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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. I stated before the last referendum that I'd move back to an independent Scotland. My wife has no problem with it either. I'm not getting any younger though and I've got 17 years invested over here. If Scotland gets pulled out the EU then I'll absolutely take out US citizenship since having a UK only passport will be the equivalent of having a 3rd world country passport. Now, I'm not sure why you're so infatuated about my place of residence but this is the last reply I'll be making on it.
  2. I visited. I stayed. It happens. People move. Tragic trolling.
  3. Absolutely fantastic but I'm from Galashiels. There's a wee clue in My Team.
  4. Part of a nothing nation. Hopefully not for the long haul. There's no need for Scotland to melt with HMS Iceberg Britannia. It amazes me that the UK is still clinging on to illusions of grandeur. Those days were lost in the mud of World War One. It amazes me even more that some people think the UK has all sorts of bargaining chips and things will be just dandy. All I've heard so far are some veiled threats about not cooperating with sharing security information. Great start.
  5. The UK will simply walk away? Walk away with what, exactly? The UK is a nothing nation.
  6. I find it amusing that the US is actually more of a joke than the UK. Quite a feat by the Trumpster. His name is practically banned in my workplace because of the cringe factor.
  7. Worrying. Especially when Inverness has a population of 5.2 million.
  8. What a load of pish. If the EU bend over for the UK you'll be harping on about how awesome Britain is and how much weight they have. A good reason for Scotland to stay in the UK. If the EU go all out hard ass then you'll be harping on about how they're a bunch of c***s. A good reason for Scotland to stay in the UK. Try living outside Europe for a while and you'll realize just how insignificant our little island has become. I believe it's going to be a hard Brexit because there's no other way it can go. That's my opinion. Britain has snubbed Europe. I don't think a lot of people, including you, realize just how stupid a decision that was.
  9. Can Scotland make a case to the EU courts if the Tories deny a referendum until after Brexit, which really means no referendum ever?
  10. You were deprived of oxygen at some point in your life. Might want to look into that.
  11. Naw her great great grandmother is actually only 17.
  12. I finished the game on Death March a few days ago. Very tough at the beginning where dodging and timed strikes are your best friend. It gets a lot easier after you level up some, especially if you grab Witcher gear whenever possible.
  13. Every party is bound by the same system. The SNP hardly got special treatment.
  14. I bet a Beiber impersonator could work a printer.
  15. He should have called in a migrant to get his printer working. Or maybe a ten year old.
  16. Elite Demon's Souls Doom 2 God of War I Uncharted 2
  17. Fire me a request if you want to hit me up for some Diablo 3 on PS4. Just bear in mind that I'm in Eastern Standard Time.
  18. Spot on. Every company I've worked for in the States has an annual food drive where, for a week, you can bring in food, clothes and toys. This allows people to feel good for contributing while avoiding to look the destitute in the eye. There isn't any feeling of shock that foodbanks exist. It's kind of routine.
  19. MPs don't want foodbanks to be used as a political weapon. Fancy that.
  20. That's pretty much it then. Yes has the momentum again, right when it counts the most.
  21. Got to say I find it puzzling that the polls showed No ahead by a wide margin for the longest time and then suddenly Yes gained a massive momentum which halted at almost exactly 50%
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