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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Once again they are promoting the fact that Bartley is just what Hibs are missing. Wonder if this has anything to do with him appearing on the show a few times... Kenny Miller calling Ian McCall “gaffer” on the radio is utterly tragic too. Football is the worst at times.
  2. Funny that a deflected late goal has now turned an decent enough performance from Hickey (nothing exceptional) into him being the right back solution for Scotland. Hearts fans love a sweeping exaggeration.
  3. Cove are a very different side now to be fair. Shipped out a lot of the bullies and much more of a footballing side.
  4. Stirling Uni v Linlithgow would just be an awful shout. What interest would this game hold with anyone? I’m all for showing the pick of the round but that tie is far from it. Assume you have some connection with Stirling Uni to come up with such a wild suggestion.
  5. No surprise to see Eric Watson up to his old tricks again. The guy is a thug and a coward.
  6. Cove will beat Talbot with ease because they have better players and a competent manager.
  7. Interesting to hear that a series of Taggart was based on the 68 Pars cup winning side. I’d also be interested to know the name of the character that was based on Bent Martin...
  8. Agree with the above. They shouldn't get a points deduction though, Clyde only got deducted the points they accrued and, while it isn't the same offence, you would expect some consistency.
  9. Good draw for Cowdenbeath. Should get through that comfortably. Should.
  10. Good draw for us. We should be getting through that comfortably.
  11. Hopefully they are able to pronounce all of the names during the draw. Not much to ask.
  12. Mulraney’s crossing is hilarious. Exactly the type of shite goal that is befitting of Hearts there.
  13. Was there actually a minutes silence for Ricksen? That’s strange. You’ll literally have minutes silences every week if that’s what clubs are doing. What about the Cowden eh?
  14. The Haka is the most cringeworthy thing in world sport. An absolute minter. Rugby is shite and for c***s as well.
  15. #respect to the majority of Saints fans on here for having their feelings on the subject. I’d hope all Scottish fans feel the same.
  16. Sad to see someone turn into a troll. Real shame.
  17. Are Queens Park still amateurs but play professional players? Asking for a friend.
  18. Don’t be ridiculous, it’s clearly a dinosaur enclosure. John Hammond with the design for a Meadowbank Park!
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