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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. The young lads have done themselves proud finishing the week with another 8 and giving the club a chance at avoiding relegation. All senior players are out of contract and as no bids came in they have all been released. The board and fans are excited for next season with a squad of young whippersnappers, they feel a promotion attempt may be on the cards.
  2. Well the youngsters have really stepped up, they are determined to avoid relegation and smashed in another sexy 8. Just another 2 bloody literature questions, for the second day running, letting us down today. Iv cancelled tonight's training and sent the whole squad to the library to read some books. I warned them to stay out the kids section!
  3. Well the youth boys got their shot, they were buzzing to get going and flew out the blocks. Only 2 literature letting them down as they smash in a very respectable and much improved 8. The fans were delighted and pulled down the statue of the longest serving player at the club, Buster Mcquizzington, who they blame for the recent run of mediocrity. If we receive any decent bids for said player we will chuck in his statue too, just need to fish it out the river Leven 1st.
  4. These bloody journos and their "sources".......
  5. Well well well, obviously the lads think a move to another team would be beneficial. A pathetic 7 today with 3 wrong 50/50s means that there is no confidence in the current playing squad. The fans prayers have been answered and as of tomorrow all members of the youth squad have been promoted to the senior squad. Every member of the 1st team have been told to stay away and train on their own with all of them placed on the transfer list. Any clubs wanting to bid for any of the rejects may email their offer to shiteplayers@shiteteam.com
  6. The pressure of this season got to the boys and they came into the dressing room heads down and in silence. After a pitiful 5, the hairdryer came out and they got told in no uncertain terms that the performance was embarrassing and the queue for the job centre will be that bit longer next week. One of the boys thought it would be funny to joke that we scored 1 for each of BWVs decades of life in tribute to his birthday. He found out the hard way that when you're in the trenches, it's not the time for joking.
  7. After season upon season of mid table mediocrity the board have decided to bring in a new director of quizzing, sacked the entire backroom team and put the chief execs son on charge of recruitment. The players are worried for their futures and realise that failure to improve this season will result in a complete overhaul of the playing staff at the end of the season. The fans are demanding youth given a chance to try bring silverware back to this historic club.
  8. Woke up this morning excited to quiz Sat down to do it after my wizz Could it be a successful end to the week? Only 7, not good enough i did shriek
  9. Arose from my slumber the quiz on my mind Hoped that it wouldn't be to unkind With a decent score today of 8 Questions on authors I really do hate
  10. Today's quiz I have now done It started off a load of fun But then I got a score of 7 And I definitely wasnt in heaven
  11. I thought they were paying folk £120 for an evening with Murdo at 1st glance!
  12. 2 weeks on the trot iv avoided what would have been a relegation play off in the old regime! Cheers slipmeister for your short absence and letting the lunatics run the asylum! On another note, I should be above Snobot on QD, NQD, BNQD or whatever one were on now, but I'll let it slide just this once........
  13. Hawd the bus!!! I hope your next shite is a hedgehog! I dodged the playoffs fair and square then you pop up with this nonsense! I demand a vote of no confidence in the ineptitude of the organising committee! I released all my players at the end of the season as we were announced as safe, I'd need to complete the playoff with the only remaining employees at the club, mary the 65 year old receptionist who cant see and jim the groundsman who's permanently pissed! @SlipperyP I hope your ok, get back soon and sort out this band of blundering fools (I also hope I'm not deducted points for my outburst)
  14. Iv avoided a play off thanks to the change in rules of 2 down rather than 3 and also the fact 2 guys are AWOL in division 2! I think the committee has done a sterling job and should be given a pay rise.
  15. Exactly my point, the government has made it clear that social distancing will remain until at least a successful vaccine is found, that could be up to 12months away. Amateur football (and much of the pro game) doesnt have the resources to test players regularly so I cant see how we can get back playing anytime soon and maintain social distancing. Hopefully I am wrong as I want to get back as much as everyone else.
  16. So you go down to play a game this weekend with your team, someone in the opposition has covid-19 but doesnt know. He passes it to you (and a few others). You go home and pass it to your wife/child who reacts badly and dies. How you feel then? Still happy you made the decision to go to football? Yes it may not be dangerous to the majority of people. I'm pretty fit and healthy, back at work not that worried about it. But still taking precautions because I am worried about my loved ones getting it who may not be able to fight it off.
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