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Posts posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. 1 hour ago, Stuperman01 said:

    Bairnsford Bairn can you confirm these rumours?

    Not really Stu. I can’t confirm signings as I’d effectively be breaking the news before the club. I’d get my arse kicked from one end of the stadium to the other and back again if I did that.

    And if I commented on every rumour I’d be on here every ten mins debunking windups. Until the day came when one was true, and I couldn’t say anything, then folk would put 2 and 2 together and know that Jimmy Bloggs was about to sign for us.

  2. 1 minute ago, AGPar said:

    You need to flip that scenario 180 degrees. The question that should be asked of, and answered by, your masters at the club is why, a year after consigning Sibbald to the stand for the first month of the season because they refused to countenance him signing a straight one year contract and walking away for nothing this summer, they are now apparently happy for that precise scenario to play out.  No-one gives a toss about you being persuaded otherwise. In any organisation where transparency is not a dirty word, they would be providing that explanation to their "customers", especially if, as you claim, they have nothing to hide.

    I already answered that one AG. The CEO wanted that clause in place so that if Sibbald had a stormer of a season last year the club couldn't be in the position this summer where they lost him for nothing. Then they appointed a new manager. A new manager for whom transfer money was less important than having a player who was committed to the club. Hartley's mentioned his reasoning in public several times so it seems to me extremely transparent. The only reason to disbelieve that is if you think PH is lying.

    That's possible. As is BPM's subtle hint that the directors are also lying. I wouldn't claim to know otherwise as the only way to prove it one way or the other would be to show us the documentation, which would breach all sorts of confidentiality and data protection rules. So we'll never know for sure. Even a statement from Sibbald himself wouldn't be conclusive, though if  he and several others were who had reason to know were to put their opinions on record it would make a compelling case. 

    It all depends on who you believe. I choose to believe that club staff I've spoke to are telling the truth.

    Hey ho, as BPM said.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Whatever happens things usually get out one way or another. Too many with interests for it not too. We have plenty singing Canaries around our club however I don’t think Falkirk are any different to most clubs our size.




    I disagree about things getting out. I keep a close eye out for this because as one of the people who always knows signings in advance, I hate stories being leaked in case it throws suspicion on me. The majority take people by surprise though. For example, I was given the names on Sunday of the players who'd verbally agreed to join us. Nobody got Fasan  before he was announced and so far none of the others have appeared online either, despite Keithgy's hints to the contrary.  I agree we have canaries but at the moment they seem to be either muzzled or marginalised.

    Not sure about the strips. I know the stock wasn't coming in until June so I assume it's a Puma supply issue rather than deliberate choice by the club. Only an idiot would delay the arrival of a sought-after item and I'm sure you'll agree that LB doesn't come into that category.

    Oh, and I followed up your director advice re the Sibbald deadline. It didn't happen. There were no dates missed, no failures to deliver documents, nothing. Everything was done as it should have been. Either that or I'm being lied to by several directors and club staff who have very good reason to know. I'm open to being persuaded otherwise but you'll have to name names if you want me to consider it.  

  4. 13 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Do you seriously think those people were the only people who know about a transfer? They may well be the only ones at Falkirk.

    I remember when we signed Andy Nelson. The story broke from the Sunderland side.

    Ever thought agents, family members, parent clubs, media near where the player comes from might let something slip?

    It is a bit like the hiding of the strip. I really don’t see the point and why we are so precious about things. Once it is agreed if it gets out a few hours before does it really matter?







    Quite right BPM. I should have made it clear I was talking about internal leaks. The Nelson/Robson story was broken by the local paper in Sunderland, as was Fraser Aird by the Canadian press. If I mind right the Hippolyte signing came out when he went into Livingston for the last time to collect his gear.

    Players usually keep quiet but agents can be another matter, particularly if they're trying to find a better deal for their client. It wouldn't be the first time we lost a player to a last-minute bid from elsewhere. Hence why we're so secretive about targets until the player comes in and signs on the dotted line. I think most clubs are the same.

    I've no idea about the strip. I guess it's all to do with the big reveal and getting clicks on our media platforms.  As a company owner you would know more about what that's worth than I do.

    The point I was making - and it's not a dig at anyone on here - is that most of the ITK stuff online turns out to be a pile of keech. A newspaper or single agent wouldn't know the names of six potential signings. That would have to come from within FFC, and the people with that knowledge aren't likely to share it out.





  5. I understand  there are very few people who know the names of signings. Outside the coaching staff I think it's limited to the CEO, Chair, physio & the admin / media person. When it comes to players whom we've offered contracts to, but who haven't accepted, to that list will shrink even further. 

    When we signed Tom Dallison recently, the BOD were told the evening before. By the following morning his name had appeared on multiple fans sites. I don't know what's been done to prevent a repetition but I think it's safe to assume sort of action was taken. After all, there wasn't a peep about Patrick Brough, Dennon Lewis or Leo Fasan beforehand. Not even any "we're making a signing today"-type posts.

    For that reason I'd suggest that any "insider info" be treated with scepticism.

    Of course, if anyone's certain of their information, feel free to post a small amount of info that can be verified later; player initials, last club, age, etc.

  6. 26 minutes ago, kiddy said:

    When we already have two keepers on the books, to sign a guy that has been at Parkhead for 7 years, with minimal impact, & has been released after a season at Killie, seems a bit extravagant.

    Sent from my XT1039 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

    As long as we're running two teams (ie reserves or U20) you need at least three keepers. Last year after Mitch got injured we used a former FVFA goalie to make up the numbers.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Stuperman01 said:

    Inevitable if you ask me, as soon as the sugar Daddy walks away they will fold like a deck of cards. 

    Depends on when the cash is gifted, I would have thought.

    If he puts the money up front at the start of the season to cover the projected expenditure they'll be fine. Likewise, if someone signs a three year deal on big wages they'll also be fine, providing he hands over the cash to cover the entirety of the contract on the day the player signs. 

    So if McGregor dies, goes bankrupt or walks away it's no big deal. They've got the money in the bank to cover their costs. The player gets freed at the end of their deal and County sign a Highland League player on peanuts to replace them. 

    It's only when the investor pays in arrears that you've got a problem. Which seems to be how everyone operates. I have no idea if County are any different.



  8. 20 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:

    this is exactly what i got told by a source at the club also..........same person prob,

    aslo told me loy was on 2.5 x as much as sibbald last year and that Loy's arrival/wages didn't sit well with rest of squad

    It's not true though.

    Let's speculate that Loy is on a grand a week as that's the figure quoted by a poster shortly after you. It's also been mentioned several times by various posters on other forums.

    If he's on 2.5 times as much as Sibbald then Sibbs only got £400. Really? Really? :1eye

    Houston mentioned in a radio interview shortly after he took over that we paid around £500. I rather doubt that after signing several contract extensions, one of our best players got less than what was the going rate several years ago.



  9. 1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:

    If you are in doubt go ask. You are around the club often enough, well you were when we were signing players.




    Maybe I have, and can't find anyone to support the story. Which would hardly be surprising as if people HAD screwed up I wouldn't expect them to be broadcasting it.

    Hence why I say "in doubt" rather than "didn't happen".  And I'm quite willing to be persuaded otherwise. All you have to do is tell me the person I should be asking.




  10. 1 hour ago, keithgy said:

    Our wonderful board missed the deadline to invoke Sibbalds option by 2 days.

    Has this been confirmed anywhere Keithgy?  

    There seems to be a lot of people online claiming it as a fact, but so far nobody has offered up any evidence to prove it. Or given the name of a source who would have intimate knowledge of contract negotiations.

    Football admin, for want of a better description, is handled by office staff. There have been three separate people doing that role over the last couple of years. (The staff have changed due to the previous postholders moving on.) The CEO would have oversight but I doubt he'd be the one monitoring expiry dates of contracts, suspensions etc.  I'm totally speculating here, but if FFC are like any normal company then I imagine these things are flagged up as part of office processes and then reviewed on a weekly or monthly basis. And if the process fails then the CEO would be held responsible as he's in charge of the staff who implement it.

    I just have my doubts that it did fail and that we missed a deadline and lost our best player because of it.

    If you have any knowledge to prove me wrong, I'd love to hear it.




  11. 48 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

    It’s still PUMA for this coming season.

    I believe the Joma link is with the Foundation but I could be wrong.



    Foundation are currently with Uhlsport.  I'm actually surprised that no details of the strip release have leaked out, as one of their coaches told me (correctly) a couple of months ago what colour the away strip would be.

  12. 11 minutes ago, faedenny said:

     lack of info on at least when we will hear something from the club is a bit frustrating. 

    We'll hear something when an agent picks up the phone and says "we accept your offer". The club have no idea when that will happen so there's not much they can say.

    I imagine it's a lot more frustrating for PH. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:


    The new website currently has us on 22 (assuming it’s correct re the youth players).


    I make it 9 youth players from the list. As you say, still room for at least 6 new first teasers and maybe a few more if the 4 you mention leave.


    FFC Squad - 18/19


    David Mitchell

    Robbie Mutch (Y)



    Tom Dallison

    Jordan McGhee

    Tommy Robson

    Aaron Muirhead

    Mark Finlayson (Y)

    Jonny Mitchell (Y)

    Mark Munro (Y)

    Kyle Mitchell (Y)



    Patrick Brough

    Joe McKee

    Alex Harris

    Cameron Blues

    Cieran Dunne (Y)

    Jason Jarvis (Y)



    Dennon Lewis

    Kevin O’Hara

    Rory Loy

    Scott Shepherd

    Kieran Sweeney (Y)

    Aiden Laverty (Y)


    I haven't looked at the new website but there are three errors in the list you've posted:

    Mark Finlayson was released at the end of last season.

    Lewis Kidd, who signed a new contract, isn't on it.

    Jonny Mitchell's contract was up last year and so far there have been no announcements about him signing a new one.



  14. 14 minutes ago, wee_bairn said:

    I had read the 10/12 including players offered new deals. We’ve now signed 3 so about right no? Especially with talk of decreasing squad numbers. 8 players = 4 mid, 1 GK, 1 RB and 2 strikers?

    We currently have 21 players signed up for next season.

    Seven of those are youths, assuming you put Mutch into that category. So if you work on a first team squad size of twenty there are six vacancies. There could be potentially another four vacancies if he puts Blues & Shepherd back out on loan, or Harris & Loy agree to move on.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    If we were that desperate for him to stay you simply invoke the option and move on. You don't get involved in discussions with him whether he wants to stay or not.  Thats the idea of an option it takes the decision out of the players hands.  He must've known that we would want to take up the option when it was entered into his contract so its not as if its suddenly sneaked up on him.  He's had months to get used to the fact that he would be here for another year at least . We're the ones pandering to the player now by letting him out of a contract he signed .

    Give it a rest Shadwell, eh?.

    You've made your point - incessantly - over multiple posts and pages.

    There's nothing wrong with having an opinion and sparking a debate. However, when you're just repeating the same point ad infinitum I'd suggest it's time to move on. Particularly when the majority of posters appear to disagree with you.  You won't change their opinions so why keep it going?


  16. 15 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    We had an option on sibbald. If we were as desperate to keep him as the statement makes out then that shouldve been invoked and that shouldve been it. There was no need for negotiations , chats etc as everything shouldve been agreed when the option was put in the contract. The fact therefore that a player we were supposedly so desperate to keep and had an option on is no longer at the club needs clearly explained by our ceo and 'because he wouldve gone in the huff for a couple of weeks ' is not a viable answer.

    It's been explained though.

    The manager spoke in public - three times - and said if Sibbald wasn't committed  he didn't want him. And will probably do so again tonight. And put his name to a statement repeating that.

    If all the rumours about Hartley's personality are true then he appears to be a very strong character who tells it like it is.  So why do you not believe him?


  17. 1 minute ago, Shodwall cat said:

    We were told that comp for him was approx 250k. I wouldve thought about right considering how long he was at the club.  I still dont understand why we're as soft as shite . If we indeed did want him to stay then he shouldve been told that was happening.  Again he may have huffed a bit but if he wanted a decent future in football he wouldve realised he needed to get on with things and got his head down. He could then have done whatever he wanted next summer. If dont play hardball we'll ve stuck in this league for a long time yet.

    I think there's a sliding scale depending on age, and that he'll be fairly low as he's in the final year when compensation can be claimed. No doubt one of the decent QOS posters will be on shortly to enlighten us both.

    IMO you make too many assumptions and always err on the side of Corporal Fraser.

  18. Just now, Shodwall cat said:

    If your going to all that trouble over getting an option it should be in the hope of getting far more than 50k.  Our minimum shouldve been the comp money and nothing less.

    Stop looking to find faults Shodwall, or I'll start a petition to bring Jimmy back.

    I'd happily spend a few weeks arguing with folk to get fifty grand, if indeed that figure is accurate. Wouldn't you?

    I have no idea what the minimum comp money is. Do you, and is it above 50K for a player of his age?

  19. 59 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Why have some much hassle to get an option put in someones contract if your just going to let them feck off to a wee club like livi for nowt.  Time for arsehole campbell to feck off back to his community pish and leave the football to folk who actually have a scooby.

    I believe the CEO insisted on the option to protect the interests of the club so that if Sibbald wanted to move this summer we'd get some cash, assuming of course that the manager was willing to let him go.

    The phrase "undisclosed fee" suggests that we got the cash, rather than have Sibbs walk for nothing.  

    So putting in the option was probably the right thing to do.

    As to whether PH was right not to force him to re-sign, only time will tell on that one. Let's see how his replacement performs before we rush to judgement.



  20. 4 hours ago, Rugster said:

    Let me reword my question. Are you required at the stadium in the next 24-48 hours that you know of? :P

    I think answering one question a month on P&B is fair, so I'll give you a totally honest answer.


    I've to cover the "Meet The Manager" event tomorrow night.

    Good question Rugster.


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