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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Good post. I like the fact you managed to do this without hysterically insulting me or getting irrationally triggered by me stating my opinion. This next part is the fun part though.. I don't believe that the results of Brexit have materially changed the question or perhaps they have but this was always a potential outcome. When we had the vote in 2014 we were well aware of the rise of UKIP and well aware that in future general elections an EU referendum may be offered in a manifesto by Labour or Tories. (I actively wanted them to do so.) So when we had the debates in 2014 the EU question and debate has retrospectively been changed to one where Conservatives apparantly guaranteed indefinitely remaining in the EU rather than saying that IF SI were to happen that they would have to reapply to join the EU. We all knew this at the time and we knew there was the potential that the UK would vote on this going forward so when I chose to vote against SI i was fully conscious if the UK were to vote for something in the future then i am consenting at that point to vote as part of the UK. The thing that irks me with this discussion the most is when you ask SI supporters if the Conservatives tricked THEM in 2014 re the EU and they all say "of course not" so I don't know who this great deception actually happened to? I also believe it's an argument taken up by people being insincere, would these people actually be content if the UK had remained and would they have stopped pushing for Indy? Of course not! So the idea that these same people are so put out about the EU that we need to have a referendum for their sake doesn't strike me as a sincere argument. Lastly, I know a lot of people that were Remainers that at the same time would definitely not want the break up of the UK on top of that no matter how much they hated the thought of Brexit. Having said all of that, as stated above I wouldn't be against a referendum through SNP majority if the UK government allows it so the whole Brexit issue isn't that much of a big deal.
  2. If you highlight the part I may be able to explain. Aye if the SNP get a majority then they're within their rights to go for one, I'm not someone that's going to kick up a fuss over that however... if Big Bojo also says they can't have one on the basis of the 2014 vote then I'll also accept that position, whilst having sympathy for sincere Indy supporters..
  3. I'm still laughing at your cretin post
  4. Do you think people may answer questions on these polls slightly differently if there was a referendum on the table? I don't have a choice in the matter, if there is a referendum I'll do my part, if there isn't I'll stay content like I am now.
  5. People that use the Brexit argument to support their reasoning for having another referendum are being intellectually dishonest as in they know better they're using it to suit their agenda rather than as a sincere point. A cretin... brilliant
  6. I don't think we should constantly have referendums. Why should we have one? Okay, thanks for that, is there a bit in particular you're struggling to understand? You want to know why I find some of the naive optimism funny or you want to know why I don't care too much for the debate until there's a referendum on the table?
  7. I wouldn't define being confident that polls have little value without a referendum on the table as pinning my hopes on technicalities tbf. I don't think there's much to sincerely engage with at the moment. I don't think there should be a referendum any time soon and I believe it's insincere, bad faith arguments that people make regarding the issue (Brexit being the most intellectually dishonest) or the reasoning for having one at any point in the near future, if there was a referendum on the table then I would engage with the debate and process, until then I'll happily laugh at the celebration of polls and enjoy some of the naive optimism shown in this thread.
  8. After now being in a job where I work from home I've watched Headhunters 3 days in a row now. Hosted by Martyn Waghorn too which is nice and staunch. I enjoy the premise, the embarrassment you'd feel when you get low bids would be devastating.
  9. How many polls is it to be won when the next referendum gets triggered btw? I'm not very clued up on that part of the debate.
  10. Just tell someone else that you know will call the police, you don't have to worry about directly betraying your poor misunderstood friend and you also don't have to worry about him killing people due to his selfish antics.
  11. This thread is in it's early days. I want to hear what were some of the best heads gone or DECE posts of the year that I will have missed, if there was any at least.
  12. She also managed to sexually harass 50 Cent and say the n word to him all in one.
  13. If you delete system 32 on your computer it stops you getting such pop ups. Handy wee trick.
  14. Anyone paying off their mortgage in the next few days then?
  15. That's what I'm wondering. My dog is blind and he hasn't had a long long walk since or been let off the lead, kinda feel guilty but he is a bit older now anyway. Gets a daily walk just not a muddy walk or a swim or anything.
  16. I thought a lot of other sub sections are doing one of these so it's only fair we have one in the heavy weight... gladiatorial... intellectual arena that is the P&B Politics Forum. The rules are very simple. Who's posts have you enjoyed this year and who's have you not? Is there any memorable moments? Do you want to pour out some Whisky for your fallen comrades? Of course I've only posted here in the past few months so I'm expecting I'll have missed a lot of good content and contribution from people. (Trolls need not apply.) I've opted for 3 categories, very catch all. Apologies if I've forgotten anyone and your ego is deflated, feel free to request so and I can put you in the list. Top Tier Content Creators - @MixuFruit @ICTChris @NotThePars @The_Kincardine Room for improvement, yet also space for regression - @welshbairn @Henderson to deliver ..... @John Lambies Doos @Gordon EF @Glen Sannox @Thistle_do_nicely @Aufc @DeeTillEhDeh Deplorable Reprobates, most likely incels - @Day of the Lords @Antlion @JMDP
  17. When I was a kid I used to visit 4chan and there were incel types and as a kid I naively thought it was all some big self deprecating satirical joke, fast forward 15 years and they're actually getting charged and engaging in terrorism. The Pepe the frog documentary was an eye opener for me that some people are actually that proudly unhinged. Also the fact that they don't pretend they're asexual and instead go for INVOLUNTARY celibate blows my mind. Imagine actually describing yourself as involuntary celibate..
  18. I'd put you in my "not a weirdo" bracket on here but I'm afraid I don't get it.
  19. Good post overall but this part isn't exactly a fair evaluation, the distancing from the previous leader was totally necessary in the eyes of the electorate and the more he drags Labour back to centre ground then the more votes they will actually win.
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