn you only need to look at his team selections for that. I also don't think we have the finance to pay him off. I don't trust him to make us any better, but the hierarchy really need to evaluate things come close of play on Saturday, he's their man I think they will give him the other year but for me it's folly. And it could turn very toxic very quickly if he's still at the helm. He'll have got a taste of that last night and he will know like many before him how it ends
  12. I thought Lawal was a year with a year option. Same with PJ. Even so if McGlynn is still in charge I'd expect both to be away. Donaldson is equally adept at selling the jerseys as McKay when he chooses so there's not much difference there. Mackie on the other hand I just don't know how he merited a three year contract, but probably for the same reason Nesbitt got a new one. Ie it's beyond any c**t's rationality bar McGlynn.
  13. Whereas Nesbitt will probably say he's the best thing since sliced bread
  14. I think he is absolutely stinking. He never seems to be at full stretch more flailing about or gets sat on his arse a lot of times with anything that comes near him. Hogarth was a more competent keeper, that said PJ must be wondering why he signed for us, he's had his injury woes but I'd be a bit pissed off if your the signed keeper and can't get a look in because McGlynn prefers a loan keeper(s) the latter of whom has been barely average at best.
  15. I hope McGlynn gets his jotters after Saturday, that interview post match was a shocker. Basically never owned up to being an inept twat and had the cheek to have a pop at the fans . Sorry but if your going to come out with that pish and blame everything other than your own failings then you can do one.
  16. Airdrie absolutely deserved that. From the team line up I thought McCabe will have them set up to fly out the traps and we would be on the back foot and so it proved. Game was done in the first fifteen minutes. McGlynn I had my doubts about well prior to this game we absolutely have not been the same side for months and was already losing patience with him. This puts the tin lid on it, he's a stubborn, tactically inept clown and bleating about not being able to defend well it might help if you signed defenders and a goalkeeper who can. We got blown away and yet McGlynn doesn't change it n brings one sub on at half time. Aidan Nesbitt must be absolutely pissing his frillies at being financially secure for the next two years. Good luck to Airdrie in the final.
  17. Pretty sure he's on a two year contract. I hope to f**k it's a year with a year option, but he'll be fondly remembered for giving Nesbitt another two year deal when he could have left with the best wishes of absolutely no c**t.
  18. Our cup run filled a void but as for next season who knows.
  19. Take a draw right now. While a narrow defeat isn't the end of the world, we go down by 3 or more tonight I don't see us doing what Airdrie did to Montrose in previous playoffs. A 3 nil or 3-1 to either side will be hard to overturn aswell. And for christ sakes please let the defence and keeper not have any fucking calamities tonight. No giving penalties away or chucking one in the net or a red card either. I'd also fancy our chances better if Morrison is fit.
  20. There's a few i'd have had in that side before him, Wighton, Kennedy, Chalmers, McGinn to name a few, and you'd have thought Alloa might have had at least one player in it seeing as they made the playoffs.
  21. Think the league will be weaker regardless, Cove coming down won't be anywhere near as strong as Dunfermline, and as for the team(s) coming up there's not much difference. If Hamilton come down I don't see them going straight back up either.
  22. Not so much playoff experience it's much more likely our bottle will crash. Happens all the time. We are the biggest shit the bed merchants going, we all live in hope one day it won't happen but it never fucking does.
  23. Be careful what you wish for I'd hoped we had seen the last of Nesbitt.
  24. Hopefully it's a clerical error on the paperwork and McGlynn gets busted for tippexing over Burrell's name and putting Nesbitt.
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