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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. As I said I get your frustration with the decision, im as frustrated as the next person but you are way off the mark with your priorities. You made the point about protocols being in place so we should be allowed to play. It was merely pointed out that there is protocols in place in all other industries and many of these are not allowed to open and trade so why should amateur football be above all them in the priority list? I already pointed out to you that there is no evidence for recreational football causing any more infections, however, as you agreed in an earlier post. Its about risk, and managing that risk. Can you honestly say that thousands of guys (and girls) traveling across the country, mixing with others is a priority right now and a risk worth taking? Let's be honest here? Your annoyed you can't play, I get it. but there is a pandemic affecting the world, and your bleating about not being able to kick a ball? Its easy to blame the Scottish government, they are an easy target, but look into other countries and see if their grass roots are playing........you will find not many, well not many with a high level of infections and deaths. Accept its not going to change, accept its the right decision and do your part to help us all get through this so we can play sooner rather than later. If you can't do that then we will agree to disagree.
  2. Need to get my finger out, since my January challenge when u was out nearly every day, iv taken the foot off the gas.
  3. I am well aware of the protocols of the SFA. But let's be honest here, just because teams follow protocols, does that mean that they should automatically be allowed to play and travel across the country when everyone else is stuck in their house? Iv been involved in games back in September when we were allowed to play and the majority of the teams done their best to adhere to protocols. But this is grass roots. Every game I witnessed at least 2 of the following. fans, car sharing (full cars so it wasn't family members), handshakes, hugs, and a lack of social distancing at the side of the park. So although the protocols are in place, there is noone to enforce them and doesn't mean that it should be a free for all in playing games. I understand your frustration but I think u need to look at the bigger picture and what is going on around the country before thinking that amateur football is being hard done by.
  4. As I said, there doesn't need to be scientific evidence. Its about risk which you agreed with. Its too risky to let thousands of people from all different communities mix every weekend whilst the rest of the country is told to stay at home. Sending a message about "stay at home" then allowing everyone to continue playing football is stupid! When the rules are relaxed we will get back to it. Its not a priority and regardless of how much we bleat about it, it never will be. Just because all amateur clubs agreed to follow procedures and put things in place to minimise risk, doesn't automatically mean we should be allowed to play! Thousands of businesses spent lots of money to make their premises covid safe and they aren't allowed to open, just because they have done so should they be allowed to open? Anyone trying to argue that grassroots football should be allowed right now has their priorities majorly wrong.
  5. Its pointless really arguing about whether or not there is proof to say infections have come from playing or watching the game at amateur level. The whole point is to minimise risk, and this is what the SG and JRG have done by stopping us playing. The same reason everything is stopped below the championship now. The decision to stop amateurs playing was to minimise risk, hundreds of amateur clubs with up to 25 players/coaches travelling across the country on a Saturday and Sunday mixing with others from other areas is a risk regardless of what people think and its not a priority. Noone can justify allowing thousands of untested people mingling at the weekend after, in a lot of cases, working with others during the week. There are businesses on their knees and numerous bigger priorities than us playing at a weekend. The LL league, EOS, SOS, WOS and everything else below league 2 should not have started in the 1st place. Considering there were no changing facilities etc, it was a farce to even begin. We won't be back playing until the powers that be deem it is safe to do so and it is deemed to not be a risk! Im as frustrated as the next person at not being able to get out on a pitch but whats more frustrating is those breaking the rules and thinking that their hobby is more important than that of everyone else in the country.
  6. I totally agree with you. I think you picked up my point wrong. I was merely mentioning it as I knew some would come on and say "but they can play and we cant". I know why the top 2 leagues are playing and why the decision was made to let them carry on. I dont agree with that decision. Football isn't essential and its not ok, in my opinion, to be travelling across the country to play games when everyone else is in lockdown.
  7. Do you think its right that footballers who are PT and mixing with other members of the public in their other jobs etc should be allowed to play? They shouldn't have been allowed to start in the 1st place. The rest of us are locked up so why should they be given the right to do what they love when the rest of us can't? There are businesses around the country struggling so why should football clubs be given special dispensation "in case they go under"? Noone is going to ever agree on the matter, the decisions are made for the safety of the country and we should all be accepting it and doing our bit to get out of this and back to 'normal'
  8. Its frustrating that football can't continue but let's be honest and realistic. The rest of the country is in "lockdown". There are numerous businesses up and down the country struggling to survive due to the pandemic. Why should football clubs, PT ones at that, be allowed to play when the rest of us are locked up unable to do anything? Id love to play football, id love to see my family, there's loads id love to do but can't. People can bleat about the stats, the data, the government, the rates all they like. The fact of the matter is we are in lockdown and whilst the rest of us are locked up at home, so should PT footballers. Ok I wait for the argument about the top 2 leagues playing but there are numerous reasons they are allowed that we all know. Whether we like it or not is another matter. If everyone listened to the advice, abided by the rules and done what we are asked then we might get back a bit earlier. I for one am sick fed up of this pandemic, I want everything I enjoyed in my life back, including football, but until its safe we all need to suck it up and deal with it.
  9. Surprised myself with a super sexy 10, cant remember the last time I got one of them. 3 guesses on Jane ayre, war and big short but ill take it, not often 3 guesses all come off.
  10. I wouldnt be too worried that we havnt heard from JD or that we havnt signed anyone. With the league outcome still undecided it would be foolish to sign anyone without a bit of certainty. Also if JD is indeed on Furlough, along with the rest of the squad, hes not allowed to do any work for his employer hence why we probably haven't heard from him.
  11. Gutted not to get a full house, was flying through the 1st 8 then the wheels came off and got the last 2 wrong. Didnt have a clue about either!
  12. Got my 100km in January completed with a nice wee 5k pb to finish. When I started I didnt know how I was going to do it but as the month went on I started to enjoy it. Definitely going to keep running from now on. Going to set myself some targets and aim to complete a half marathon and full marathon at some point this year
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