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Posts posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. I'll take the result but wasnt pretty.

    Clyde's tactics, which were spot on, seemed to be have two of their players round ours every time we got the ball, putting pressure on.   In most cases we played the easy pass and it either got knocked about or we lost possesion.  Obviously we're not good at spraying the ball about but I did think that if we could just get into a bit of space we couldve exploited that tactic more.

    I dont have a lot of faith in the centre backs. We need someone commanding back there and having two centre backs who don't seem to want to take control is worrying and I fear Zak Rudden will rip them a new one.  A backobone of any good side is wehn you have faith in a ball coming into the box that your central defender will deal with it, but everytime that happened last night I had the fear...which doesnt bode well.

    Initially with Francis I ws a bit wary but as the game progressed he looks promising. Great to see a Falkirk player take on a defender, havent seen that much lately.

    Also wouldve been amazing if Blairs free kick had gone in.   I agree with the Gomis posts, he was great.

  2. Probably dont need to ask this as I'm sure its just some daft c*nt trying to get a bite.... I've been an exiled Bairn for a while now, but noticed a post on the Premier Laague forum under the 'yer da'..thread.  Mentioned Falkirk fans singing "We are the People".

    I distinctly remember my best mate who is still a season ticket holder telling me Falkirk fans were singing "We are the Steeple" to try and wind the Gers fans up......I thought it was funny at the time....I'm sure this was the case? Surely there were no Falkirk fans singing 'We are the People'?  Again, I appreciate I shouldnt have to ask.  But I'm going to anyway!

    About a year ago I went out for a beer with a Scottish guy I work with. He's a big Celtic fan although hes been living  in England since 1978.   When i told him i was a Falkirk fan he gave me the whole "**** without the bus fair" patter.   I have known some older Falkirk fans who were affiliated with Rangers - a mate of my dads was in the Orange Lodge but a Falkirk season ticket holder for years. 

    But when I was growing up and supporting Falkirk the guys I went to the games with, and on the Elliots Bus, and the lads in the choir, were total anti-Old Firm from what i remember. I'm sure I recall a Union Jack Falkirk flag appeared in the Hope Street End once match and it got booed until it was taken down. Of course theres an argument about the Union Jack and what it represents but thats not the point here....  But just interested if these claims have ANY truth or if it is just some tw*t trying to get a reaction...

  3. I got told off by the wife on Saturday whilst out walking the dogs for getting irrationally angry whilst waiting to cross the road.

    On our normal dog walk theres a quiet residential road we cross which never has any traffic on it. However on Saturday we had to wait for not one but two cars to pass before we could cross.

    This got on my nerves enough for me to let out some expletives.  It didnt help the cars in question were going well under the speed limit  so it felt like forever waiting for them to pass, with also a space between them which wasn't big enough that we could get across but also felt like too big a gap...

    Not very exciting story but it did get on my nerves...

  4. 50 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    Transfer deadline day and our fans are arguing over whether our FM looks more like Wee Jimmy Krankie or Wee Burnie - you couldn’t make it up.

    Do you think given she’s the in the midst of trying to support the management of a global pandemic she actually gives a shit ??

    aye, logged on here first thing this morning, left it on, did a mornings work..... checked back in at lunchtime to see there had been 50-odd new posts...Heres me thinking "yasss! signing news".....nope.... 

  5. 2 hours ago, Horatio said:

    If you are awarded a "win" on Tuesday then enjoy it. Since Falkirk beat Kilmarnock in the 1957 Scottish Cup Final replay Killie have taken a terrible revenge on the Bairns, winning every game of any consequence - the 1997 Scottish Cup Final; the 2007 League Cup semi-final; the 2010 relegation "decider", the 2016 League Play-off....... 

    Imagine being so f*cking bothered to write this about a team two leagues below you....jesus christ...

  6. 6 hours ago, KingRocketman II said:

    not since Bonhoff and Vogt's has there seemed to be any connection between the senior team and the under 21/19/17s. as you say there appears no strategy or co-ordination and everyone appears happy with that. Is Sbragia not also involved at some level? 

    The great minds of Scottish football shaping and cultivating the next generation of international players. Jesus. 

    jesus, didnt realsei that.  The one thig the English seem to have sorted with their International game is the stream of players who come through the ranks to the senior team..its a constant flow.....shame we cant see that and try and replicate it in some way..

  7. 3 hours ago, Anfield 1977 said:

    Yes there was trouble on a cross channel ferry between West Hamd and - I think - Man U.

    The ferry ban was still in place for the Belgium match in '87 and I remember travelling as a tourist days in advance of the game to avoid detection.

    yes, theres youtube news footage of this...one guy getting interviewed and a young Mani from The Stone Roses standing next to him..

  8. On ‎13‎/‎09‎/‎2020 at 17:00, Oscar Wilder said:

    Discogs is great!!! emoji16.png

    seconded on Discogs... I set up a Wantslist and get an email every day with anything from it that has been newly listed.  I've bided my time on some releases and got some real bargains by waiting....still spent a fcking fortune though!

  9. 1 hour ago, forameus said:

    Can't say I was around for the "good old days" of violence, but nowadays everything seems generally fine.  Most trouble is just pished up people ruining it for themselves rather than anyone else. 

    Having said that, the last time we played Wales in Cardiff in the qualifiers was not an enjoyable experience.  I had a friend living in Cardiff at the time, so his Welsh address got him access to home-end tickets, which we fully intended to take advantage of sensibly and without any sort of goading.  We took the lead, and we stifled our celebrations.  Not so around us, as the pockets of Scotland fans made themselves known with exuberant celebrations.  Most didn't care, but one row of particularly odd looking chaps (read: fucking mutants) took offence.  When Wales equalised, they gave it back, then when they took the lead they went to physically attack the lone Scotland fan closest, who invited them for an ill-advised square-go.  Said fan was kettled by 5 or 6 stewards at full-time, still giving it out.

    Welsh fans - mutants aside - were pretty good that weekend, whereas several "footsoldiers" acted like complete wankers.  Not representative of course.

    Ha, I wasnt sure what the Scotland-Wales relationship was like.

    A (Scottish) friend of mine living in Bristol decided to take his (english) girlfriend to Cardiff for her birthday a few years ago, not realisng Wales were playing Scotland that day.  Not as funny as he told it but he recalls them being at the train station surrounded by p*ssed up Scots and Welsh with him and his girlfriend were dressed up for a night out with the chants of "we hate england more than you" ringing out throughout the station... 

  10. On ‎05‎/‎09‎/‎2020 at 01:00, UpInTheAyr said:

    Homelander is a brilliant character, absolutely diabolical. That scene with the breast milk bottle was seriously fucked up, as was when he decided to Helen Keller the new member of the seven.

    Is it just me or, the Butcher character and his swearing a bit OTT...I mean i Like the 'c' word as much as the next guy but just seems like its used in every sentence  by him to go "ooh look I'm english and I use a REAL sweary word",  enjoying the show though....

  11. On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2020 at 12:11, LondonHMFC said:

    Was recommended 'This is us'. Absolutely brilliant. Very emotional in parts. Meant to get better as it goes on, looking forward to binging it. 

    wife is watching this, everytime I go downstairs and its on, shes in floods of tears.... i went down to have lunch the other day and it was on and watched a bit of it, jesus, fairly heavy!

  12. probably not the thread for this......

    was talking to a Welsh guy at work.  Got chatting about fitba as you do.   He mentioned being at the 1977 World Cup Qualifier at Anfield between Scotland and Wales...(the Joe Jordan cracking header one).

    Anyway, not trying to go into Danny Dyer 'pwoper nawty' territory but he said that night was utter carnage.  He said he had a ticket for the Kop end which Wales were supposed to have but it was pretty much 20-1 in favour of Scots and pretty much a battle for 90 minutes on the terraces with bottles and cans flying everywhere.     On arrival off his bus to get to  he ground,  Scottish fans were hassling him to buy his ticket off him (the police had advised the folk on the bus to hide thier tickets).  Also mentioned really bad overcrowding in the Kop(ok the norm for stadiums back them i guess)

    He then said they also had the local Scousers to contend with...scariest he'd ever been at a game

    I had no idea about this, might be bollox, obviously new we had 'issues' with the English but didnt realise that also extended to the Welsh.


    Any auld yins on here there?  Were ye flinging bottles of El Dorado about?



  13. we had one backfire a bit.  Couple of years ago, there was a craze with a prank phone call app where if you put in a persons phone number it would ring that person with a realistic pre-recorded message.  I remembered these things from the 90s(usually listed at the back of the Daily Sport) but back then you had to get the person you wanted to prank to ring the number which itself took a bit of convincing and automatically gave the game away of who was involved. 

    However the recent ones on the app, you give the app the persons number and the computer automatically calls the person you want to prank. 

    Theres various 'themes' you can choose... but we went where someone phones your number accusing you of "stealing their wifi".  

    The beauty of it is, as it calls the person it also  records the conversation and through the app you can play it back to your hearts content. 

    We had this South African guy at work, old school bloke and only confirmed what the the Spitting Image song said.  He was our manager but sat in our department and due to his seniroity in age and experience of the job, felt he had to get involved in allsorts of stuff that he shouldnt have. He was also a grumpy old f*cker so prime for this type of thing.

    Anyway,  we tried the prank on him when he was out the office as we knew we'd all burst out laughing if he was in the room. So he went outside for a smoke and set the wheels in motion.

    Five minutes later he came in all red faced and stormed to his desk.  We were all gagging to listen to the playback, so few of us crowded round the phone at the next tea break......he starts off friendly enough "no I havent stole your wifi, wrong number" but as it goes on and the recorded message gets worse,  our work colleague snaps, adn without real warning starts shouting racist abuse at the recorded message, calling the recorded message allsorts of stuff.

    So none of us could figure out how to confront him on it. We couldnt say "ha ha listen to this, we got you" and then have his racism broadcast across the office.  We also knew he'd probably try get us in trouble for wasting his time, especially if we called him out on his racism.  So we just left it it...and no one really spoke of it again...we did keept her ecording though but he left the company not long after.

    not a very exciting story but there you go.

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