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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Why would anyone directly reply to that abysmal attempt at trolling. It’s not even remotely humorous or clever.
  2. Is this the same one that was at Cowden briefly? Went on to play for Haddington Athletic?
  3. Sorry but this is garbage. Stewart carries the ball, retains possession and generally gets you up the pitch. May chases loose balls and hassles defenders. In a 4-4-2 you’d rather have May than Stewart against 10 of the 11 opposition teams you face? If that’s generally your answer then football isn’t the sport for you my man. Talking defensively, simply running about a lot is not as effective as retaining possession. If the ball sticks you don’t need to run about as much.
  4. You on about TC here? He was my Chemistry teacher at school briefly - loved his football.
  5. Kelty are a well run club who deserve much better than their manager swanning off during an important stage of the season.
  6. “the_bully_wee” having a very bad night on here. Actually embarrassed for him.
  7. Edinburgh City outbid Dumbarton for players, it’s clear that’s true. I don’t understand why fans get so upset when other fans claim (accurately) that they have some players on decent wages. Like it’s some sort of insult. Very strange lower league fan behaviour. You won’t care what you’re spending when you win the league but don’t pretend it’s a fairytale story. Montrose last year massively increased spending but still did very well, it’s allowed!
  8. The guys actions were vile and he deserves everything he gets, I’d rather types like him weren’t involved in football. Where do you draw the line though? Who is and isn’t allowed? Also, define ‘spectator sport’ as amateur football can be such. Are people like Declan Gallacher who tried to kill someone allowed? Football stinks, as long as someone is a good player then morals are gone.
  9. ‘Civil not criminal’. ‘Education’. ‘Not very bright’. ‘Read up on the case’. ‘Remorseful’. ‘Not proven’. That’s my bingo card for the responses.
  10. Yeah it is, right next to the old Scotland Street tunnel. Quite interesting actually. Still a park there and not too far to walk from town.
  11. Back on topic (slightly) have you been down to St Bernard’s old ground in the New Town at all?
  12. He’s not worth even debating with. Pulls out the same patter about education time and time again. A complete idiot who thinks he’s an intellectual.
  13. That looks a great sports facility but an abhorrent place to watch football.
  14. I thought he came across very well on the show., quite humorous and very knowledgeable. Far better than Cowan or Cosgrove.
  15. I didn’t say he would be. I said if it was a bad one he would be out of the season. Looks likely it will be a couple of months, at least, anyway so it was hardly a ‘wind up’.
  16. It’s a surprise to no one that Flannery still acts like a tube.
  17. While it may not be the point people are making surely everyone would *rather* we qualified via the traditional method as that will mean we will have won a decent amount of matches thus climbed the rankings. In reality no one really cares as long as we get there but if you were offered a choice - which seems should be the overall point.
  18. The point is though Bain is in the squad and he’s younger than Clark so the point he’s making with regards to Clark is bullshit. I’m not really sure how much experience being a third choice keeper will really get you in these sorts of games. Is Kelly still eligible for the 21s?
  19. Am I right in saying Stuart ‘intellectual’ Cosgrove said that Zander Clark should be in that Scotland squad instead of Bain as Scotland are promoting the use of youth players and having 3 goalkeepers over the age of 32 makes no sense. Where to start?
  20. Someone had one too many strepsils last night.
  21. Jesus did not expect that response. That is literally what the SFA sent him to get a scan for. It may be turn out to be nothing but that’s why he got sent for a scan.
  22. Rumoured to be a torn tendon. If it’s bad it could be the season.
  23. Isn't just the travel, the lack of decent pubs around the ground is mighty annoying as well. Meadowbank was close enough to Easter Road etc which is a great area for pints.
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