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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Yeah I think the outrage would be the fact it was one of the OF rather than a partnership. As Moonster says, any link with either half of the OF is going to divide people. It may well depend on the detail but at 1st glance it seems like a winner for both tbh and id be happy if we had something similar with someone with some decent young talent. Although saying that 'Duffyball' may consign them to a life in the lower echelons of the football pyramid.
  2. Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all. Its here, the Cup final results. The big questions were, could anyone beat@Tynierose, the top seed who skooshed his way to the final. Would Cup specialist @Eednud be able to continue his impressive Cup streak? Would either of the big hitters from the league @Arch Stanton or @MSU come good. Or would one of the 4 outsiders @BigBo10 @gkneil @Snobot @Genuine Hibs Fan be able to snatch an unlikely Cup trophy. The 1st half went with form, the 4 big guns doing what they do best and bullying the others. @Eednud and @Arch Stanton smashing in an impressive 8 each. @Tynierose hot on their heels with 7, @MSU within touching difference scoring 6. The 4 'little guys' leaving a lot of work to do in the 2nd half. @gkneil @Snobot and @Genuine Hibs Fan all scoring 5 and @BigBo10 with 4. The 2nd half came and @Eednud showed why his troops are known as Cup specialists, many years from im sure all Cups will be known as the @Eednud memorial trophy. An outstanding full house gives him an unassailable total of 18. @Tynierose and @Arch Stanton tie for 2nd on 14. @MSU comes in 4th with 13. @gkneil 5th with 10, @Snobot 6th with 9, @BigBo10 7th with 8 and @Genuine Hibs Fan didnt show up for the 2nd half so finishes 8th with 5. Well done @Eednud. I'm sure @SlipperyP will sort you out with ANOTHER big shiny trophy. All thats left for me to say is....
  3. Whats not to like? Sounds like a win win for both clubs to me? Hibs send their promising youngsters to a team and guarantee them football against real men. Stenny benefit from getting some good quality young players out to prove themselves. I'm sure if it was us, we wouldn't be turning our nose up at it.
  4. People can withdraw their financial support whenever they like, its their perogative. If its because they are skint, or they don't like the way the team plays, or the banging if a drum, or Jim Duffy, or Brabco (the list goes on) then its their choice. Credit indeed to those who choose to back the club regardless, others won't. The club, like any other business should be self sustainable and not rely on donations from fans and fans going out their way to do fundraising. I totally understand that we are living in tough and unprecedented times etc. If we solely rely on fans raising x amount of pounds per year then eventually that money will dry up and we will be doomed! I like many others appreciate your stance on giving financial support to the club whenever and whatever the cause. Others won't understand it and will think you are mad. That comment from FB.....wow? Did someone actually say that?
  5. The fact is we have a group of hard-core fans that will donate, pay money and help the club when they can. We rely a lot on getting new punters in the door/signing up for streams etc. Do you honestly think new punters are going to watch us and think "yep, that's worth my money every week"? They aren't. I dont expect us to play like Barcelona every week, and I'm a huge advocate for seeing football played in different ways as long as its successful. Everyone should play to their strengths. But we do neither, its not pretty and its not successful. Everyone has different priorities with money right now so I dont think its fair to have a go at people for not putting money into the club, some aren't as fortunate as others. Unfortunately DFC will be low down a lot of peoples priority lists and the grim watching on and off the field isn't going to propel it up that list in any way.
  6. Here it is, as promised! CUP FINAL. The 2 links are below, for the 8 that remain please have your scores in by Wednesday morning by 9am. @Tynierose @MSU @Eednud @Arch Stanton @BigBo10 @gkneil @Snobot @Genuine Hibs Fan remember it is a winner takes all final. There are no prizes for 2nd place! You may notice a distinct festive feel to the 2nd half! The rest if you feel free to take part. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=2012190937291958&cpy& http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=2012190948175331&cpy&
  7. ITS CUP TIME many apologies for my lateness but here it is. We will have a result and winner before Christmas! @scottmcleanscontacts (0) & @The Hologram (7) & @Jacksgranda (1) & @ArmadaleKillie (5) V @Arch Stanton (6) & @gkneil (6) & @Eednud (6) & @Genuine Hibs Fan (1) In the 1st semi final A no show from the top seed means his team mates are let down and the consistent boys with their 6s (and genuineHibsFan) go through. @mathematics (3) & @Blootoon87 (3) & @Rugster (4) & @alang1993 (7) V @MSU (5) & @BigBo10 (4) & @Tynierose (8) & @Snobot (7) A comprehensive win in the 2nd semi final thanks to Tynierose scoring the highest score of the round with an 8. Valiant effort from Alang1993 in the other tie, shame his teammates shat the bed. We have 8 teams through to the final. This is a straight winner takes all with @Tynierose the man to beat following top scores in previous 2 rounds. There are still some big guns left mind you. Cup specialist @Eednud is still around as is perennial big hitters and veterens @MSU and @Arch Stanton. Can one of the outsiders take home the trophy? @BigBo10 @Snobot @gkneil @Genuine Hibs Fan. The final will be over 20 questions so 2 quizzes, both posted later tonight/tomorrow. The winner will be announced on the 23rd and I'm sure @SlipperyP will present you with a big shiny festive trophy.
  8. Just seen a twitter thread on the goings on at Morton. Doesnt look good for them and the future looks very bleak. Sounds like there are some similarities with their 'owners' and ours.
  9. 9 for Wednesday. Cup deadline has passed. However I left everyone's results mistakenly in work so as im not back in until Friday results and draw will be posted then!
  10. Waiting for the following scores for the cup. @scottmcleanscontacts @MSU @gkneil @Genuine Hibs Fan Your teammates need you. You have until 9am tomorrow
  11. Apologies for the delay! But what else have you to do at 11pm on a Sunday night! ITS CUP TIME 16 souls remain, 4 teams of 4. You've been tagged above so you should know. Link below. You have Until 9am Wednesday to complete. Good luck. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=2012131520503236&cpy&
  12. Cup results are in. @scottmcleanscontacts (2) & @The Hologram (7)V @Geaky (3) & @Bully Wee Villa (0) Good win for the top seeds, Geaky tried but his partner wasn't at the races. @kingjoey (2) & @JamesP_81 (1) V @Jacksgranda(3) & @ArmadaleKillie(2) Low scoring tie here, defences on top. Jacksgrandas sneaky last minute tap in takes them through. @WhiteRoseKilie (0)& @Salvo Montalbano(4) V @mathematics (5)& @Blootoon87(2) WRK no showed leaving it all to do for Salvo, valiant effort but 2v1 was always going to be a mismatch. @Rugster (5) & @alang1993(4) V @peasy23(4) & @101(4) Tighter than a nuns you know what but rugster came up trumps for his team to send them through. @MSU (5) & @BigBo10(4) V @NJ2 (5)& @LincolnHearts(2) MSU and BigBo10 with some consistent scoring, enough to progress. @SlipperyP (0) & @Spring Onion (4) V @Tynierose (8) & @Snobot (1) slippery even got his wee one to try, he also failed. Wouldnt have mattered as Tynie hits home the highest score of the round. @thecaptain (4) & @Ross. (4) V @Arch Stanton (6) & @gkneil (4) close one this, archstantons experience shines through to carry his team into round 3. @Eednud (6) & @Genuine Hibs Fan (2) V @German Jag (5) & @Helpma (2) V @Silky Si McFly(0) & @Cardinal Richelieu (0) A 3 way tie, turned into a 2 way tie as quiz royalty cardi and silky both had a mare. Cup expert Eednud pulled his troops over the line. Round 3 sees teams combine again to make teams of 4. Draw below. Quiz link will be up tomorrow hopefully, ill let SlipperyP get the playoffs out the way 1st. @scottmcleanscontacts & @The Hologram & @Jacksgranda & @ArmadaleKillie V @Arch Stanton & @gkneil & @Eednud & @Genuine Hibs Fan @mathematics & @Blootoon87 & @Rugster & @alang1993 V @MSU & @BigBo10 & @Tynierose & @Snobot
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