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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. I thought I had it all sewn up and you came out with a stinker that I didn't see coming and even after you played it didn't see it! Well played! 0-2 now. Things can only get better
  2. Well and truly pumped is a good way to describe this. Only way is up I suppose! My biggest frustration is I can see ahead what my opponent Is going to do and generally make an arse of defending it. But can't seem to plan decent attacks myself.
  3. Is there a list of all the chess user names? Seems some are missing from the OP?
  4. I dont think there is time to play a split. Just end the season after 18 games. Defo the right decision.......
  5. If it was legit surely it would be on the official site?
  6. That move aside I think I'm just delaying the inevitable but I'm looking forward to the league campaign. Hopefully won't embarrass myself too much
  7. I think I should be in league C, iv had a few pre season games and been skelped, currently getting my arse handed to me for the 2nd time by @GordonS. If its a hassle I'll happily be the whipping boy of the league!
  8. Where is this? Can't see it on twitter or the official site?
  9. Pish, English was never my strong point at school, knew a couple, educated guesses on the rest which mainly went wrong. 5
  10. Hes also currently ragdolling me about like dug with a chew toy........I refuse to give in and will go down with my ship! Man I'm gonna get skelped in the league
  11. 7 for Sunday. I love monopoly, reckon if there was a monopoly world championship I would be a contender. Take great pride in bankrupting my kids and anyone who is brave enough to take me on.
  12. Just played a game against eindhovendee and safe to say I got pumped!
  13. Suppose we should be resigned to a play off. Which I really don't fancy against any of the teams challenging for 2nd in league 2. Its looking very ominous
  14. I'll take any pre-season games if anyone fancies it. Ahead of my 1st forays into the league will give me an idea of how pumped I am likely to get chess user name is: pleslie999
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