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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Pretty sure transfer windows won't and can't be extended. However for lower league clubs is it that much of an issue? We have an extended period where we can sign loan players, and free agents (as long as released prior to 31st Jan) will be fair game. Considering those deals make up 99% (not been factually checked) i don't think the transfer window will be that much of an issue. I cant see Dumbarton being raging that the game was shut down in the transfer window therefore stopping them forking out a few hundred grand for a rivals player!
  2. 9 for Wednesday, raging its not a 10 seeing as it was the last question I got wrong. Lucky guesses on author and us tv mind you.
  3. Brilliant mate. Well done. I'm 70/100 km done, slightly behind where I wanted to be at this stage so left myself a good bit to do this week but I'll power on. Great effort on the weight loss, im 1 stone down since middle if December which im delighted with.
  4. Trying to take a rest day every 3rd day, but its ended up not as consistent as that due to work, family etc.
  5. Another 5k in the bag tonight, takes me up to 60k in my 100k January challenge. I'm beginning to enjoy this running lark. Helps that I'm losing a bit of beef too so I'm not having to haul my fat belly round as much!
  6. There are lots of people in lots of workplaces across the country 'banned' from doing their job and 'banned' from lots of other aspects of their life right now. Footballers are entitled to furlough pay like the rest of society so they aren't exactly going without. PT players mixing in 1 job with Joe public then going into their club with no testing is seen as a risk! Its not that hard to comprehend. All restrictions by the government have been set by the level of risk and I'm sure this is the same reasoning behind this decision by the spfl. Your right, football is not life and death so I'm sure we can live without it for a few weeks, and if everyone does their bit to help lower the levels of the virus, im sure we will see it back sooner rather than later.
  7. I dont think its as simple as "they don't care about us". Jesus there are a lot of people on this thread as paranoid and full of conspiracies as the OF. Let's think about this rationally. There is a new strain of the virus causing havoc across the country, spreading quicker than before and more infectious. Many people didn't think that certain levels should have been playing as there was little to no difference between them and amateur players. Its been stated that many of the players who were playing were unhappy about doing so, some even refused to play! The argument about lower league players not getting it is absolute nonsense, there has been cases, there has been matches off and there has probably been more that had it and havnt been aware, due to lack of testing. The premiership have been doing twice weekly testing since they started back, they are also FT meaning they are in a "bubble". Yes there has been a few instances of rules and bubbles being broken but isn't that the case in everyone's day to day life? The championship are getting asked their thoughts for 2 reasons. 1. Apprently a team (ICT if rumours are to be true) have said they are unhappy to continue. 2. They now have to fork out for twice weekly testing at a considerable cost (yes they got a grant so it should cover it). The SPFL are asking if they are happy to do this. If they or a majority say no then I'm sure they will stop also. If league 1 and 2 had the option to test im sure they would have been asked too, the fact of the matter is its financially not possible for many so would've been canned anyway even if it had gone to a vote. This notion of the SPFL/SFA/JRG or whoever hates us/them is nonsense. There are well documented issues with the running of the game in Scotland however these are unprecedented times and decisions need made. We moan when decisions don't get made, now we're moaning when they have made a decision. FWIW I think all football shouldve been stopped but can understand why the decision was made to keep the premiership and potentially the championship going. Although if the championship decide to continue, we will see games cancelled all over the shop when the testing starts and positive results are confirmed and small squads are decimated with isolation.
  8. You can't hire someone then immediately furlough them. I had this issue last year when I'd hired staff before the 1st lockdown and they weren't eligible for furlough when we closed. I cant imagine football cubs would be exempt from this. So if we are indeed going down the furlough route then I cant see the squad changing. That being said, if we furlough players they won't be able to train or do any official club related business. Would they be ready to go come February if thats the case?
  9. The top flight players testing positive are doing so because they are tested twice a week (maybe 3 times). Lower league players aren't isolating and reporting because they aren't getting tested! Its a scientific fact that young fit people are more likely to be asymptomatic so, in reality, the same number are probably positive as in the top flight but don't actually know it. If you tested the entire country twice a week we would see a lot more positive tests. Just like if we didn't test top flight players we wouldn't see nearly as many positive tests! Just because we don't see a positive result don't mean its not there! I would doubt we will do much business seeing as we will have 0 income and there is no guarantee we will eventually start up again. The season is cut short as is, we have already got a backlog of 3/4 games due to postponements with another 3/4 coming this month. Where are the spfl fitting these into the calendar?
  10. I'm not saying the lower leagues are any more or any less infectious. But look at the facts, its on the rise across the country. Footballers are out and about mixing with work mates then going into clubs. Yes there are more cases in the premiership but they are tested on a regular basis. How many of those that returned positive cases in the premiership showed symptoms?? I know personally 1 boy who tested positive at his club and didnt have any symptoms! There are more cases therefore more isolations as there are more tests. Do I think Celtic should get hammered for going to Dubai? Yes I do. Do I think the top flight and championship should be suspended if we are? Yes I do. Do I understand why the decision has been made? Yes I do.
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