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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Just finished Detroit - I'm going to have to spend the rest of the night finding out all the other options.
  2. Been playing through Detroit Being Human for the first time lately. Nearing the end, I think... the game is pleasantly surprisingly long. Brilliant game I'd love to play it again to try and not f**k up everything but don't think I have it in me.
  3. So yoons are British Nationalists then? I'm getting conflicting answers here, I just want to know if I identify as one or not.
  4. 1. False 2. Ahah, you're one of "those guys" 3. Aye, very good, a nice attempt at moving away from the backup dancing and getting to twerk at the front of the stage but you failed your audition, it just wasn't funny enough, plenty of spitefullness but not enough funnies... back to the bench and please contact DOTL for some tips on how you could improve and become a valuable member of the circle jerk.
  5. His avatar looks like the sketch they drew for the Madeline Mcann suspect.
  6. No I dont. I down vote your posts when I see them and I don't like them. I've got people that click on my profile daily and down vote everything I've said on any part of the forum. Oh for sure you can tell you take your time with them. Congrats.
  7. Is it immoral to work for them, asking for a friend?
  8. Anyway back to the topic. Will anyone admit to voting before 2020 on the poll in the OP?
  9. The problem I have with you is you barely counter anything yet go about daily down voting my posts in other sections of the forum but more importantly your display picture looks like an artist impression of a suspected sexual deviant.
  10. You don't actually talk like that do you?
  11. So I should buy regular spiderman then if I enjoy it get morales?
  12. What's an easy way to post a video from my phone?
  13. I'm British btw. Please don't try and diminish my voice by labelling me as English.
  14. You can tell we're doing well considering this is the first time I've seen a Rangers thread predominantly filled with Rangers fans. Long may it continue. Who could we all get next round? Does us coming first mean we avoid the "glamour" games?
  15. Just got my PS5 through the door. Waiting til Christmas to crack it open, I'm going to get Valhalla, Fifa, Cyberpunk to start with, thinking about spiderman, I haven't played one for years, can someone explain to me if Miles Morales is a separate game or the latest one? I thought it was a spin off or something.
  16. Thankfully it's just on Zoom so I left audio and made a mental note to never engage with that person going forward. Similar levels to Drinkypoos...actually after having typed that the latter is far worse..
  17. This referee is really slowing down the game considering he's offering free kicks for failing to pull down your opponents by the shirt. Lovely finish, suitable for a potential £1M goal. Patterson has looked bright and I've been impressed a lot with the big man in goals since he arrived. Looking for a bit more from the SPIDAH and Zungu.
  18. Going to be strange watching us without Roofe or Morelos. Big game for Itten who I think is a player. Hoping Hagi can have a good game and build up some confidence.
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