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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. BTW just noticed Huntly were 8/1 tonight, if you take a double of Huntly and Keith (playing clyde) it pays a mouth watering 45/1.
  2. Duffy would play him CB just for a laugh, or maybe even up front and get us firing aimless long balls up the park for him.
  3. "Entertaining"? We've been hoping for entertainment under Duffy for the past 2 years, its yet to materialise. Suppose for a neutral the entertainment will be figuring out where the hell the payers are meant to be playing and watching our GK do things that will astound you!
  4. I genuinely don't care about playing style, we can play long balls up to a target man all day, for all I care, as long as its effective and gets the desired result. Too many people are caught up on tika taka football and think its the only way to play! I personally get bored watching the EPL and that all day. Unfortunately under Duffy we don't seem to have a playing style except launch it and hope! It's neither good to watch or effective at getting the result!
  5. Folk were wanting Flannery as manager last time we had a vacancy (and probably before that too but I cant remember). Other than him being a club legend what would he bring? It's not as if he's a recently retired player looking to make the move into management. He's been out the game for a while, with very little management experience, barring a couple stints at Junior level with limited success. There's probably a reason he hasn't picked up a decent gig before now. I'd much rather we were going for someone in a similar mould to Ian Murray when we picked him up. A left field suggestion, but Mick Kennedy at Darvel would be a shout. Very ambitious, very successful at the levels he's been at and has excellent connections.
  6. It wouldn't surprise me If we don't score another goal this season
  7. We should all phone up clyde 1 this week, whatever night Duffy is on, and ask him the question about what the f**k he is doing!
  8. This is a huge frustration with Duffy and his transfer dealings. We can all see where the squad needs strengthened/reinforcements. Duffy seems to just sign anyone he likes regardless of position.
  9. Yeah ok, apologies, maybe junkie was the wrong choice of word.
  10. So all these guys are looking to get out and kick a ball and keep themselves ticking over. Come on to f**k Jim, this should be the easiest window ever to get bodies in with everyone below League 2 not playing! Surely we're not gonna miss out on all the decent players at that level and be stuck with some dobbers and a junkie!
  11. I actually saw Daz today out and about. He looked as if he would be a bit off the pace if we signed him up! Reckon if fit he would be ideal for us. Meggat and Kirkpatrick at Darvel would surely fancy a kick about now their season is done. Little at the Bankies another good shout. There are plenty out there. Just seems Duffy is too lazy to bother.
  12. Who are both not kicking a ball! And by looks of things won't until next season! Is there any reason we shouldn't be trying to pilfer some of their better players and others around a similar level! WOSFL is now Null and Void so plenty players that I'm sure would be wanting to kick a ball between now and August!
  13. There should be no reason we are not targeting these players or similar calibre. Surely their availability is well known and Duffy should be at least enquiring. Transfer dealings have been so disappointing in recent times its hard to get excited about potential incoming. I fully expect us to announce Kyle Hutton on loan from EK.......
  14. A super duper sexy 10 for monday, couple of educated guesses and a fortunate stab in the dark at Q.10 but nice start. It's all downhill from here.
  15. See there's a few clubs bringing in players on loan from WoS and LL clubs. There are some decent players down there so maybe something we should be looking at to boost numbers a bit. They look increasingly unlikely to be restarting anyway.
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