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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Cup Round 1 is complete. Everyone that took part qualifies. 34 brave souls took mark therefore make it to round 2! Round 1 determined your seeding and your playing partner for Round 2. Knockout from here on in. Highest combined score goes through to the next round. Draw below and link to quiz. If you don't use your P&B name on the quiz then PM me your score please. I may miss it if otherwise. @scottmcleanscontacts & @The Hologram V @Geaky & @Bully Wee Villa @kingjoey & @JamesP_81 V @Jacksgranda & @ArmadaleKillie @WhiteRoseKilie & @Salvo Montalbano V @mathematics & @Blootoon87 @Rugster & @alang1993 V @peasy23 & @101 @MSU & @BigBo10 V @NJ2 & @LincolnHearts @SlipperyP & @Spring Onion V @Tynierose & @Snobot @thecaptain & @Ross. V @Arch Stanton & @gkneil @Eednud & @Genuine Hibs Fan V @German Jag & @Helpma V @Silky Si McFly & @Cardinal Richelieu Please complete by Friday at 10am. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=2012080942122071&cpy& P.s couldn't tag 2 of the competitors so hopefully you see this. If not I'm sure one of the handsome mods will tag you for me
  2. As boss man says, noone goes out in round 1. So you are safe......for now. A poor score may, or may not get you a favourable tie in the next round all will be revealed soon.
  3. Cup deadline is tonight, will extend it until tomorrow morning at 9am as there seems to be a few stragglers. I have tagged you all below. If you have done it and iv missed it let me know. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=2012040437278959&cpy& @MSU @Bully Wee Villa @Leeds Saint @mathematics @NotThePars @The_Kincardine @gkneil @ArmadaleKillie @Ross. @kingjoey @Adamski @Genuine Hibs Fan Also TheDA and Mixufixit but for some reason it won't let me tag you!
  4. I will endeavour to make it, depends on what the wee one decides to do at that time. If I'm picking slime out of every nook and cranny in my house or pulling paw patrol toys out the toilet then it will be a no. If she decides to sit and watch tv/draw then ill give it a go!
  5. I reckon about half our normal participants have taken the cup quiz so far. You have until Monday at 7pm to submit a score. I will maybe tag the stragglers tomorrow. Anyone want to own up to the names "bearfy" and "sam" on the leaderboard?
  6. We know we need revenue, and currently PPV streams are a way to get this. Todays performance isn't going to get folk going out their way to buy a pass to watch that. 1 shot on goal? 0 goals in 4 games. Football admittedly is grim. I dont expect us to play like man city but I do expect us to put an effort in to try and win a game of football. Xmas around the corner, I and many others im sure will have better things to spend money on.
  7. There is a demand for pitches yes, as someone involved in football for years, the struggle is there to find pitches week in week out at grassroots level. So I do believe that would be a significant source of income. As for the other points, you are probably right, we are in dire need of income.
  8. My esteemed resident Australian colleague @Eednud has pointed out a few flaws in the cup. In true Donald Trump style, its not my fault........ Blame the bloody Aussies for not updating their Wikipedia pages quick enough. Absolutely nothing to do with me selecting the wrong right answer. Anyway seeing as noone goes out this round the questions shall remain and as @Cardinal Richelieu used to say. "He who is the quiz master, is always right"
  9. Its Friday, and as promised the cup is ready for the weekend. Round 1 is below. Nobody will get knocked out in round 1 as it is effectively a qualifying round which will determine seeding for future rounds. Everyone that completes the quiz will be through to round 2. If you don't use your P&B name on the site then please PM me your score. @SlipperyP does a smashing job at the quiz finding all the league scores, ill not pretend i have that much patience to sift through all the posts. You have been warned! Deadline is Monday at 7pm. Enjoy. Oh and for those of you that remember the australian days before the quiz of the day, this round may take you back....... http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=2012040437278959&cpy&
  10. 7 for thursday. Yes I did, its in the final stages of production and should be ready for the weekend so happy to get it going. @Tynierose up to u if u have one planned?
  11. There are a lot of ambitious big spending clubs around. Cove, Edinburgh City and QP are 3 just in the leagues. The lowland, and WOS leagues are full of teams splashing the cash trying to get to the big time. Clubs like us will struggle to continue to compete for players unless we get some investment and get rid of brabco. Its worrying for teams like us trying to get by.
  12. He played a game (or 2) for the accies a couple years ago and was pretty rotund then
  13. 8 to end my relegation week. Author and states wrong. Just guessed the states as I couldn't be bothered counting them as I reckon I would've missed one anyway
  14. How many teams are going to realistically be able to fulfil 2 fixtures a week april-june? Don't think it's as simple as that. Guys work, injuries, family will all get in the way. Not to mention the reliability of some players, if they get a couple of losses, will they bother with coming back twice a week for the privilege. Then there's the issue of pitches, it was an issue when it restarted in September and will be an issue when we eventually get going again. Midweek parks are notoriously hard to come by so getting all amateur teams playing midweek isn't going to be that simple. I think most leagues will go to 1 game v everyone else in the league to get some sort of season going, or run right thru until August, but again pitches will be an issue doing that unless councils keep the grass open right through.
  15. A shocking week so far for me, 5 for tuesday, relegation here we come. Cheers to @alang1993 for the cup. Cracking effort. As mentioned before ill do the next one. Will be starting in a few days. After that I believe there is a Christmas special in the making.
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