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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. The thing is that at this level there isn't a lot between the actual ability of all the players in all the teams. What separates most of us is the desire of the players each club has along with the ability of the manager to set them up and motivate them. Unfortunately this season we haven't had either. In the few seasons we had in the championship we naturally had motivation to prove everyone wrong that we weren't going to be relegated, plus we had some decent loanees who had points to prove to their mother clubs. We also had Sir Ian Murray then Stevie who took us on and wanted to prove a point. Fast forward to this season and we started with a manager who couldn't be arsed, he knew he had reached his peak with us and really didn't want to be here. We also signed players that on paper looked great but realistically lacked the fight for this level, a bunch of jobbers who had/have nothing to prove. Hutton, Perry, Adam, Loy, Barr, Dowie, Forbes, Little, Paton. All of them know they are never going to play at a higher level again in their careers so they seem just happy to come pick up a pay packet. Dowie for one, our captain, clearly had other things on his mind and his performances showed such. Duffy comes in and we hoped for miracles, unfortunately he can't motivate players who don't want to be motivated, which is how it seems. However he should, in my opinion, be sorting out the issue by bringing in some young hungry boys on loan. If he doesn't do so in the next day (or after if we are allowed) then I really fear for us as Duffys impact hasn't had the desired effect.
  2. I like it as it is, It looks really smart and professional. Credit to you for taking time and effort to such a beautiful shrine to those special cup winners. No need to rush any more cups out, they should be special occasions. 5 for Monday
  3. Brad Spencer has scored and been sent off for Forfar today
  4. Many thanks Tynie for running the cup and many thanks to those sending their congratulations! For those I beat along the way.........get it up you! Only kidding! Anyway a pathetic 4 to end the week, boys still pished from celebrating the cup win
  5. It took me reading through 6 pages to find this out........
  6. I think this also. 1 or 2 and the squad bulked up a bit with trialists who could range from pish to pisher
  7. I'm getting more and more concerned about the lack of numbers. How many actual players do we have registered and how many are fit? The laws state you can start a match with 7 players but has a professional team ever started with less than 11? Surely we will have at least 3 trialists playing on Saturday.
  8. I totally understand the argument for allowing fans with other clubs season tickets in at a reduced rate. However I also understand that it may anger our more local regular fans, who fork out their hard end cash to watch us, and see their next door neighbour pay less than them to get in. It's good to see the club coming up with different fund raising ideas and ways to attract new fans. There will be a lot of people in the area that just want to watch football but are put off by the price at our ground, so maybe a discounted rate somehow may help bring them in. I for one love watching football regardless of the level. Dumbarton are my team however finances and responsibilities mean I don't get to as many games as I like. Do i think we charge too much? Yes I do. Does it put me off? Kind of, it's more justifying to the wife that I'm going to spunk near enough £50 on a day out at the football. This means that if i do get a rare Saturday off I end up watching Dumbarton Accies, or St pats playing on the common or even watching the vale juniors which IMO reflects good value for money. Do i resent Dumbarton for charging so much? Absolutely not, it's the world we live In and what everyone else charges, I don't believe we would get enough extra punters in to merit dropping the price. The work that certain people around our club put in is commendable. A lot of effort goes in to organise events etc and I take my hat off to you all. I'm sure most of our fans are happy to contribute to all the fund raising events, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) some of our fans can contribute financially more than others but everyone that helps out should be applauded. Who knows what the future will bring but the efforts of those busting their gut to keep our team going is outstanding.
  9. I assume paddy flannery has a few shandys on a Saturday during the day, maybe watching the scores come in, then goes on FB in full meltdown mode
  10. And they managed to throw that lead away after he came on........Wonder if he will say he doesn't fancy it there too
  11. That will be his 3rd although I'm not sure if Celtic development count. He hasn't played for the 1st team, so suppose technically it's his 2nd.
  12. I will have a wee check at the FB page later for some amusement. It really does bring out the best in people.
  13. 2 wins from 2, I'm your bogey team. I couldn't resist on the other thread, take the quizzing fraternity global! Appreciate the good luck message [emoji106]
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