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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. 8 for tuesday. One day I will get a Shakespeare question right........probably not. 0 jags for me, young fit and healthy still.
  2. Tbf It's probably not the right place for this discussion however I don't think it's fair to blame the police for the scenes yesterday. They were hugely outnumbered so wading in and nicking folk was not going to end well. That being said, it was no secret there was going to be thousands of them descending on ibrox as it was all over social media for weeks, as is the planned gathering at George Square. Maybe a bit of pro active policing wouldn't have gone astray.
  3. Pointless argument, L1 and L2 clubs arnt being tested (yet) and its highly unlikely that they are getting tested In their other jobs unless they work in an industry that is testing regularly which I doubt there is many. Unless they are showing symptoms then there is no need for them to have a test and as has been pointed out on here numerous times, footballers fall into the category who are highly likely to be asymptomatic. Championship clubs now returning positive tests since they started testing is no surprise, watch the numbers shoot up in L1 and L2 once testing starts.
  4. We're talking specifically about Arbroath and Alloa, who were according to Grangemouth Bairn, given preferential treatment. Your comment above is regards to the championship and premiership. If you think they are being treated preferentially compared to everyone else then you may have an argument. To say just 2 clubs are is madness! I dont disagree its a risk, I personally think when the were shutting it down they shouldve shut down the lot if that's the case. I'm merely pointing out to you that singling out Arbroath and Alloa for being treated with preference is just plain daft. We can agree to disagree but you can't single out just 2 clubs here. It's not their fault they have been successful and are playing at their level. Do you suggest the championship was just to continue with 8 teams?
  5. Sorry Jan, I fail to see the point here. Ask any amateur player who has been sidelined since last March, it would be 95%+ who would want to get playing again and without testing. Everyone would like to get back to normality without testing too but it's not an option! Ps I know you want hits on the website so I clicked the link anyway
  6. There is no preferential treatment. They are being treated the same as everyone else in their league. Same as Falkirk and thistle are I league 1! To say it's "preferential" is ridiculous. Preferential implies that they are getting special treatment, their not, they are getting the se treatment as those in their league! Thats a fact whether you like it or not.
  7. Sorry what? The received preferential treatment how? For being PT and allowed to keep playing? They are in a league that was allowed to continue, hardly preferential. They reep the benefits of their league position which they obtained on merit. Have a think about what your saying? Do you think the other 8 teams in the championship should've been allowed to continue and Alloa/Arbroath made to stop? Falkirk fans stop acting like self entitled fuds. You are in league 1 as that is your current level, you have been here for years as you have merited it on the pitch. You are now subject to any restrictions placed on Said league. Alloa and Arbroath are in the championship as they are there on merit and better than Falkirk (and all other league 1 teams) they are subject to any restrictions placed on the championship. Nothing is a conspiracy, nothing here is preferential. Just because they have people on the spfl board makes not a jot of difference. Jesus!
  8. Jesus wept. We have 26 pages of the same people shouting about the same argument. Essential work, non-essential work, professional, semi-professional, SFA, SPFL, The government. No matter how much you continually batter your point across someone will disagree, but to do this for this whole thread is a bit mad. Some people don't think football should have stopped some are in full agreement it did (there is a separate thread for this btw) There is also a thread elsewhere to discuss all things COVID-19 related. Things have gone away from the original question of null and void or and 18 game season? Personally I'd can it and start again in August. Whatever happens, some people will be annoyed and think its a vandetta against them (see Falkirk FC).
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