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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Save me going hunting. What’s the distances for each?
  2. Hopefully get along on Saturday as I won’t be up north. Three points would mean it’s been a very positive start to the season, shame Barry Smith isn’t still at Brechin for this one.
  3. “No football fan should wake up and find their club is gone” can only assume this is a wind up? Clubs shouldn’t be allowed to build up massive debts like the majority of English clubs seems to be doing. I hope more of them go, sum up what those leagues have become. Blackburn won’t be too far away.
  4. That is quite a lot, Gaz. I’ve a 4 day split, horizontal press/pull, vertical press/pull, legs and then disco pump (arms). Vertical: Standing push press (4x5), pull up (4x5) Arnold press (3x10), wide grip lat pull down (10x3), side raises (3x10), front raises (3x10). Horizontal: Dumbell/bar bench press (4x8 or 3x10), one arm dumbbell row (same), incline press (3x10), bet over row (3x10), close grip lat pull down (3x10), cable flies (3x10) Legs: Squats (normally 5x6), walking lunges (3x10 per leg), leg extension (3x10), hamstring curl (3x10) Disco pump: Close grip bench press (3x10), seated one arm curls (3x10), spider curls (3x10), incline bicep curl (3x10), skull crushers (3x10), rope pushdown (3x10). Throw in seated row, leg press, seated chest press, deadlift/hex if I have time and the machines or areas are available. Usually do a 7 minute core exercise at the start of the odd session too. Really sacked cardio recently which is bad.
  5. Only go to brag to the rest of their pals at the accountancy firm about how they had a can of beer on the train at 11am and how the atmosphere was amazing.
  6. True, just mean in the grand scheme of things normally a player that’s unfit, only starts 27 games for you and goes off to the East of Scotland league wouldn’t be so popular or fondly remembered but it couldn’t be said for him.
  7. Sheerin has been appointed Craigroyston manager. Has there been such a universally popular player that’s played so little? Goes with everyone’s best wishes I’m sure. Top lad.
  8. Yup, variations of those 3 are the 1/2 I enjoy. Push press for 5 reps then 5 pull ups. Do that 4 times as a superset then Arnold press 3x10.
  9. I went and had a look based on the comment above and didn’t know that was his name. Someone is digging up old tweets of his. He’s a massive attention seeker so deserves it.
  10. Plus tickets that are valid for 30 days on some routes. It would be nigh impossible to implement.
  11. I got all excited talking about Scotrail. What number do you cap the tickets at? If you cap tickets you will be stopping people from travelling even at times when it is quieter.
  12. What number though? So people that want to buy a day return at travel in the afternoon will not be able to get tickets either AND be accounted in your calculation for even though they have already travelled?
  13. Feel I have piled the weight on post holiday and then a long weekend. Only 1/2kg up but lost all definition. As an aside, I have never really set myself a bench target - mainly as I do dumbbell press more than bar and not comfortable maxing out without a spotter. Struggling to get past 34's though (4x8 or 3x10) - superset with one arm rows with the same weight. Anyone got any shoulder exercises they enjoy? I love shoulders but bored of 1/2 my workout.
  14. While I agree with the latter how the hell do you "stop selling tickets". Thousands of people will have purchased day returns in the morning, it isn't like everyone will be turning up for a train at 10pm without a ticket.
  15. A large % of the 30/40 will be friends and family you would imagine. Agreed with the comments about journalists etc all jumping on the WC to promote themselves while clearly not giving a toss about the game beyond big tournaments.
  16. It isn't about being deemed good enough, Junior football is on it's arse with a handful of teams that aren't woeful. They operate a completely different system for disciplinary, for registration and everything that goes with it. I would bin them out the Scottish Cup as well, fwiw.
  17. What relevance does that have? We have an amateur team in the Scottish Cup as well, should be invite a load of them into the Challenge Cup too?
  18. "How is it *insert time either close to the end of the day or lunch time* already?!" Always said by c***s that pretend to be busy buy actually do sod all. Anyone heard saying this should be minced and fed to small mammals.
  19. Imagine thinking Juniors clubs would be more appealing that non-Scottish sides. Aside from the fact Juniors should be no where near any SPFL competition. Good shout though, apart from everything you have said.
  20. Twitter is basically unusable now. Filled with tweets other people like and accounts other people follow. Become pointless aside from getting SPFL news. That Sean McDonald boy seems a total p***k as well.
  21. How can Dundee fans be so rattled over, what appears to be, a throwaway tweet. Strange bunch.
  22. Never actually had Hendricks Gin but I could spot a bog standard Gordon's at the first sip as it basically isn't strong enough to taste of anything. This. Hendricks tastes very different as well. If anyone dare serve me a Hendricks without a slice of cucumber and Fever Tree tonic it would ruin my night I tell you.
  23. Genuine question, after all the attention the WC got does anyone know if domestic attendances have increased at all? I’m going to guess not based on what I see on Twitter. Everyone that was ‘really into’ the game hasn’t said a peep about the women's season.
  24. Yeah it’s poor but Australia’s review just before it was equally poor. It was always missing leg stump. Lyons missing that stumping was also abysmal. How good is Warner in the slip though. He no Collingwood/Waugh at point but an unreal fielder.
  25. Totally agree that Stokes was phenomenal but he needed someone to hang in with him. He needed Leach to leave balls, duck balls and play with a straight bat. Test cricket can not be topped. That had everything. Australia fucked it big time. What I also love about cricket, over football, is that the umpires have been absolutely abysmal however a big deal isn’t made. They make genuine mistakes but in football it’s over analysed and the spotlight is fully on them.
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