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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Congratulations and well done on your (almost) promotion Falkirk. Well deserved and good luck in the Championship next season
  2. Well said again @WattersIsGod Absolutely, but after 10 years or so in League 2, watching some utter dross like Dylan Mackin and Akeel Francis (both players that Falkirk fans will remember) on a Saturday, we're realists and know that we need to establish ourselves before we can do anything else. Lots of us said it at that time, we see the club as 1 that should compete at the top of League 1 and try an punch above it's weight in the Championship from time to time, however our first season back at, what is probably our natural level, we can't start demanding that and it would be unfair on Darren Young and the board if we did.
  3. Was just about to say exactly the same
  4. Which Stirling fan on here had "delusions of adequacy"??? Don't know 1 fan that didn't have the expectation of simply staying in the league as the season aim
  5. I (like many others) genuinely thought that now was the right time for Barnes, however reading that quote above, it sadly doesn't seem to be the case and you don't get the impression from that that he and Clarke have even met up to see if it's a possibility.
  6. Would agree with you on that one Quentin Taranbino, the curve ball on this one though is that Christie tends to named as a Striker when the squad is announced, I can't see Christie not being in the squad that goes. So with that in mind.....and assuming Barnes "is turned", what Midfielders are left out to accommodate Christie?
  7. With the amount of supporters you brought through earlier in the season, plus the run to the title, I would be surprised if this wasn't the case. For as much as I would love those stands to be filled with Stirling fans, your support earlier in the season was up there with the best that have visited Forthbank over recent seasons, and when you consider that consists of Rangers, Hearts, Aberdeen and Hibs....that's a complement.
  8. Have to agree @Greenacres, that's 3 games I have watched him play for us and the guy has that extra bit of quality. On the performances so far, I would be surprised if he couldn't find himself another full time gig during the summer....however if he is staying Part Time, I really hope it's with us because he looks like someone that can help up build on our first season back in League 1 (assuming we stay up obviously).
  9. He got on the ball a couple of times and looked pretty comfortable. Played a through ball to Cooper but he couldn’t get to it. Didn’t took out of place in his cameo, but also didn’t have a big enough opportunity to show exactly what he could do.
  10. Biggest difference is, our pre-season target was simply to stay in the league, so we look at as being on course to do that. With Falkirk, Hamilton, Montrose, Cove away and then the derby our next 5 games then we’ll drop some points in the coming week but despite it being a draw yesterday, if you take that game in isolation, I would expect us to pick up more points than you over the last 4 games….Kelty away, QoS home, Edinburgh away and then Annan at home. Our fate really is in our own hands, even if/when you do leapfrog us in the next week or 2.
  11. I personally thought he did ok yesterday. Linked up well with McPake and the 2 of them were dovetailing well when we were breaking forward. Can think of 2 instances when this resulted in him getting into the box and hitting the line for a cut back or drive across the 6-yard box. Don’t remember any point where the play broke down from him and he got up and back as part of the unit. Off the ball he worked hard ushering players, definitely a couple of solid tackles at our side of the pitch, just inside our half. A solid 6/10 rating for me personally.
  12. Oh oh oh……how did I forget to mention it……..what the dickens is going on with the music choices through your PA?? That was torture…..like being back in a 1970’s working man’s club, jeez oh!! Surely I wasn’t the only one?
  13. Think they thought he jumped into the Defender……I wasn’t sure it was in the box if truth be told
  14. First thing I am going to talk about is this incident, there was no off the ball kick, it happened right in front of me, both were running for the ball and McLelland’s hamstring seemed to go, both him and Leitch were being strong and not giving up on the ball but there was no “off the ball kick” or “boot”. Anyway, just home and have to say it was an enjoyable game…..with the exception of having to listen to the bile of about 5 or 6 of our buckfast drinking (probably cocaine snorting hearing some of the conversations) supporters. Absolutely embarrassing to have to sit and listen to them today. Clubs try to attract youngsters to the football and we having to listen to “football banter” from the 60’s, calling people all sorts. Honestly, it was cringey and there’s people who are close to the board sitting amongst the crowd and yet nothing will do done. I can’t help but think that was 2 points dropped today, but actually we were scrambling for a point for a decent time. The first 25 minutes or so, we were awful, and it was probably the worst that I’ve seen us this season. QoS could have been 3 or 4 up and we could have no complaints, but thankfully, with all the good phases of play they were doing at the time, Blair Currie didn’t have a save to make, which probably says more about their downfall, as we were terrible. The move for the equaliser was outstanding ans the first bit of football we actually played, between that ans Half Time, we started to get our s-t together and had it not been a good save from Stone,could have went in 2-1 up at Half Time. Carrick has been brilliant for us for so long now, hey, even the best players don’t score penalties but fair play to Stone for the save. Second Half, I thought we were totally dominant and you could see the QoS antics coming in. Reading posts above, you would think they were innocent however what about the challenge on Moore?? The missed handball in the box?? Player going down holding his face when there was absolutely nothing?? Players dropping down claiming cramp…..for as much as we were being physical, so we’re Queens and then there was the time wasting. Fair play for the second, fantastic strike from Todd, but it was probably your only chance so from our perspective, it was a hard one to take. I thought that Josh McPake was excellent once again, a real nuisance until Cammy Logan 2 footed him. What a signing he has been for the club and I really hope he extends his stay beyond the summer
  15. Yes they will, I've not bought tickets in General Sale for over 14 years but know people on my bus that do. All tickets will go on General Sale at 1000 on the 7th of March and it will be for all 5 games, although you might not necessarily get the same seat for all the games
  16. Murray Miller moves to Stranraer on loan for the rest of the season: Murray Miller Signs with Stranraer for the Remainder of the Season - SAFC (stirlingalbionfc.co.uk) Hope he does well for you, in the games that I saw him in, I thought he looked very technical and comfortable on the ball, but without doing very much with it. Some of our posters thought he did well in games that I thought he looked ok in, but ultimately he didn't really come in and look any better than what we already had or did enough to "stamp he authority" onto the squad, so this move is obviously for the best for him, but I hope he does well for you.
  17. Murray Miller the latest player to be loaned out, this time to Stranraer. Can't say I'm too disappointed with the news. On other threads, posters sung his praises but in the games I saw him in, he looked no better than ok for me. Hope it works out well for the lad, I think chopping and changing club does no youngsters development any good, so hopefully he goes to Stranraer and has a settled part of his career there.
  18. Dare I say it, but I'm also in that position where I am thinking we could get a positive result out of the match on Saturday? Been here before this season and we've subsequently went on to have a stinker, so there's hope for you yet Queens fans. Beepee obviously knows more news from the changing rooms than we do, for us much as it'll be good to see Geeks back in, I also think that it's a shame for Scouse to be missing the match because he has been playing well and is getting a run in the team. The good thing for us as a team though, is we have someone coming in who will not drop the standard of the team and that shows the depth that we now have. If Jojo is struggling as well, it might be an opportunity for Bird. I think we're all eager to see what he is like so assuming he has looked the part in training then it might be a good opportunity for him. I 'm a fan of Banner, but I think if Young goes with him at the back over Bird, then you have to question if it's a signing that Young has maybe gotten wrong, as what better time is there to give the lad the opportunity?
  19. Where has this been reported?? First time I have read/heard that
  20. I'm fortunate to have an original Italy 90 home shirt. I'm not sure who it belonged to originally (I was 9 at Italy 90) but I found it at my Grandparents house and kept it because it was always my favourite Scotland shirt (still is). I wore it to Hampden for about 20+ years but have now had to retire it for "special occasions only" as it's getting to the stage where it's going to start falling a part with the print coming off.
  21. Hmmmmm...he can, I wouldn't say it was his natural position and I would be surprised if he was brought in to play there, but he can play there and did on a number of occasions for us last season. I suspect he has been brought in to sit on the right Wing however.
  22. Actually really like this thread and some interesting points raised. What the actual club line is, I don't know. Our current board came in and along with the Supporters Trust, wanted to review all avenues before disclosing any plans. To my knowledge, they've never came out to say what the actual ambition of the club is. However, here are my own personal thoughts on what that should look like. Short Term on the pitch, has to be to stay in the league and work towards establishing ourselves as a League 1 side. I know we have yo-yo'd a bit over the past 20 years but as a Part Time club with the support and facilities we have, I think a top end League 1 side is probably our "natural place" in the Scottish game, and it's something I'm comfortable with. Darren Young has done a fantastic job in getting us "back to where we belong" and is now building on that and we look to be in a good place to achieve the aim this season, and I believe Darren is the man who will continue to move us forward. Medium term, I think there's no reason why we can't yo-yo between the top 4 of League 1 and the bottom 2 or 3 in the Championship depending on what other teams are around at that time. I think we're probably 3-5 years away from achieving this but if you're talking of ambition then why not?? If we can grow the club off the field (next part of my post) then I see no reason why we can't have a playing budget which makes this possible. Long term (10+ years), former Director Colin Rowley spoke about Full Time football returning to Forthbank, it's something we would all love to see I'm sure, however our income would have to change dramatically for this to happen. Should it be an aim of ours, I think it should be, however is it something I see happening, probably not but if someone with a business mind can come in and make a success of it, and good recruitment and management on the pitch continues (with Darren and after he leaves) then who knows, we live in hope. If we remain Part Time though, the aim should be to have the facilities to punch above your weight in the way that Arbroath have done recently with 3 or 4 year stints in the Championship before the inevitable relegation falls. The Championship is the glass ceiling for Part Time clubs, especially in a country that has 22 spaces up for grabs and 25 Full Time teams, but we're a City club, so there's no reason why we can't be the best Part Time outfit in the country. Off the field, I want to see us grow as a community club, but ultimately I want to see more bums on seats. We can do all those wonderful things through the Foundation and help community projects like Start Up Stirling and Ukrainian Refugees, I want to see us at the forefront of all that, but at the same time we should be looking at growing the support and the footprint that we have around the Forth Valley area. This takes time, however a 1 team City club run right, why can we not aim to have the same level of home support as St.johnstone, Hamilton or maybe even a Dunfermline, Falkirk, Morton or Ayr do within the next 10 years?? It will take lots of work to do that, but getting in about the youth now and improving alot of what we already do....tapping into the Junior Academy, the 1945 crew, school projects more, is the key to achieveing this. I didn't like the trouble that the 1945 crew brought with them, however I do like the fact that these were young lads engaging with the club and that's a must for me. I also want to see the business grow, I know we don't own Forthbank or the area that surrounds it but we can still make money off it and still make money as a club through it. A better youth Development programme as well, the club should be an avenue for local players to get into the pro-game if they are good enough, that's not been the case. The lack of youngsters who have established themselves as First Team players shows that. Who have we had over the last 10 years......Ross McGeachie, Kyle Banner, Lee Hamilton and Cammy Binnie are the only ones that really spring to mind. Others have had spells and have faded away, but when you look at the amount of youngsters that are in the Junior Academy, plus those that play for Milton, Riverside, Cowie and even further afield in Alloa, Larbert, Denny etc etc, is it over ambitious to expect at least 1 youth player coming through every couple of seasons....I don't think it is, especially when you consider how many pro players from the area come through elsewhere. I know the Junior Academy have a link with Rangers, but these things should work both ways. Again, in the long term, I see no reason why we can't achieve this, youngsters will find their natural position, but they need to be nourished.
  23. I honestly don't think he has, and I would throw Hardie into that as well. I'm not saying that is right or wrong but I genuinely think there are going to be no surprises in Clarke's squad in recalls etc etc. He'll pick from lads that were involved during the qualifiers, yes he'll give people chances to get into the squad or get back into the squad but I don't think he'll do that at a major final, Fraser and the likes will simply have to continue impressing until the Nation League kicks off. The caveat to that is of course injuries, or if a player that he just can't resist makes himself available. I do suspect if Barnes approaches him and says he's up for it, that Clarke will take him into the fold during the friendlies if he has a space in the squad in his own head., but out with that, I just can't see him doing it personally.
  24. Stirling Albion have announced that Aaron Dunsmore has left the club and has subsequently been loaned to Bonnyrigg Rose until the end of the season. I think you have a good addition to your squad. He can play Right Back or Right Wing....think he has played more centrally at some point but he's been there and done it at this level (more than once) and will add some dig and some creativity to your team I'm sure.
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