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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Mcgeever must be close to being our top scorer! I am aware thats not saying much as we don't score many!
  2. Was a really good game, I felt I was ahead for a bit but couldn't find the move to make it count, u having a queen made the difference in the end I think. Well played.
  3. Pleslie999 beats Dandies1983 by resignation Was a really good game, I lost an early rook, then traded Queens and was pretty close, I felt I was always behind until a couple mistakes allowed me back in. My opponent admitted being a few cans in near the end of the game so I reckon that maybe played a part lol! I'll take another win though! Cheers for the game, enjoyed it.
  4. Does anyone know if there will be any tickets for the Playoff game on general sale?
  5. Accepted both, likely to get horsed by both looking at the ratings but I'll try give u a game and learn something.
  6. Anyone sitting idle waiting for next weeks fixtures and want a friendly, my games this week are over so Im happy to play? Pleslie999 is my chess.com user name. Happy to play from any league.
  7. I thought u had me too, I always seemed 1 move away from being mated. Then when you moved your f pawn to expose your king my eyes lit up and knew I could force a draw seeing as all our other pieces were defending each other. I'll try not make so many blunders in the next game
  8. RBwatson draws with pleslie999 I dodged a bullet big time. Too many mistakes in the opening left me in all sorts of trouble. Pounced on the 1 mistake my opponent made to force a draw by being able to repeatedly check his King . eventually it would've been draw by repetition if we hadn't agreed. tbf a draw was the best I could've got so feel pretty bad after my horrific opening. Unbeaten in 3 now, things are looking a lot more rosy now. GG
  9. It was discussed on here at the time of his 1st signing for us, many of us voiced our displeasure at the signing at the time.
  10. Its agrekko expanding their site so I believe.
  11. Pleslie999 beats DieHardDoonhamer by resignation. Was quite a cagey game and not much in it until I forked your King and rook when I think u wanted me to trade Queens, enjoyable game and 2nd win out of 2 this week!
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