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Everything posted by lichtgilphead

  1. Westminster can pass any laws they like, whether the NI Executive are in place or not. This also applies to Scotland & Wales. You may recall that "The Vow" stated that Scotland would be given the most federal government ever, with extensive powers that could never be taken away. That was just another lie. Westminster could abolish Holyrood tomorrow, and there's not a thing we could do about it. But hey, isn't Britain great.
  2. Aye. The missus was wondering why I was shouting at the radio. They said something like "Berwick have some stuff on their website setting out all the pros & cons" as if Berwick's support for this nonsense was a good thing & criticised Peterhead & Stenny for opposing it. The impression that they gave was that these 2 clubs were the only ones who had come out in opposition.
  3. To be fair, she did correct herself to 'Britain' Wrong both times, of course.
  4. I plan to open a factory to produce Brilliant Bendy British Bananas TM Zero-hours contracts at minimum wages for everyone! Don't all rush now
  5. That and we don't hear about his old wife The old wife was secondary to his weight problem
  6. The SNP were only in a position of power to do so after the 2007 Holyrood elections. Are you seriously suggesting that there was no problem before that date?
  7. Maybe they think Cowden will be back for year 2 of the trial?
  8. You're right. What a bunch of nationalistic tossers. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/designated-days-for-union-flag-flying
  9. You would be surprised at the number of people that believe that 'No' won a decisive majority in that referendum, especially down South. In addition, I've been accused of lying when I've told people that dead people on the (extremely outdated) electoral register in use at that time were counted as having voted 'No'. It's a great example of British fair play, though.
  10. I recall devolution/independence referendums in 1979, 1997 & 2014. Labour rewriting history again?
  11. Polling carried out by YouGov sometime in 2016. Total supporting 80.2% Total opposed 12.4%
  12. Aww. Did you not find my anti-establishment pisstaking funny? Poor little baby
  13. Is YoonDave not aware of Her Glorious Majesty's (gawd bless her!) Scotch Whisky Regulations 2009, as enacted by the UK Houses of Parliament, the supreme law-making body of these Sceptered Isles? Regulation 5(2) specifically states "A person must not manufacture any whisky in Scotland except Scotch Whisky" Accordingly, by defining any Scotch Whisky as "British", Marks & Spencer are defying Parliament's will, and thus defying our anointed sovereign ruler. This is surely serious justification for demanding that M&S are prosecuted to the full extent of the Great British law for offences up to and including sedition & treason. Alternatively, is he just trolling the forum (as usual)?
  14. The Scottish NHS uses what is known as a “single-payer” model – healthcare is free at the point of use, funded out of taxation, and health workers are employees of the government. I wonder which other countries use this system? As far as I can see, its mainly England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Spain, Italy & the Scandinavian nations. Accordingly, as no service of this type can be funded in such a manner as to provide a perfect service, I would suggest that it is highly appropriate to compare the performance of NHS Scotland with the equivalent services in these countries. If I only had to pick one or two of them, I'd probably choose ones that currently use the same currency we do. I would also suggest that if the boot was on the other foot and NHS Scotland was underperforming other similar systems, the comparisons would be being made on an hourly basis by the BBC et al.
  15. So, what's the latest hot topic in UKIP circles? Is it the crisis in the NHS in England? Is it the trail of destruction caused by storm Eleanor? Is it the crisis in Iran? No. It's bringing back the crown stamp on pint glasses. Unfortunately, they don't appear to realise that the individual stamp numbers are allocated to local weights & measures authorities or to 'authorised verifiers'. There's no requirement for these authorised verifiers to be British, or even to be based in the UK. With delicious irony, they've pictured a glass with stamp number 2043. That number was allocated to Verrerie Cristallerie D’Arques J G Durand & CIE, who are currently the leading manufacturer of crystal and glassware in the world, and have been for a number of years. Accordingly, the glass UKIP have pictured will have been made in their factory in Arques, Northern France, which provides employment to 5265 employees & glassmakers. I suspect that the majority of these employees may speak French as a first language. But hey, a crown stamp will make the glass both Great & British all over again. F*cking morons.
  16. If you are so against this system, why do you use the banner of the royal arms of scotland (i.e. the official banner of the monarch & the holders of the great offices of state) as your avatar?
  17. Did Abbot actually say that, or have you made an arithmetical error in your post?
  18. He's taken it down meantime, as he wants his lawyers to look at the 'sinister' emails and it's a bit tricky to contact them at this time on the last Saturday of the year. Luckily, I still had the front page of WoS open, so here's the content that was visible there with all information on the SIU spreadsheet removed The lost art of keeping a secret Posted on December 30, 2017 by Rev. Stuart Campbell Earlier this week we enjoyed a wee chuckle at the expense of the clodhopping dimwits running super-staunch Yoon zoomerfest Scotland In Union, who it turned out had been spending their time writing literally thousands of frothing mad letters to small-circulation newspapers and desperately trying to keep it hush-hush. We didn’t know they were THIS incompetent, though. (Redacted screenshot from a spreadsheet) Because as well as letting a vile separatist site like Wings Over Scotland get hold of their green-ink-letter-writers email list, it turns out that these guys are so pathologically dopey they’ve stored their entire donations spreadsheet – the names, addresses and phone numbers of everyone they’ve ever asked for money, and the exact amounts they’ve handed over, running to a total of just under £340,000 – on an unencrypted, unpassworded, unprotected file in a shared Google Drive folder, where any old Tom, Dick or Tarquin could get hold of it and pass it on to whoever they felt like. And on this occasion, it so happens that they passed it on to us. Read the rest of this entry → Category idiots, investigation, scottish politics So, let's sit back & see what the Yoons on here think. Will they resort to the usual ad hominem attacks on Campbell, or will they defend SIU?
  19. It has been suggested that goldfish have an attention span of under 10 seconds, and that this may explain their extremely poor short term memories. Are you a goldfish?
  20. I think that Colkitto is referring to the 'symbolic' vote in Holyrood on February 7th. This was in response to the Supreme Court's decision that the Sewel Convention has no legal force and that the bit of 'The Vow' where they promised to enshrine the permanency and powers of the Scottish Parliament into law was just another lie. Hope that clears things up for you.
  21. Using pebbles, seashells or root vegetables as our new indy currency would be just as sane. I would hope for an initial exchange rate of 4 parsnips to the euro, and build from there.
  22. Nah, I just plan to commute from Newcastle, like Somerset-Webb suggests. Now just let me check Google Maps
  23. The Scum. Sun They're trying to portray it as an 'overtime boom'
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