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Posts posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. 1 minute ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Having 14/15 out of contract in the summer is frankly disgraceful and points to a club that had no strategic recruitment plan.




    By my calculations it's quite a few more than 14/15.

    As far as recruitment goes, I assume (unless you know otherwise) that's it all down to the manager at the time. He picks the signings and he decides how long to keep them for. Or do you believe that someone else (ie BOD/CEO) should be deciding contract durations for him?

    From the durations announced each time we sign someone, no-one gets more than a two year deal or extension nowadays. Do you think that should change?

    I think the last one who got longer was Hippo, who signed a 2.5 year deal when he joined in Jan 2016.



  2. 26 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:


    Do you think that will mean he will get his chance in January?



     I guess it depends on whether the manager is going to wait until he's at 100% fitness before judging whether he wants to keep him or not. Or whether he already has a plan - and the finances - to replace him, along with many of the others who're out of contract in the summer.

    I don't know. I'm looking forward to finding out though.


  3. 6 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Is Kidd injured again?


    No. I inquired about his non-appearance on Saturday and it was pointed out to me that he hasn't yet played a full 90 minutes for the Development squad. He only played 75 mins against Aberdeen on Tuesday so it appears he's being eased back in gradually.

  4. 13 minutes ago, MrDust said:

    Muirhead Kidd, Balatoni, Grant, McGhee, Gallacher and Tumility....

    7-1-1-1 formation anyone ?

    A right back, surely a left back would've been more productive 

    Several of the players quoted in your post will not be fit for Saturday, nor for a few weeks. We already have someone who can play LB; we have no-one fully fit who can play on the other side.  Unless you promote a youth player who's not yet good enough for first team football. Tumilty is, hence the short-term signing.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    My concerns with Hartley are he doesnt seem to get the bare necessity of certain players needing to play in certain positions. At the moment McGhee must be lb for instance. The difference in defensive stats with him there instead of Gallacher is easy to see but every time we get an injury at centrehalf we take him out of there and stick Gallacher back in.  The result 7 goals in two league games compared to one in 5 league games with McGhee there.  

    Watson & Ballatoni were injured and with Luca at Morton Hartley had little choice, other than playing Kidd at RB, Aero in the centre and leaving McGhee on the left.

    The non-appearance of Kidd yesterday did seem a strange one to me.  


  6. 12 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:


    You really think the club would let a comment like that go out if it was not sanctioned pretty high up? Dear me.

    Indeed. The statement was made to the press by a club official before the team left Inverness. The reporters would hardly publish it if they didn't know who that official was.  It's their choice as to whether or not they namecheck the person, and they evidently decided not to.  Perhaps the poster should contact the Daily Record to ask them why?  

  7. I keep an excel spreadsheet of FFC data and one of the things on it are contract durations, as per the info given out on the website when we sign a new player.  I was just having a look at it after someone commented about our goalie being likely to be on his way if Hartley signs a replacement.

    It's interesting to note that virtually all of the senior pros are out of contract at the end of the season. The exceptions being McKee, Harris, Loy, Mitchell (David), & Shepherd. I include the latter because he's too old to be classed as a U20 player. We have options on a couple of others such as Sibbald and McGhee, but the option lies with the club which means the manager can ditch them if he wants to.

    Unless performances improve dramatically I imagine we'll see a major turnover of players in the summer. The obvious question is how many will Hartley be able to release or get out on loan in January? The outcome of our season could well depend on it, because we have a very large squad and I can't see new players coming  in unless we get existing ones off the wage bill.


    A few of the U20s will also be out of contract in the summer; ie  Langton, Mitchell (Jonny), O' Hara , Peggie and Stowe.   Most of whom I would like to see extended for another year, and a couple of which I think could do a turn in the first team. Cieran Dunne hasn't done too badly, particularly when you consider that he's only been a professional for four months,  so why not give some of older boys a shot before the January window opens?


  8. 9 minutes ago, Just a bairn said:

    I think Hartley is a great appointment, but the playoffs are a huge stretch for us. 

    It would be a stretch if the teams at the top were good, but all have dropped points they shouldn't have thus far. Utd may well pull away but apart from them I don't see much changing. 

    Livi are a fair bit clear in fourth place, having won only four of their eight games. I see no reason why we can't catch at least them if we get our act together. A nine point gap isn't a lot to make up with more than 3/4  of the season still to go. 

    I remember Airdrie being eleven points clear of us in Jefferies first season in charge. It didn't stop us winning the league. I'm not saying we'll do that this season but we can certainly finish in the top four. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Kerr has an input as does McArdle and Miller but Alex Smith is in charge

    Agreed. I gave Alex a run to and from the Oriam for this afternoons game and from what he was saying about the changes he made on Saturday, it's clear that he's very much the person making the decisions.

    Now there's a first - me siding with and backing up BPM. :P 

  10. 4 hours ago, Gaz said:

    While I don't disagree with most of this, he was only able to make so many astute signings thanks to the demise of the old Airdrieonians. Had that not happened, it's not quite likely he'd have achieved the same level of success.

    I'm now fully expecting a thoroughly mediocre appointment with the words "assisted by Alex Smith" affixed to the end of the appointment announcement.

    Partly agree with your first paragraph. The circumstances were undoubtedly favourable to McCall, but he still took advantage of them to bring in good players. He then melded those with existing players who'ld underperformed the previous year (ie Andy Laurie, Jamie McQuilken, Mark Kerr, John Henry, Lee Miller) to produce a team who were devastatingly good. He also made a few crucial signings from elsewhere such as Stuart Taylor, Steve Tosh, John Hughes and of course Collin Samuel. And he got rid of a lot of dross from the Totten era, so it wasn't all down to Airdrie. Apart from the fact that had they not gone bust we would have won the Second Division and not the First!

    I disagree with your second paragraph though. I don't think there's any chance that Alex Smith will ever return to having an active role in the dugout.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

    Most Falkirk fans are no brainers, which explains their desire for Ian McCall.

    Leaving aside the barb, McCall took a side that (should have) been relegated, made some astute signings, and turned them into a team that absolutely steamrollered everyone else on their way to the title the following season.

    The football was fantastic. In 37 years of watching Falkirk, I would say that only Jim Jefferies created a team that was more enjoyable to watch than jobbies - and JJ had Simon Stainrod pulling the strings.


  12. 11 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

    My lad was in Sligo and said we were decent. In the next breath he then says I was leathered and spewed up at the game, so maybe nonsense. oh don't you just love those Shuttle Boys.

    They were staying in the same hostel as me. I didn't hear a peep all night, so either they were quiet as mice when they came back in, found an all-night pub or got nicked. :D

    Do you know which it was? Just curious.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

    Since Higginbotham has left you he's been above Falkirk every season bar last, hard to see how that's nosedived tbh.



    He did well for us and so got a move to Huddersfield, but ever since then he's played for teams who were at a lower level than his previous club. I think that's a fair description of nosedive.




  14. 15 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    I agree with you to a certain extent but I'm not sure its the figure that's the problem its more that our bod wont be hard to deal with. In the past there doesn't seem to have really been much in the way of negotiations when we've been selling our best young players. It very much comes over as us accepting the first decent bid that comes in

    If we accepted the first decent bid that came in then at least three current players in our squad (that I know of) would be playing in England right now. Subject to your definition of "decent", right enough.

    However, as the club don't publicise rejected bids then I guess they can't defend themselves against inaccurate assumptions like yours.

  15. 10 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

    We are 500 ST's down - not my doing. I would presume most who have not bought have done so because of perceived lack of ambition and poor product on the pitch. Certainly that was the feedback the club got when the did a phone round.


    Sorry BPM, but both these claims are wrong.

    Firstly, 500 existing season ticket holders didn't renew. That was partially balanced out by a surprisingly high number of people who bought season tickets for the first time ever. We're not 500 down on overall numbers.

    The feedback on WHY they didn't renew was that most of them had personal reasons for doing so - family commitments, different work patterns, finances etc. I was in the office at the time and spoke to the girl who'ld just finished doing the phoning round. She didn't have any reason to lie to me.


  16. 15 minutes ago, thelocalcat said:

    Hussain didn't look like he belonged there (for all I know he could've been pretty young though)

    Technically he doesn't, as he's a Forth Valley Academy player and not a professional footballer. It's not that unusual for academy kids to get a run out with the U20s before either getting a contract offer or being released.

  17. 28 minutes ago, bejazz1 said:

    Don't think PH realised his value either as he moved out of the club with a whisper. Maybe with a halt decent contract longer term contract he would have been happy signing but this never materialised.



    He wasn't moved out. He told Falkirk he wouldn't sign a new contract as he had suitors down South. We can't come close to the sort of money the English can offer, so the idea that giving him a longer contract would have made a difference is just wrong. 

    We're a stepping stone to better things for most players so getting anyone to sign for longer than two years is unlikely, unless of course they're an old pro on a downward spiral. I can't recall the last time we gave anyone a three year contract.


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