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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Good game mate cheers. You played really well, punished my mistakes well
  2. Pleslie999 draws with AH13STU by agreement. Seems only fair result. Thoughts with @Leicesterlichtie at this time
  3. Hope all is well mate. Take care. Iv offered a draw in our game, happy for that to be the outcome. Feels unfair for u to concede in the circumstances
  4. A rare foray into the top league thanks to Mt golfers 7 birdies on Friday. I have a severe nose bleed. 8 to start what will be a relegation week
  5. Pleslie999 and arabjoe draw by agreement. Was a tight game, not much in it, I couldn't see a way to breakthrough with the pieces that were left, pawns werent moving anywhere so offered a draw. Good game. Cheers
  6. I do think the touchline issue is being taken out of proportion a bit. We've closed in the pitch by a few yards, so what? Will it make that much difference? Probably not. Stevie can throw about whatever reason he likes whether it's for long throws, better defending, drainage or rangers wanted it. At the end of the day we could play on a 5 a side pitch as long as we have a decent attempt at winning football matches which unfortunately is the main issue and what's lacking at the minute.
  7. Yeah good game cheers, was destined for a draw for a while after I threw away what I thought was a good positional advantage (it felt like it anyway and iv not looked at the analysis yet). Well played
  8. N5-Spur beats pleslie999 by checkmate A queen blunder In the middle killed me. Before that I thought I was doing well but after that I was in trouble. Done well to get the queen back following a fork on Queen and King but alas it was too late and I was down too much material. Well played sir. Thanks for the game.
  9. Wasn't at the game but things sound as concerning as they did last season. Positive sounds around Brett Long but suppose we all knew that anyway when he was signed. How long until he realises he can't bail out every single mistake in front of him though! Carswell being atrocious and anonymous......get him out, he's as much part of the problem as Farrell, as iv said before he's stunk the place out for too long! Surely a moneybags team in the LL or WOS would take him off our hands. Hopefully Farrell was using it as an experiment today and has realised square pegs in round holes don't work, but then again he had all of last season to realise that didn't work!
  10. Strathaven Dynamo are previously known as Machan Utd and have moved from the churches league with a name change. A very decent side.
  11. Fair play to the club, that's top banter there! And the shirt just caps it off
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