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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Took in the u-20s game tonight vs the Vale. I don’t see any of them breaking into the 1st team anytime soon, and I include Luca Vata in that. The Vale are doing all the right things with youth development and there is a clear pathway to the 1st team (albeit at a much lower level) We took over a youth team, renamed them as our under 20s and have next to nothing feeding into it. We should be looking at the youth as a potential way to get some up and coming talents but we aren’t even the best or even 2nd best youth side in the area.
  2. Cup result pleslie999 beats RBWatson by resignation Was pretty tight until @EvilScotsman gave up his Queen (which I would’ve classed as a blunder but apparently not according to the analysis). Thanks for the game
  3. Every year I watch this, every year I say I won’t do it again. They get worse and more pretentious each year. It’s purely done for Tv now rather than great business. there is also no eye candy this year so it’s doubly shit
  4. Apologies @EvilScotsman I accidentally cancelled your request, I’ll resend
  5. Dumbarton Academy has had local residents greeting for years, when I was at school and we used to play on the rugby pitch after school. Some old dick used to come moan about the noise. @Jan Vojáček you are correct about the number of pitches in the area but they are under used, mainly due to price I think. the vale academy is hardly used (most evenings it sits empty and there are rarely games at the weekend), Argyll and Dumbarton East are well used but mainly due to Vale (Argyll) and DU (east) who have priority on both. If we did put a pitch down it would be used, but I don’t think it would be packed out as much as you think. Bearing in mind the best midweek let’s would be tied up by us and no doubt Broomhill, it wouldn’t leave much time for anyone else. the initial cost is the biggest issue, like you I have no idea where this would come from and my fear is it was another empty promise from our charlatan owners
  6. not sure if anyone has seen this article. Popped up on my twitter. Suppose it’s nothing we don’t already know.
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