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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. Im not disputing that he's played very well the last few games and may be one of our best players. But to suggest he has been consistently good is a bit silly. He used to be the guy that ran really fast and then lost the ball. He was a regular target of the shouty folk amongst our support.
  2. He's not really though, is he? He's literally had 3 or 4 good post-injury games.
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/vafsearle/status/1214256012598759424?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1214256012598759424&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.rangersmedia.co.uk%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcore%26module%3Dsystem%26controller%3Dembed%26url%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fvafsearle%2Fstatus%2F1214256012598759424%3Fs%3D19
  4. Can only assume this means that McInnes will be swapping eyebleedery for swashbucklery in the second half of the season.
  5. The fans still waiting outside the stadium will have been more entertained.
  6. Who's got the burnie spud now, lads? Surely not Die Berühmten?!?
  7. I'm definitely up for the salary cap and drafting system. Only problem is that it would need to be changed on a global level to work. And Fifa are never going to agree to it, so it will necessitate a new global football organisation - which will probably need to emanate from the USA. Which isn't entirely out of the question, really....
  8. Wtf is this pish? You’ve got a thread already. Return to it, pretty plz
  9. Just back from a weekend in Northern Ireland, where the beers are very reasonably priced. All the way down the road, dreading having to fork out a week’s wage for a few tinnies in Dublin. Get to Tesco... 4 Heineken for €9... 4 Guinness for €7.50 4 Rockshore... don’t even check the price of that pish. What’s this I see here? Brand new, never sold before in my local Tesco, 4 packs of Super T... and it’s €4. Four... fucking... euros. That’s a fucking scandalous price for booze in Dublin. God bless that big yellow hoor of a beer. God bless her.
  10. So the whole of Scotland has to put up with the unfair balance of finances in Scottish football, and you c**** can’t even boost the national coefficient?! Absolute sh*tebags.
  11. It’s not class warfare, mate. It’s just social progress.
  12. Sorry buddy, that’s just not correct. The last few republican marches have been completely lambasted in Dublin, and consisted almost entirely of people bussed in from Co. Derry (in fact, during the last march, normal Dubliners were openly shouting at the marchers to get out the fecking way so the traffic could start moving again). There are a few pubs in the north side of Dublin where people sing republican songs, but they’re not the sort of person who could by any means be considered the ‘normal majority’. Your average person in dublin is incredibly scathing of Ulster - there is an i
  13. I’m very curious about the red dot, Antony. In my experience, most Irishmen don’t know revel songs, mockingly suggest that they wouldn’t vote for a united Ireland and increasingly ignore Celtic in favour of English teams. Where’s your issue?
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