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Posts posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. 1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

    Will Sibbs defintely be with us next season? Could swear I drove past him in Motherwell yesterday. Of course given that it’s season’s end there’s many reasons he could be down this way though...

    I don't think I'm giving away any secrets by saying that he'll be there. I spoke briefly to him after the game on Saturday and his parting words were "see you next season". I think you can safely assume that anyone we have options on will be returning, as none of those players were on the released list yesterday.

    I suspect that we want everyone else who's out of contract and wasn't on that list, but they may choose  go elsewhere, as Bairdy did last summer. Time will tell.




  2. 2 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

    Can’t wait for players to show up to the stadium today and be told at the door to get to by The Don.

    Except that won't be happening.

    The fans facebook pages at the end of last week contained multiple posts from  folk who know the players. Those posts confirmed that the players had already been told whether they're being offered a new contract or not. 


  3. 10 minutes ago, MetalWolf said:

    I wouldn't expect the release list for at least a week.  presumably all our players are contracted up to the end of the play off period?

    They may be contracted - and paid - to the end of the playoffs but if they've been told they're not getting extensions there's nothing to stop that list being announced ASAP.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Falkirk_Bairn_1983 said:

    It's 3 first team players I was told about, not that any of them are a surprise. Strange that they were told during the week then set to play on Saturday though. Hartley must be itching to get rid :lol:

    I thought it was a bit strange at first, but when you think about it the decision makes sense.

    The last game is a dead rubber, in that it will have no effect on our league placings. Letting  the players know beforehand means that those who're being released only need to come in tomorrow and that's them finished. They don't have to return on Monday to be told that their contract won't be renewed.  It's safe to assume those contracts expire after the end of the playoffs so it gives them a couple of extra days paid holiday.

    And as one of them said yesterday, it gives tomorrow an extra bite, knowing that if he's selected he may be playing to impress a potential next employer. The released list might not go public for another couple of days but you can be sure their agents are aware and  folk will be watching them.

  5. Just seen a Facebook poll by Edinburgh City for their player of the year; Scott Shepherd is getting a lot of votes from their fans. I heard from one of our players recently that he's doing really well there. He still has another year on his Falkirk contract so will be interesting to see what happens with him next season.


  6. 4 hours ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

    Just sounds like you're overrating Jakubiak tbh.

    In fairness he definitely has potential but still looked raw in the couple of times I saw him.

    You probably saw him when your defenders were allowed to play wrestling matches with him. He's not the biggest player around, so when defenders are permitted to enfold him in bear hugs he's never going to look good. His close control, finishing and knack for being in the right place at the right time are why we rate him. I don't know where his career will ultimately take him but it'll be at a much higher level than the Scottish Championship.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

    He's scored seven league goals this season against non part time sides. Falkirk can do miles better.

    Must admit that I think this part time stuff is a load of keich, regardless of which set of fans spout it.

    Most of us Falkirk fans think Jakubiak is a cracking player.

    I doubt that any of us care that of his seven goals, five were scored against part time sides. (2 Brechin, 2 Cove, 1 Dumbarton) The other 2 were against Morton and Livvy.


  8. 56 minutes ago, CC52 FFC said:

    When someone scores 30+ goals in a league it ultimately shows they deserve the chance in the league above. If we sign better, then great.


    Not always. Kenny Deuchar and Jordan White were prolific at a lower level. They were honking for us.

    You could arguably make a similar case about Nathan Austin too.  

  9. 1 minute ago, Back Post Misses said:

    You may well be right, you may well be wrong. However the very matter there is some doubt surely is something we could do without.

    As the Dundee fan said it all seems pointless.

    Why we create a debate when we have had almost universal praise three days prior is beyond me


    I'm speculating here, but I suspect the CEO didn't consider the implications for the manager before including that line. If PH was annoyed, then words will have been said privately and it won't happen again.

    I can think of a few instances over the years where our managers have been irked by public statements made by board members or other staff.

  10. 3 hours ago, MrDust said:

    King St ?

    If so I was there too, neighbour upstairs a Celtic fan, 20-30 of us sing specially for him and watching the highlights on TV twice.

    I never made work day after, my manager was a Celtic fan and was glad and understood 


    Having looked at the map, it could well have been. It was somewhere in the vicinity of Wallace Street anyway. I think the flat owner was one of the Steels.

  11. 36 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    My all time favourite result as a Bairn. When you look at the Celtic squad and look at ours it was utterly unbelievable we beat them, not just in a one off game but to beat them in a replay was incredible.

    The last twenty minutes I sat looking at the ground when they were attacking you just expected to hear that big roar at some point.

    The lung bursting run by Crunchie with about 5 minutes to go will live long in the memory. The full length of the pitch on a glue pot pitch with Celtic international players not able to get close. Amazing!

    After the game and when Elliot’s closed we went back to a mates house to watch the highlights. I remember looking around the room and thinking I don’t know half the punters that were there - it was rammed. A night that will never be forgotten.


    Absolutely this. I think I was one of the punters in that house. I should have been sacked the next day, because I remember staggering out at something like 4am and being in work at seven. My then employer had a very strict alcohol policy and I was still pished. God knows how I got away with it.

    That night will only ever be bettered if we actually win the Scottish Cup.

  12. 44 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    I hope our board appreciate that there are going to have to be some decent signings early doors to get fans to part with their hard earned cash.

    Given that the recruitment guru is based in England and that five of the six January signings came from there, I imagine we won't have heard of most of the incoming players. I suspect they'll be young players with potential who didn't quite make it at their previous clubs. When you consider that Leahy, Vaulks, Taylor, Jakubiak fell into this category I'm quite happy with that.

    So the likelihood is that we'll have no idea if the signing are decent until the season is well underway. Mind you, that won't stop the moaners browsing a Wycombe Wanderers fans forum and then coming back to tell us the new signing we've just announced is pish.  As happened with the Yak.

    My money would be on Shodwell to make the first such post. :whistle

  13. 31 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

    My point is a lot of people feel that way at this point of the season but come the start of next season when we start to see changes happening in personnel I think most (not all) will renew.
    Most of those that don’t will probably be walk ups so I would hope we don’t see a dramatic slump in finances.

    Last year must have been a hard sell for season tickets, with only three new signings, one of whom was a goalkeeper and the other was Alex Harris. 

    I would have thought that if we make the rumoured dozen plus new signings it will be much easier to shift tickets. The current crap season won't matter so much because most of the players who contributed to it would be gone by the time the tickets go on sale.  



  14. 19 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    That has not been the way of it at Falkirk really. We have had a good number of 2 year deals recently.

    There has been no planning hence we are in a mess.


    I think the change of manager and possibility of relegation have also had an effect. Houston often extended contracts well before they were up, for example Baird getting an extension one January. Our perilous league position (for a while) would have prevented us doing that this season.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

    There must be some reason for Nelson and the club not giving out this information, but I can’t for the life of me think what. Robson’s outburst would suggest it’s possibly serious? Have to laugh at some of the simpletons in our support losing the head over on Twitter though, claiming some sort of malice in the Dunfermline tweet which I’m sure was just well intentioned sympathy.

    Sometimes players or their agents don't want medical information disclosed. I think they believe it could affect future employment prospects. 

    I don't know if that's a valid concern, or whether it applies in this case, but I can think of a fair number of injuries which were never reported on club media channels. Medical information is generally kept confidential and anything that is given out tends to be pretty vague.


  16. 5 hours ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

    The thought of McKee and Harris having another year makes me want to greet. Hope Hartley does everything in his power to chuck them.

    McKee hasn't started a game since we played Dumbarton in February. Harris hasn't started a game since we played Dundee Utd in November.

    Neither have been mentioned in the frequent "can you give us an injury update?" questions asked on Falkirk TV.

    It therefore seems reasonable to speculate that neither are wanted and will not be playing next season if we bring in replacements during the summer. You could probably apply the same reasoning to Rory Loy, who hasn't started since Brechin in February.

    If that's true, they can either sit out the final year of their contracts with a guaranteed wage but with no chance of game time, or choose to cut their losses and try to find another club. If it were me than I know which option I would choose.


  17. 4 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Speaking to players in Elliot’s on Saturday there is certainly an air of “we would like to sign but still don’t know what is happening”

    I think that's always the case, or at least it has been in the last couple of years while I've been more closely involved at the club.  They play their final match and then meet the manager early the following week to be told if they're wanted or not.

    That's the certainly the case this year. I spoke to one  of them after the game last night and he has no idea what's happening, despite the fact that he's probably one of the ones that most folk would want to keep.

    As for your other point, it seems that the club have always allowed the manager to run the playing squad as he sees fit. Not having relegation clauses, and in some cases, having players who increased their wages after relegation because they passed a threshold would be a good example of this. 

    I have no idea whether that sort of board oversight is common at other clubs or not. It may even be that our way of doing things is the norm, unless you're working for Vladimir Romanov.

  18. 36 minutes ago, Stuperman01 said:

    It's not nonsense at all its called being a realist, if somehow Dumbarton manage a win on Saturday and we lose will you still think it's nonsense. Until we are mathematically safe then it's not nonsense at all.

    Not that it holds any significance but Rangers did die that bit is based on fact. It really depends on what you class as a major trophy, claiming the Championship title would be a major trophy to us would it not?

    Both results you mention would shorten the odds of Dumbarton overhauling us, but it'd still be very unlikely. Given the performances of both teams since January I don't consider it realistic that they'll win 3 out of 4 and we'll lose all of ours.  

    If you genuinely think that's being realistic, go and put a bet on at the bookies.

  19. 2 hours ago, Stuperman01 said:

    We are still in a relegation fight here folks make no mistake about it,


    I wish people would stop spouting this nonsense.

    Look at the league table.

    Even if we lost all four of our remaining matches, Dumbarton need to win three of their four to overhaul us.

    The chances of both happening are on a par with Rangers fans admitting that their club died and that newco have never won a major trophy.


  20. 5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
    8 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:
    No, he's still with the club and was playing with the U20s tonight.

    Hope hes learning the RWB position

    He was playing LWB, believe it or not. Conor Langton was RWB.

    Both are wingers, but with no FVFA players to call up any more and a first team game tomorrow the U20s are a wee bit light at the moment. We only had three subs whereas Hibs had the full seven.

  21. 53 minutes ago, Dennistoun Bairn said:

    change of subject folks... Following Ronaldo's amazing effort last night, was trying to think back to when I last saw a Falkirk player score with an overhead kick.  

    Any overhead kicks, anyone? 


    Canny mind any goals from overhead kicks, but here's big Aero demonstrating the technique last night. Albeit the ball subsequently went straight up rather than back the way.   


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