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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Be good to get as many folk involved in this as possible. 50% of all takings go to the club!
  2. In your opinion.......... Here's an idea, go take a referees course and show everyone how it's done. There is a chronic shortage in the game (mainly due to clowns like yourself who criticise without any actual knowledge!) so they would be delighted to have another 'expert' on the books.
  3. Yeah cause the ref scored the 4 goals.........
  4. Anyone fancies a pre-season/post-season friendly hit me up. Pleslie999 is my chess username.
  5. On the subject of raising funds for the club. I'm running a World Cup predictor at £10 a head, it will be up on official club Social media in next couple of days. The more we get involved will get more funds into the club so feel free to spread the word.
  6. I dont see the issue. Its the clubs land and if they want to charge folk a fiver to park there then so be it. Yeah you could happily walk in yourself. The fiver I understand included a raffle ticket and the refreshments were from a local cafe so supporting a local business who's also trying to make a few quid. The club need the money so why not try different things to raise funds.
  7. Does it matter?? We won! It's been no secret that's how we play, it was the backbone to our winning run! It's up to other teams to break it down! We are top of the league! Enjoy it!
  8. It's far from a farce. It's not even that far a trek, ok maybe if we were away up to Cove or wick for a 745pm then maybe there would be a small case. It's a minor inconvenience for a small number of people. Can't just force a club to up sticks and move just because a couple folk on a football forum don't like it! Go make it a night out, have a few beers, watch some football, have more beer and go home! Our fan base love a moan. We can add this to the list of weird things we are greeting about currently. I'm gonna stay far away from the FB page for this one!!
  9. As much as it might be frustrating for us fans, there isn't really much that can be done. Hamilton share with Clyde, there was always going to be 1 of the matches moved and it was always going to be Clyde if neither selected for TV. Hamilton's ground is probably the most used ground in Scottish football amongst their numerous age group teams and woman's team. Even though its a community stadium it's not available to hire as its constantly in use. Why should the SFA make Clyde play at a neutral venue? It's their home game and they should be entitled to play there.
  10. It's a known fact people at the club keep an eye on PnB and other social media outlets. I would assume most clubs have someone doing similar. I wouldn't be taking notice of that FB page though, Jesus, that's a car crash every day I look! At least some of us on here are vaguely sane.
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