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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Fair enough, I was confident of the fact Rangers would do well this year and knew especially after the transfer window that we had the better squad, especially after being robbed of the chance of actually winning the league last year, I know others that thought similar, you can speak about other people being surprised Rangers are good right now but I don't think it's come as a surprise to many Rangers fans.
  2. Also for what it's worth I don't think the celtc board are keeping Lennon to spite their moronic fans, I think that theory sounds nice but it's unlikely the case. Also I want to dispel this idea that Rangers form is unexpected or should come as some big surprise..
  3. I think it's more the lack of seeing a credible long term replacement that's their issue. Who is taking the job now, I'm sure they will get someone decent next summer but no credible manager would take the job now and surely it's not in their mid term interests to shell out on some Martin O Neil or Strachan stopgap considering they will be expecting a loss of income over the next few years as the folding of the pack of cards occurs.
  4. Aye I did think 5 but then thought that's a bit mental so stuck with 4! I remember him running round the stadium with his tounge out right enough. Yeah it must be said those years for me when I was going to the games before admin were very enjoyable looking back, the Dundee United games were always the big ones aside from Celtc and Aberdeen. We had a horrendous record at Tannadice for quite a while and I always enjoyed the games. Da Marcus Beazles scored quite the peach at your ground in one of our best streaks of those years.
  5. Close to being my most memorable game. I remember for the Boyd game he bagged 4 goals and there was the Bougherra goal of the season all in one game. I remember it so well because I was a teenager and I'd been left home alone for a couple of weeks, I'd spent all my money other than a fiver and foolishly after walking around in just my Rangers top all day failed to realise after the 3 hour journey it would be dark and very cold in Glasgow... I had the choice of a burger or a scarf and i ended up buying a scarf and tucking it under my top to stay warm.
  6. Those that understand, understand, those that don't understand. Don't matter. WATP
  7. What's funny to me since I've been back is seeing posters like yourself and Norman outside of the BRALT as I recall I argued with you in their a lot but you were definitely one of the nicer posters. Could be wrong but... And back on topic. Anyone listen to SSB tonight? I caught the first two callers. It was delightful.
  8. Yesss. Thank you. He was someone I found particularly annoying when I posted more frequently back in the day. Probably around the Shay Logan time tbf. Was he banned or did he just get bored?
  9. Wasn't him, the guy I mean used to post frequently probably a couple of years ago, like all over the board. My memory is terrible so I've probably made up the avatar part.
  10. Your usage of such Sevco type patter could say the same about yourself.
  11. A lot of wrong uns on this place yet anytime I mention their existence it's tumbleweed. Delicious.
  12. So this is what happened with Norman fter the BRALT..
  13. Trouble in paradise. Are we the baddies picture anyone?
  14. Who was the one who had a Samaras avatar and used to post loads, tried to give off the impression of being intelligent and would constantly stick up for the green brigade's political ventures?
  15. The ones from the actual referendum.
  16. Itten is a good player, Defoe doing what Defoe does. Happy with that, thought this would be a lot closer.
  17. You can laugh at what you want, the emojis just look a bit weird. Stick to the daft wee *** line and the twerking.
  18. Where? You're such a back up dancer btw. Certainly one of those obviously not very bright posters. You can tell even your pro Indy pals on here cringe when you try and get involved.
  19. I'm prouder that we saw through the Independence nonsense back in 2014 as the Scots are a canny bunch.
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